Chapter 19

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We finally arrived in Aulis after some time. Arriving there was an unforgettable experience; When we stepped out of the ship, I remember feeling more godly than I ever have. My mother's doing I suppose. I felt this power, an unexplainable confidence. Achilles appeared similar.
It was as if all the nervousness that had almost consumed me about meeting all these people had faded away, because in truth it had.
Agamemnon greeted us, with Odysseus and Diomedes at his side. I had a strong dislike for the both of them. They are nothing but Agamemnon's dogs, who followed his orders without considering anyone. Was embarrassing my brother really necessary?

My brother put out a speach. I said a few words as well after him.
"I welcome you, young prince and princess of Phthia" Agamemnon said after bragging about how huge his army truly is. I supposed he looked at me rather surprised at first. Perhaps he thought all that talking about that princess of Phthia who was gifted by the gods was nothing but an urban legend.
"Such a shame, you took a long time to show up" he added. I wonder if he was referring to how long we took to arrive. Which, mind you. It was not long. Or he implied something we didn't quite catch. I choose to ignore it because right after that he announced that we would be leaving for Troy the next day. Then he left the beach along with the others. We noticed the other rulers as they were each going to their ships to make sure is everything for tomorrow. The previously references ones, Nestor, Eurypylus from Thessaly, Myriones from Crete and others. I suppose some of them might have been here for months waiting for us and others to arrive.

Phoinix, spoke suddenly informing us that the place we would be camping at is getting readied.
Achilles thanked him kindly and sort of asked if we could be excused. We knew the answer though, of course we could be.
My gaze fell over to the place we would be camping at. The Myrmidons were unpacking, carrying food supplies, luggage and all the necessary equipment for the tents.
Soon a messanger arrived who wore a livery, from Menelaus. He apologized
on his lord's behalf, because he didn't come greet us himself. I shared a suspicious look with my brother and Patroclus. What clever form of diplomacy. We certainly did not have a good impression of his brother and Menelaus did not manage to make a good impression of himself. It was certainly a necessity for him to send someone to greet the best of the greeks though.
“A man who plays both sides of the fence,” Patroclus whispered, which brought a smile to my face.
"A man who wouldn't dare to offend me and Alcippe, if he wants his wife back that is" i smirked a bit. That was nothing but the truth.
The messenger asked if he would like a tour. We politely, said we would very much like that.
The main facilities of the camp were quite a mess. Flags, tents, a huge number of men going back and fourth
constantly. Then, the agora, the main place where the meetings took place. With a temple and a sort of podium.
As we were waking and the messenger was showing us around I noticed some men who were perhaps coming back from their tour. I couldn't see them clearly because the sun was blurring my vision.
I placed my hand  above my forehead to help my vision. One of them seemed almost impossibly tall and he was dressed in expensive garments as well as the relatively shorter man next to him. Close to them stood what seemed to be another messenger send by Menelaus.
When our paths crossed in our walk our messengers introduced us to one another.
"Prince Achilles, princess Alcippe. Prince Ajax and prince Teucer of Salamis" the messenger bowed, so did Patroclus. Ajax was the really tall one. I have been told by mother that I am fairly tall, Achilles was a bit taller than me. But Ajax was probably two feet taller than I am.
A/N: the Anchient Greek measurement of length that we know of is feet. Idk if it's the same as the modern American length measuring system so I am gonna explain. What they meant by "one feet" is the size of one shoe. Also by saying Ajax was incredibly tall it doesn't mean that he is abnormally tall or anything. No offense to my fellow Greeks but we aren't really tall so someone being above 180cm seems really tall to us lol.
I suppose he could be considered rather attractive. His shoulders were broad, his hair consistsed of curls in an ash-like brown colour and his eyes were bright blue. His younger brother, Teucer looked rather similar but his features were less set and his hight similar to mine and Achilles'.
"I feel truly honored to finally meet you, cousins" Ajax said with a gentle smile on his face.
That typical - all about formalities- conversation continued about how glad and honored we were to meet each other.
"It is quite unfortunate how our family was split into two places so far from each other. My father often speaks of yours" Achilles remarked. A memory then came to me. How my father had mentioned my uncle once. On my first day at  Phthia, when he was telling us stories.
"And mine of yours" said Ajax.
"Alcippe, " he turned to me.
"I have heard rather a lot about the beauty of Queen Helen of Sparta and I am sure that it is truly as great at they say but I would argue yours is equal"
I felt a smile forming at the corners of my mouth.
"Do you flirt with everyone?" I asked in a sort of teasing manner.
"Only those I find interesting"
Achilles rolled his eyes.
"It's basically everyone, so don't take it personal" Teucer spoke. He seemed rather reserved, except from his greetings he had not spoken much.
"He doesn't talk much, but that's just his way" Ajax commented patting his brother on the back. They way he said that comment it wasn't in a way offensive. The two of them seemed to be really close.
The tour wasn't rather over yet so we technically has to kept going.
"We do have to keep going, I believe"I said.
"Again, it was wonderful to finally meet you".

When our tour of the place was over. The messenger was dismissed and we headed for our  tents, which were probably all ready by that point.
"What he said to you was not as appropriate" Achilles seems frustrated. He had always been protective of me, but he had no reason to worry.
A/N: Siblings being protective of each other >
"I am sure Ajax didn't mean any offense perhaps he is the type to joke often" I trully believe that. And besides he was our cousin.
"I just want you to be careful, sister"
"I am fine, alright. I can take care of myself"

A/N: idk what's your impression of Ajax but just know he was the first babygirl to ever babygirl.

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