Chapter 14

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The room we entered had a few tapersties and five chairs

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The room we entered had a few tapersties and five chairs. I sat down with my back straight. The others sat down as well. I could see my brother's face tight with emotion.

“It was a trick,” he accused.

Odysseus was unperturbed. “You were clever in hiding yourself; we had to be cleverer still in finding you.”

"Your plan was indeed clever  but did it have to include humiliating my brother Infront of a whole court?" I was looking at them with hatred, my voice perhaps came out louder than I expected.

"That unfortunate incident couldn't have been avoided. It was necessary for the plan to work" Odysseus explained.
I rolled my eyes and then started at him. "Oh really?" I asked mockingly.
A/N: protective older sister vibes. (In case anyone doesn't remember she is the older twin.
"Alcippe-" Achilles looked at me.
"Now that you've found us. What do you want?" He turned to Odysseus and Diomedes.
"We want you to come to Troy,” Odysseus said.

“And if we do not want to come?”

“Then we make this known.” Diomedes lifted Achilles’ discarded dress.
I felt my cheeks flush with anger.
"This is outrageous" I tried to keep my voice calm but my tone was still shrewd.
They all looked at me.
"Not only did you shame my brother infront of everyone but now you threatening him"
I knew that just despite my rare privilege, I was still a woman. And my gender didn't allow me to speak. Perhaps I should not have been so speaking so openly today. But if I was going to take part in this war, I couldn't do it silently, I would not follow the orders of men blindly. I had a voice and I intend it to use it. Since I was little child, my mother encouraged me to do so.
A/N: Alexa play Mother's daughter by Miley Cyrus.

"Oh we are not just threatening him, this applies to you too, princess Alcippe. We need both of you to come in order for this not to be revealed. Besides, politics is a rough place, you should have known." Diomedes said.
of course, I thought they needed both of us in order for their victory to be secured.
"We do know that" I said in defence.

Achilles flushed as if he’d been struck. It was one thing to wear a dress out of necessity, another thing for the world to know of it. Our people reserved their ugliest names for men who acted like women; lives were lost over such insults.

Odysseus held up a restraining hand. “We are all nobles here and it should not have to come to such measures. I hope we can offer you happier reasons to agree. Fame, for instance. You will win much of it, if you fight for us.”

"There will be other wars" my brother pointed out.
“Not like this one,” said Diomedes. “This will be the greatest war of our people, remembered in legend and song for generations. You are a fool not to see it.”

“I see nothing but a cuckolded husband and Agamemnon’s greed.” Achilles spoke again.

"Then you are blind. What is more heroic than to fight for the honor of the most beautiful woman in the world, against the mightiest city of the East? Perseus cannot say he did so much, nor Jason. Heracles would kill his wife again for a chance to come along. We will master Anatolia all the way to Araby. We will carve ourselves into stories for ages to come.”

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