Chapter 18

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A/N: really small chapter ahead.

A/N: really small chapter ahead

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The next day we left Phthia. Me and my brother wore matching purple cloaks.
I remember, before I left the palace I looked at it for a second as if to permanently have a picture of it in my memory. I might never come her again. I might never see this beach again. So did Achilles when we embraced our father. At least l had a chance of seeing him again, he surely wouldn't. But as the people say, the glory is worth it. That was what Odysseus and Diomedes said to persuade us anyway. I wonder what my father would think if he knew that his only son will be lost and he will only be left with me.
Our ship, I believe was finer than Odysseus'. And beside it, fifty-nine others, beautifully decorated.
Me and Achilles went first, then Phoenix who's arm was held by Patroclus to steady the old man's steps. The people cheered for us and for our soldiers, filling into their own ships. All around us final promises were shouted: of glory, of the gold that would be stripped and brought home from Priam’s rich city.
My father stood at the shore’s edge, one hand raised in farewell. 

The ship’s boards were still sticky with new resin. We leaned over the railing to wave our last farewell, the sun-warm wood pressed against our bellies. The sailors heaved up the anchor, square and chalky with barnacles, and loosened the sails. Then they took their seats at the oars that fringed the boat like eyelashes, waiting for the count. The drums began to beat, and the oars lifted and fell, taking us to Troy.

A/N: a bit of this part is written by Madeline Miller so credits to her.

Time passed quickly while on board and before we knew it we were only a day or two away from Aulis -a small piece of land that is our first stop-. It was night, the sky as clear as water in springs, with stars shinning above us.
While dinner was being prepared by the crew, me by brother, Patroclus and the captain were standing at the bow of the ship laughing at a joke the captain said. At some point later Patroclus left our company said he has to attend to something, I at first thought nothing of it and continued to pay attention to the conversation we were having.
A crew member informed us that everything was almost ready and I noticed that he was still not back. I excused myself and walked towards the stairs that led to the interior aiming to check on him. As I walked towards the cabins, my steps made cracking noises against the wooden floor. "Patroclus?"I called.
"Down here" I head him say.
Turns out he was hiding in a little corner, where he wouldn't be easily found.
He was hugging his knees, looking down until I got close enough and he lifted his gaze to look at me with a half smile.
A/N: Possibly triggering things ahead. I just think that what happened to Pat in Skyros is very overlooked. So if this might trigger you I highly suggest skipping until the next A/N.
I knew that incident in Skyros had some impact on him, as well as the news that my brother was destined to die in the war but I had no idea how much.
"What on earth are you doing here?" I asked leaning over him.
"Hiding from the world, I guess" he said shrugging his shoulders.
"I was worried." I said offering a comforting smile.
"I am well...I just have been thinking... about-"
"Achilles?" I guessed
"Mostly yes" he answered while I sat next him, after wiping any dust on the ground to not ruin my dress.
"I was looking at your father, and for a moment I thought about how about Achilles will look similar when he is old. But then I realized he will never be old." His voice sounded melancholic.
"His impending death is something that saddens me too, you know that. I believe the best we can do is accept it. It was his choice after all" I reminded him.
"I am trying, to accept it."
"But it is not exactly easy" he confessed.
I pressed my lips together, it was more than difficult in truth.
"And my thoughts have been occupied by what happened"
"In Skyros" I finished his sentence.
"I cannot seem to forget it, Alcippe. It lingers in my mind every day. It's like a piece of me is still there, a piece I will never be able to retrieve"
I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"Of course you will. You cannot possibly let a stupid fifteen year old girl ruin you. She has not ruined you. You will recover and you will laugh and you will be happy. Remember she is still in her bloody island, wasting her life away while we are going to Troy. We will be remembered." I stated
"She didn't deserve that life either" it surprised me how he was empathy for people was undying even those who hurt him.
"Perhaps not, not initially but she has no right to do that. Now we are going back up there we are gonna have dinner and we are gonna have a really good time" I smiled and after getting up I offered him my hand. Which I soon realized was a bit awkward and not suiting since there was no way I could help him get up. He got up chuckling a bit and I chuckled too.

A/N: Safe territory now.
"I am really greatful to have you" he said.
I simply smiled and blood probably rushed to my cheeks which I wish I could control and I for a moment I just stood there for a while thinking about what he had just said.
"After you, my princess" he said in a joking manner, he never called me that of course.
"Ofc course my humble servant" I said laughing.
I was the first to return on the deck.
"Patroclus?" Achilles asked.
"He is coming" I assured him. I assume he had become worried as well in our abscess.
And indeed he did come a minute after me. Dinner was truly enjoyable and it brought me immense joy to see him happy.
Even though I denied it, Deidamia was right about one thing. I do die inside every time I see them together. Though I would never wish to ruin their happiness, I could never stop noticing how perfect Patroclus' curls look when they almost cover his eyes and how his bright eyes have the colour of honey when exposed to the sun.


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