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As i drove home, the tears didn't stop. I couldn't stand being here anymore, I need to get away.
" hello?" My mother answered her phone.
" mom?" I asked
"Mickey, baby its 3am. What's wrong?" He asked.
"C-can I come and stay with you guys.for a while? " I asked trying to hold back my tears.
"Of course! But honey what's wrong?" She asked.
" I don't wanna talk about it right now mom, I just wanna come home." I cried.
" okay okay, that's fine honey. I'll see you soon." She said.
"I love you mom."
"Love you too honey. Bye." She said hanging up.
I packed my bags as soon as possible and caught the next flight out to new york.
I got to New York later then i planed. I didn't get home till 5pm the next day. ...
As soon as i walked into the house, my mom tackled me with questions and hugs.
" Mickey what is going on? Did something happen? "
"Can i eat dinner first and then we can talk?" I asked.
She stared at me closely. "He broke your heart, didn't he? "
"Mom can we not, please? " I asked holding back my tears.
" dinners almost ready, go ahead and sit with your brother and dad. " She said. " Mary can you get her bags please. " my mom asked our maid.
" Hey sis!" Lou greeted as i walked in the dining room. " Hey. " I replied.
" you look rough." He chuckled
"And you look ugly, oh wait you are." I shot back. " oh damn! Right for the heart. " He replied.
Mary and mom brought dinner out. "Dinner is served. " Mom smiled. My mouth was watering, i was starving! We ate and made small talk.
"So where's that boyfriend you promised to bring the next time you came over." Lou asked teasing.
" don't worry about it. " I muttered.
"See told yah dad it wasn't gonna last. You all moved to quick." I shook my head.
I kept eating, ignoring Lou. "Mickey, you just hate men don't you?" He kept running his mouth.
I took a deep breath, "who do you say that?" I asked.
"Well you hate me, you hate your own father, you barely like grandpa and I'm sure you did some thing to screw up your relationship." He said. After he said his last statement I excused myself from the table.
" Your always talking fucking shit Lou! God you know i never cared you were dad golden child but goddamm your really showing your true colors!a fucking spoiled brat! I did nothing to you since I've came home and you just can't keep your damn mouth shut! And fuck you! I don't hate men!" I said walking away but then I stopped, "Oh and I didn't fuck up my relationship and I love both my grandpa's asshole. " I said running up to my room.
"God damn it Lou!" My mom yelled.
" th is was suppose to be a nice dinner and you fucked it up!" Oh shit my mom just cussed....she never cusses.
I laid on my bed, doing my best to keep myself together.
Then there was a light knock at the door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"I-its me." My dad answered. My head popped up. I get up and answered the door.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Can I come it sweetie?" He asked. I took a deep breath and let him in.
" Whats up?" I asked trying to hide my emotions.
" I dont know, that's what I was gonna ask you. What's going on?"
"Dad i don't wanna talk to you about this, you won't understand." I said.
"Mickey just open up to me. Talk to me sweetie." He begged holding my shoulders. "What happened sweetie?" He asked again. The tears swelled up in my eyes, "H-he b-b-broke my heart." I cried. He pulled me into his chest as i cried.
"I really loved him daddy!" I cried.
" I know babygirl, what did he do?" He asked rubbing my back.
I just shook my head. Soon my mother came into my room.
"Honey, you wanna talk about it?" She asked, I nodded.
" let's go to my room." She said. She took me to her room.

I laid on her lap as she petted my head.
" what happened sweetie?" She asked.
" He lied to me mom! He lied." I cried.
" what did he lie about mickey?" She asked confused.
I cried harder, "remember when I was little and you told me to never marry a baseball player?" I asked. She nodded.
" He told me his name was Michael Johnson and he was a sports manager." I said wipping my face.
"And what did he lie about honey?"
"His name! His career! His name is Michael Jackson and guess what mom! Guess what!" I said angry as i sat up to look at her.
" what babygirl? "
I licked my lips, trying to keep myself together. "I grabbed his wallet and looked at his ID and saw that that wasn't his real name. I Google his name and nothing showed up but then I Google his real name and come to find out mom he was a damn baseball player mom! A baseball player!" I cried. "Oh honey! " She gasped pulling me into her chest as i cried.
" He could've been anything mom! Anything! But a baseball player! Mom i gave him my damn virginity!" I cried.
She gasped again, "Oh babygirl!"
" I really loved him mom! "
"I know baby, this is your 1st heartbreak. It's gonna hurt baby girl." "I don't wanna love him mom!" I heard the door crack. " is she okay?" I heard Lou ask. My mom shook her head. I felt the bed sink as Lou sat down. "mick,I'm Sorry FOR Running my mouth. I don't know what got into me. I really am sorry sis." He apologized. I nodded. "I forgive you asshole. " i said . He just laughed.
Then i heard my dad come in. "How you doing sweetie?" He asked.
" I'm fine. I just need time. He leaves in a little bit anyways." K said wipping my face.
"Spring training? " My mom asked.
I nodded.
Both my brother and dad gave us a Confused look.
"Can I tell them sweetie?" She asked.
"They're not gonna understand, mom." I said.
" they might."
"Fine." I sniffled.
" Michael lied about who he was. His name is actually Michael Jackson and he's not a sports manager hes-"
"Second basemen for the cardinals." They answered.
" yeah." I said looking down.
" He shouldn't've lied to you." Lou said.
" Well he did and I hate him. " I said.
" it just takes time sweetie. You'll be back to normal and move on."
"Yay, we'll get bitchy Mickey back." Lou complained. I slapped the back of his head. "Ouch! I was kidding." He giggled.
" mom?" I asked.
"Can I stay till after Lou's first game thing?" I asked.
"Of course." My dad answered.
" oh god!" Lou exaggerated I sat up and tackled him. He screamed like a girl. We wrestled on their bed, till I pinned Lou down.
"She still got it babe." My dad said to my mom.
" Say it!" I shouted.
I hocked up a lougy, ready to spit.
" oh god no! Mickey dont!" Lou shouted.
I raised my eye brows ready to spit on his face.
" okay okay! Mickey is stronger than me and I'm a wimpy little girl who wears pink undies! There i said it!" He laughed.
" That's what I thought. Grown ass baseball player and i still whoop your ass." I smiled.
" Mickey someone's calling you." My mom said handing me, my phone.
It was Michael.... "honey talk to him. You need to tell him your done or whatever it is." Mom said I nodded leaving the room.
I answered the phone, "hello? " I said lightly.
" Mickey! Where the hell are you! Everyone's looking for you. Where did you go this morning?" He asked
I took a deep breath. "I left. "
"Well I see that. Where are you? We still need to talk baby. I know you're still mad-"
"Michael, we don't need to talk. There is no more we or us. I can't be with you. "I said holding my self together.
" mickey don't do this!" He begged.
" Michael I cant be with you! Okay! " I cried.
" Baby I know you don't want do this! Just talk to me! Please! I love you...." He begged.
"We're done Michael, i don't want to see or talk to you ever again. Blame yourself & baseball. " I said.
"Baseball? Why -"
"Goodbye Michael. "
"Mickey baby don't do this! " He cried. " bye. " I said hanging up
I broke down crying again, I laid on my bed. My mom came into my room and held me till I feel asleep.

** MICHAEL'SPOV ~ ~ ~ ~
"GOD DAMN IT! " I yelled throwing the phone.
Then there was a knock on my door. "Mike, you in there? " Jon asked.
" Yeah. ....."
" open up man, talk to me. " He said.
I opened the door, "what's going on? "
"She fucking left me!" I shouted.
" wow man calm down a,little. What exactly happened? "
"I don't know how she found out, i walked in the room and she shoved her phone in my face and it was a picture of me in my uniform! Man I don't know who told her! She left me last night!"
"I-i don't know how to get her back. ...she just answered her phone and she told me she didn't want to see or talk to me ever."
"Where is she staying? " Jon asked.
" idk, probably with her parents, up in new York. " I said.
" How about when ever we have that game at yankee stadium in 2 weeks we'll go look for her. Give her some time to cool of and you some time to clear your head." Jon suggested.
" fine. Thanks jon. " I said.
" Were gonna get your girl back. " He smiled

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