Chapter 20

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The events that took place the day we were supposed to start our journey leading to Troy and until we actually left are rather bizarre. I would say these months felt more than a fever dream.
I woke up that morning, covered in sweat. The air felt incredibly hot, warmer than it is in the middle of summer. I left my tent in hope of some cold breeze. But there was none. The air was as humid and warm outside as it was inside. Everything was still. There wasn't any air blowing, the waves were completely still. Something was definitely wrong. The weather was just fine the previous day. It seemed like someone important didn't want us to leave just yet. I quickly run and drunk a lot of water, that's how intense the heat was.
The next day was exactly the same, I unfortunately woke up in a pool of sweat again.
We thought they wind would come but it did  not come. Not that day, or that night, or the next day either. Agamemnon is forced to stand in the marketplace and announce further delay. As soon as the wind returns, we will leave, he promises us.

But the wind does not return. We are hot all the time, and the air feels like the blasts off a fire, scorching our lungs. We had never noticed how scalding the sand could be, how scratchy our blankets. Tempers fray, and fights break out. I, Achilles and Patroclus spend all our time in the sea, seeking the meager comfort it offers. I have missed swimming quite a lot. Since I have spend my childhood at sea it brings me great comfort, nostalgia even.

We decided we would speak to our mother, if it's the gods she would know. And indeed it was them as she informed us. But she wouldn't -couldn't- tell us who exactly.
A/N:the following passage is written by Madeline Miller

We go to Agamemnon. The king’s skin is red with heat-rash, and he is angry all the time—at the wind, at his restless army, at anyone who will give him an excuse for it. Achilles says, “You know my mother is a goddess.”

Agamemnon almost snarls his answer. Odysseus lays a restraining hand on his shoulder.

“She says the weather is not natural. That it is a message from the gods.”

Agamemnon is not pleased to hear it; he glowers and dismisses us.

A month passes, a weary month of feverish sleep and sweltering days. Men’s faces are heavy with anger, but there are no more fights—it is too hot. They lie in the dark and hate each other.

Another month. We are all, I think, going to go mad, suffocated by the weight of the motionless air. How much longer can this go on? It is terrible: the glaring sky that pins down our host, the choking heat we suck in with every breath. Even Achilles I ams Patroclus,  our tents with the all the different ways we found to spend our time feel winnowed and bare. When will it end?

A/N: Okay, no it's mine again. Tw: inc€est and subtle smut. Before I write the following I just gotta say I DO NOT support inc€est in ANY WAY. Whoever does should seek help. I just think that it was very common back then. I recommend skipping or the whole chapter if you aren't comfortable reading about that. Also Skip if you are younger than 15.

I suppose something in these two months that I should mention. A night that felt like a fever dream of it's own. I still refuse to believe it was true and not something I saw on my sleep.
It was night, most men had gone to sleep but I, Patroclus, Achilles and others were still outside near the coastline to try and escape the heat. It was almost the same inside as well but at least outside it was bearable. I suppose because we were thirsty we made the mistake of drinking quite a lot. My brother and Patroclus went to sleep before me,
Achilles was worried for me, especially in the state I was in so he made me promise I would return to my tent soon  -after I drunkenly explained to him that I can get there on my own and I don't need him to escort me-.
A/N: Achilles understands girl code tbh.
The others left one by one as the night progressed, I was two drunk to remember who they were exactly but probably other rulers and their companions.
Ajax was there too, Teucer had left after a few cups of wine. We ended up alone at some point. He offered to walk me to my tent. I honestly have no idea what gotten into me at that moment;
I grabbed his hand. He was kind of taken aback by this but he followed me regardless. I led him into my tent.
"Alcippe..." he started.
"Where are you going with this?" he was a obviously worried but I giggled. I put my hands onto his chest.
"I want you" I said kissing him.
"Alcippe...."he backed off softly.
"Are you sure you want this?" I looked into his eyes.
"Yes, I do. Under only one condition"
"Say it" his eyes were almost piercing. He was as drunk as I was .
"I prefer that we don't go all the way" I said, in a serious tone. I just wanted to have some fun I wouldn't sacrifice that.
"I would never have the nerve to go that far,And your wish, is my command" he smirked. I kissed him again. He kissed me back and now his hands were on my shoulders.
"May I?" he asked softly, asking if he could remove my dress, at least form the upper part of my body.
I nodded  and he started untying my dress as I was removing his clothes from his body as well. His chest was broad and his shoulders strong. His muscles could even be touched.  kissed his neck and he placed his hands on my waist.
"You are incredible" he breathed out.
The whole body-play thing continued for a while. I started laughing softly about a though I had. I was still very much drunk
"Maybe, if I take you as my future queen in Salamis" his eyes were narrow and dark as there was no light in the hutt.
"Don't dream big. I'll only you queen in your dreams"
"Then I hope my dreams are long"

A/N: PLAY SHAMELESS BY CAMILA CABELLO He started kissing my neck softly, careful to not leave any marks

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He started kissing my neck softly, careful to not leave any marks.
I felt a sense of vulnerability in his arms. Well, maybe the right term is insecurity. He most likely had all the experience I lacked. He knew so much while I knew nothing.
A/N: In case y'all are wondering how old he is: he is around 22 and she is 17.
He left in the middle of the night, after making sure he wouldn't be seen.
I overslept after that. I woke up quite dazzled, confused of what happened the previous night. But after a while the memories came flashing back. My cheeks turned red. I felt totally embarrassed of no one but myself. How could I let this happen? Yes I had fun and it was enjoyable but this was all wrong. It was a mistake. What would my mother even think of me? She of course wouldn't know. I didn't need a man in my life. How could I let myself get so drunk? How could I allow that? What about my reputation now? Let's hope he isn't going to gossip about it to everyone.

A/N: Someone: Thetis isn't controlling
Alcippe's question whenever she does something important: what would my mother think of this?
I tried to forget about the rest of the day, thankfully Achilles hadn't noticed anything. I Don't think he would be angry at me but rather concerned.
I couldn't really sleep at night, the weather was as humid as ever so I just lay on my mattress. I suppose it was a few hours before sunrise when I heard something calling my name. A whisper only meant to be heard by me. I got up and noticed who was standing at the entrance of the rent.
"I apologize if I interrupted your sleep" he spoke softly.
"Oh no, I was awake"
"Glad to know I wasn't a bother then"
I smiled in a rather awkward manner.
"Look Alcippe, about last night..."
"It was a total mistake"I finished his sentence.
"Absolutely" he nodded his head in agreement.
"I apologize, if I offended you in a any way. It was never my intention" his gaze fell on the ground, his face packed with emotion, red caused by embracement.
"You did not. Trust me you would have known. I would have made it very clear if that was the case" his face relaxed a bit after I said that.
"And I swear to you" he began, heavy breathing. It seemed as thought he was preparing this speech the whole day.
"This will stay between us and only between us. Nobody knows and nobody will know. I won't let a drunken mistake we made define you" his tone was serious, truthful.
"I will swear to the waters of Styx if you wish me to" To swear to the waters of Styx, the river of the underworld was the most important oath anyone could give. It was considered unbroken.
"I believe you, Ajax" I said to quieten him. He seemed rather anxious and I felt sorry for him. But I wouldn't thank him just because he was being responsible.
"Alright" he breathed for a moment.
"I would feel honored to fight alongside you and Achilles in battle when the time comes"
"Well when the time comes. Because the weather is not cooperative at all" I laughed.
"True that" he laughed too.
"I have heard that you are quite skilled yourself" I commented
"You have? Well with the spear mostly. Teucer has mastered archery. But I guess everyone is good in their own department" he remarked.
"That is true I believe" I had began getting tired and he must have noticed.
"Well, I suppose I shall leave you now. Good rest of the night, cousin" a genuine smile on his face.
"Goodnight to you too"
A/N: I do not ship them but they are gonna develop a very strong friendship. And besides I can't wait for the true love of his life to show up. (Around the same time as Briseis). Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates! Happy a wonderful holiday <3

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