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Nothing could stop her from bolting forward. Not even the six inch heels that matched her dress perfectly and most certainly not the instructions Reno had given her.

"Just stay put, until it's time for you to go onstage." He had said to her.

That plan was out the window the second she laid sights on the green eyed boy. Her mentor, that she never thought she'd see again. But, wasn't he so much more than that?

Cordelia had opened her arms, planning to throw herself into his before he place his hands on her shoulders to keep a distance between them. A sting shocked through her chest.

"Shh, shh, they might be recording us," He carefully whispered the warning, and it took her a second to understand.Why couldn't she hug him, when she had hugged everyone else. Of course, there was no rumors flying around about an inappropriate relationship between her and the members of her prep team, or her escort. Of course. She really couldn't be mad at him for trying to protect them both, "we don't have alot of time before you're due onstage."

"Finnick I-"

"Cordelia, I need you to listen to me very carefully," Finnick cut her off, his voice shaky and his expression one of panic, "there going to show the highlights of your games, that's what they call them anyway. You're gonna have to relive alot of things you probably almost couldn't get through the first time but, it's not supposed to be sad. They're expecting you to be proud of the things you've done."

She could remember seeing other victors in the past go through the same exact thing. She remembered watching him on the exact stage just five years ago. He had always been really good at hiding his emotions, at least since she had known him. Had he always been that way, or did that sort of knowledge come with the life of a victor?

"I- alright?" She rushed out, his tone worrying her slightly more than anything else. The reality was that neither of them had slept properly since before the games had began, the exhaustion just now catching up with them.

"I know you can do this, and we'll be able to see each other- really talk after but, I'll be right on the stage. If you can't look at the screen, I want you to look at me, okay?" Finnick finally smiled, but it was more sad and apologetic than any of the other ones she had recieved since she had woken up that morning.

Cordelia responded with nothing but a nod, warranting him to let her out of his grip and back to the stage marker they had put out for her.

"Lia," Her head turned fast at the nickname, his smile struggling as it became more genuine, "you've already come this far, and I knew you could. Just get through tonight."

She didn't have time to respond before he was whisked away.

Just get through tonight.

There was a small screen to her right feeding the image that was displayed on the cameras that broadcasted throughout the Capitol, as well as every screen throughout all twelve of the districts. Caesar looked the same as always, except his hair and matching tux and brows were now an emerald green instead of the blue it had been the first time she sat with him. She wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying, she was more focused on trying to fix her face. Reno had spent sometime coaching her on the way to the back of the stage but, she was having trouble remembering all of the steps. Whatever he was spewing into his microphone had the crowd amped up, their faces as smiley and oblivious as she had remembered.

Cordelia was able to understand the host beginning to introduce the people who had 'been there along the way', the people she supposed she was meant to owe her victory to. Olympia was first. She came on from the side of the stage, -Cordelia able to recognize the entrance from when she had her first interview- dressed in a long sleeved dress that was the same shade of purple as her bob, which was now curled in a way that was messy but stylish. The gown reached the floor, hugging her body in a tight embrace all the way down. Her pale face was painted to perfection, her glittery eyelids shimmering under the lights, and her lips pitch black. She smiled proudly, waving wildly to the thousands of people screaming and applauding just for her presence.

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