Chapter 13

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A/N:HEY! Guess who finally got out of writer's block? Me lol

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A/N:HEY! Guess who finally got out of writer's block? Me lol. Anyway, enjoy this chapter :).

It was yet another day in Skyros. I didn't want to be here, after all that had happened... Sometimes during the past few days I have been trying to imagine what could have been if we had not left Pelion, if that war never started in the first place. But it was pointless, it had started and now because of my mother's decisions we ended up here. I still haven't fully prossesed all that has happened in the last few days. It also seemed oddly suspicious to me, how no one had tried to recruit me and Achilles yet. We were the best of the Greeks, they knew them loosing the war would be inevitable if we didn't join. I had this feeling they wouldn't just leave us be.
That day, during breakfast, Lycomedes mentioned Deidamia would be visiting an aunt of hers. I felt sorry for her, I truly did but I had way too much problems of my own at that point to think about her.
The lunch bell rang. I met Patroclus in the hallways and we walked to the main hall together.
"I spoke to someone today"he tells me as we are walking.
"Who?" I asked
"A man, his name is Odysseus. He approached me, we small-talked a little and then he asked me if I would like to join the war"
"He must be sent by Agamemnon" I knew they wouldn't leave us be
"You think so?" He looked worried, this was what we hoped wouldn't happen.
"Well, if he is an important guest I am pretty sure we are soon going to find that out"
As we entered the great hall in the dining table were Lycomedes and two other man, one a bit taller that the other.
"Is he here?"I whispered to Patroclus
"The shorter one" he informed me. He was dressed with fine clothes and so was the man next to him, their clothes implied they were most likely royals.
"Chironeides, princess Alcippe" Lycomedes acknowledged our arrival
"Odysseus, king of Ithaca" he introduced the man Patroclus spoke of
"Princess Alcippe of Phthia and her friend, they came to visit us" he said introducing us.
"You're a king?" Patroclus and kneeled to show respect, I bowed. Odysseus bowed his head, meeting my gaze for a moment. His eyes were a light brown colour. King Lycomedes should have made a better excuse as to why I was here, they were obviously here for me and my brother. Me just "visiting" this court surely convinced them Achilles should be there also.
"He is and so am I" the slightly taller man spoke.
"King Diomedes of Argos" he introduced the man and then added "a comrade of Odysseus"
"I am honored to meet you"I said to both of them ,bowing again.
They said they were glad to meet me too and then Lycomedes suggested we eat. We sat down and we were joined by some of his counselors. Me and Patroclus exchanged some looks.
"How is Ithaca?" Lycomedes asked Odysseus politely.
"It's pretty well, thank you. I left my wife and son there in good health" he answered. I mostly trying to disociate myself from the conversation and enjoy my meal but I payed attention to it.
"Ask him about his wife" Diomedes suggested, a goading edge to his voice.
"His favourite story is how he met her. I am almost certain everyone he's ever met had to endure hearing the entire thing" I had to stop myself from not laughing. We all stopped eating to listen.
"That's quite surprising " I spoke with a curious voice.
"Most men barely even acknowledge their wives, let alone talk of them often"
He let out a soft laugh. "Well, as you said, princess. Most men not all" I rolled my eyes. I was almost sure he would say that. I don't think he was different than the majority of them. But who knows? Maybe marriages built on love are existent.
"So how did you meet your wife, king of Ithaca?" Lycomedes asked.
A/N: sorry but if you don't ship Oddly and Penny I don't trust you. If you ship him with Circe or someone else you don't seem trustworthy enough to me. I am Greek and basically grew up with Odysseus's adventures being my bedtime stories, I have been shipping them since childhood lol.
Odysseus smiled faintly, reminiscing on the start of what seemed to be a great love but I doubted great love existed.
"Kind of you to ask"he spoke "When Tyndareus sought a husband for his daughter Helen
suitors came from basically every kingdom. Including me. I am sure you remember"
"I was already married, I didn't go" Lycomedes said
"Yes and these are too young to know about this whole thing I am afraid" he looked over to me and Patroclus tossing us a smile.
"I was very fortunate, to arrive first. The king invited me to dine with his family, his two daughters and his niece, Penelope" there was a certain way he said her name I can't describe it.
"Invite?Is that what you call it when you hide to spy on someone, I wonder" Diomedes scoffed.
"I am sure the king of Ithaca would never do such a thing" Lycomedes forwened
"Unfortunately that's exactly what I did. But I am glad you have faith in me"
He offered Lycomedes a genial smile. "It was Penelope who caught me, actually. Said she had been watching me for over an hour and thought she should step in before I hit the thornbush. Naturally, there was some awkwardness about it, but Tyndareus eventually came around and asked me to stay. In the course of dinner, I came to see that Penelope was twice as clever as her cousins and just as beautiful. So-"

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