Meeting The Jackson's

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"Are you sure I look okay? Oh my god I'm a cow!" I whined. "Babe your beautiful. Your pregnant okay? Your not a cow." He said.
" I'm just nervous." I confessed "you have no reason to be. Now let's go."
We drove to his parents house. He helped me out of the car. " ready?" He asked. "No." I pouted. "Come on." He giggled.
We walked up to the door, and knocked . Janet answered. "Mickey! Look at you!" She said hugging me. "I know I'm a cow."
"No! Your glowing! Pregnancy looks good on you. Mother theyre here!"
Michael and i walked into the living then Katherine walked in. Oh god I'm about to meet his mother. " Hey mom.'' He said hugging her. "Hey baby boy. How are you" She said. "Good, uh mom this is Mickey." He said. She looked at me and smiled. "You're right, she is beautiful. And im guessing this is my granddaughter in there?" She smiled touching my huge belly. "Yep, Melody Katherine Elizabeth jackson." I smiled. "welcome to the family Mickey." Katherine said hugging me.
"Thank you." I said hugging her back.
" finally michael brings a woman home." She said.
" mom..." Michael whined. "What michael? You never bring woman home!" She stressed.
"He probably never brings them home pregnant neither." I mumbled louder than I thought. "Honey he was talking about bring you home a month after you guys started dating. The baby is just a bonus." Katherine said patting my back.
"You're probably getting tired, why don't you guys sit in the livingroom as i finish dinner." She smiled then walking away.
"Now was that so bad?" He giggled. "I still haven't met your dad." I said.
"He's not that bad, he's just got a smart mouth like you." He said as we sat down. I groaned as Melody kicked my ribs. "MICHAEL!" A older woman squealed. Michael smiled as he stood up and hugged her. "Hey Toya." "Look at my little brother! All grown! With a little family." I looked down at my lap, i knew michael gonna make me get up. Melody kicked my ribs again making My groan in pain. "Mickey, stand up." He said. I shook my head. " I'm not standing up, this baby is kicking my butt." I groaned. "She's fine michael. She's with child. Carrying around a baby 24/7 is tiring."
" Thank you." I smiled. "Well this is my sister LaToya. Toya this is Mickey, my girlfriend." He said. She bent down and hugged me. I hugged her back. "Its so good to meet you!" She said. " You too." I replied. "Can I feel your belly?" She asked excited. " go ahead. She's moving a lot." I smiled.
Michael sat back down by me. Toya felt my belly. Melody moved around as she did. "Wow, I can feel her move! What does it feel like? You know from her to be inside of you."
"Weird at first, but I got use to it but she kicks like crazy. It hurts." I giggled.
As we talked another woman walked in. Michael stood up and hugged her.
"So this is Mickey?" She smiled. I nodded. "This is the oldest one out of the kids babe. This is Rebbie." He said. " hi." I said shyly. "Can't believe michael finally brought home a girl. I thought he was gonna be like toya & never settle down." I smiled lightly.
" She's a keeper." He smiled kissing my cheek. I giggled. He felt my belly as did rebbie.
"Your brothers are just getting here, so prepare for hollering." Rebbie said getting up and going to the kitchen.
" So when is your mom getting here?" Michael asked.
" tomorrow night. With Lou & i don't know about dad." I sighed. "Finally she's laying down. " I smiled.
"MICHAEL! LITTLE BROTHER!" A chunky guy said. "Tito, big brother." He mocked hugging his bother. All the boys filled in and Michael introduced me to them. "damn if i knew women looked this good being pregnant Sasha & i would have had 3 kids by now! " Jermaine said. I blushed lightly. "What did you say boy?!" Sasha hollered walking in. "I said your beautiful!" He covered up. They all were talking and asking questions about Michael & me. "So you don't even have the nursery done and she's over 7 months pregnant? ! Boy you better get going on that!" Tito said. "Well my family is coming down tomorrow, bring all of melody's & mine things so we can get started." I added in.
It was dinner time and Katherine made this amazing food! I started eating and it tasted amazing but then I could feel it coming back up. I politely excused my self and went to the bathroom and threw up. I came back as they all were still talking. I sat down and didn't touch my food. "Baby eat." Michael insisted. I shook my head. "Do you not like it?" Katherine asked. Now I was embarrassed. "No no no, it's really good honestly. I like it but Melody doesn't...." "ohhh, joys of pregnancy." Katherine giggled. "Yeah, can't even eat a good meal." I said disappointed. Michael rubbed my back, "do you wanna try eating something else?" He asked. I shook my head, "im afraid she'll make me throw up again." "Okay baby." He said kissing my cheek. I was honestly so tired. Finally at 9pm we left. I enjoyed our time with his family but I'm ready for bed. We finally got home and I went straight to bed. Michael crawled in too and held me. "So was it bad?" He asked. I shook my head, " but meeting your family and having a baby kicking me & making me throw up wasn't much fun. Can we please just kind of stay home bound till she's born. It's very tiring carrying her around and having to socialize." I said facing him, making my belly touch his. He nodded. "Now melody, let mommy sleep." He said rubbing my belly. Then she kicked. "She said no." I said. Then she kicked my ribs. I groaned In pain. "God damn it child." I cursed. "Your fine, baby." He said rubbing my leg. I gave him the death glare with tears swelling up. "It fucking hurts michael. " I growled. "I know, just take a deep breath." He said calmly.
"Mom!" I squealed as she came in the door. I hugged her tight. "Mick! You're huge!" Lou hollered.
" I know, I'm a cow!" I whined. "Honey you're beautiful." My mom smiled. " I guess dad skipped?" I asked. They didn't answer. "Figured. Anyways we'll unload our stuff tomorrow and get started on this nursery. Michael is freaking out about it." I giggled. "Speaking of Michael, where is he?" My mom asked. "He's clearing out his game room for the nursery." I replied.
"He's got this big of a house, and it didn't have an empty room?" Lou asked looking around. "It's basically empty. He was gonna make it into a game room but he ended up just putting some boxes in there." I replied.
"So this is your new home?" My mom smiled looking around. I nodded, "home sweet home." I smiled.
"Oh shit." I heard Michael curse following the sound of glass breaking.
"Let me go check on him." I giggled.
I went ahead and grabbed a broom and dust pan. I walk into the room to see Michael looking at his hand. "Did you hurt yourself baby?" I asked. He nodded turning his hand towards me to show me the cut. "Let's wash it out and my mom and brother are here." I said. "Okay." He replied. We walked into the kitchen. "Hey mom!" I hollered. " what sweetie?" "Can you go into the bathroom closet and get the first aid kit. The bathroom is the 2nd door on the left." I said. "Okay." She replied. Lou walked in as I washed michaels hand. They talked baseball as I finished washing his hand. Mom came in with the first aid kit. "do you think he needs stitches?" I asked. My mom looked at his hand , "no, he's fine. Just wrap it up cause if you don't you'll get yourself in another mess." My mother said. Mine and michaels jaw dropped. Lou started laughing hysterically. "Mom!" I hollered. She was laughing, "what?" She said acting clueless. "That was good mom! " Lou said. I palmed my forehead, "that was pretty good." Michael commented. "Don't encourage her." I giggled. Michael kissed my cheek, rubbing my back. "Are you almost done cleaning out the room? " I asked. He nodded, "I just have to clean up that glass. " He replied.
"What was it that you broke? " My mom asked.
" some award thing the MLB gave me." He said as it was no big deal. My mom gasped, "it must've been important!" She said.
"Nah, not really. It's just an award. Not really worth crying over." He said shrugging. " Dale would be freaking out if one of his awards broke. " mom said.
He just shrugged again "i don't really care about those awards. I mean its nice but people actually watching me break records is more important. I like to show I did it, not just read it." He said. My mom smiled, "he's a smart man Mickey." I smiled back "well not all the time. " I giggled. "Hey!" He said giggled too. "I'm just kidding baby." I cooed.
I kissed him lightly. We gazed into each others eyes for a second. I can't believe how much i love this man. "Well its getting late sweetie. I'm heading to bed." My mom said. I hugged her good night and then Lou went to bed too. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he kissed my neck. "I love you so much." I groaned. He smiled onto my neck as he then his my lips. " I love you more. " He replied. I smiled happily, "it's bed time baby. She's finally settling down, I wanna sleep while I can." I said. "Okay." He said.
We walked to bed and laid down. I was out.
I woke up the next day to melody moving around.
" Did you actually sleep through the night? " He asked surprised giggling. "Yeah." I yawned. " help me up. " I said racing my arms out. He helped me up then kissed me. "your mom made breakfast." He said. " okay." I said.
We sat at the table. "My favorite! " I squealed. My mom laughed. "I knew you'd be excited. Here feed my grandbaby." I ate all my food, michael ate some. "Babe, are you going to eat?" I asked worried. "I'm really not hungry, I really want to get her nursery done." He said.
After we all ate we carried in mine and Melodys stuff. Mom & I carried what we could. Lou & michael did most of it. After that, we decided to paint the nursery a pretty light teal color. " babe I love it!" I beamed. "Mickey get out! The fumes are bad for the baby! " Michael said. "Fine meany head!" I pouted. I sat on the couch with my mom watching movies. " go get dressed Mick, we're going out for lunch. " My mom said turning the tv off. " Just you and i?" I asked. She nodded.
" babe my mom & me are going out for lunch, do you want me to bring you something back?" I asked. "yeah, please, just text me where you're at." He said trying to put the crib together. " okay, I love you. Bye. " I smiled.
" love you too baby. " He said struggling with the crib. I giggled as I walked out.

"Mom this is the best Pizza in the world. " I moaned. "Well st.louis is famous for their Imo's pizza." She smiled.
It was silent for a bit as we enjoyed our food.
After we got done eat, we talked for a bit. "So what do you think of Michael? " I asked nervous.
"He's seems to be a good man. He adores you." She smiled. I nervously twiddle my thumbs anticipating to ask a certain question. "What is it sweetheart? " She asked grabbing my hand comforting.
"Do you think he's like dad?" I asked looking at her.
"Oh god no. They're completely different. Just walking into your guys house I can see that." She said. "How?" I asked.
" when I walked into your guys home I saw a couple baseball related things such as a pillow, a picture of his team and a couple little things. But not his awards or this uniform or glove or a picture of just him. Your father has anything & everything baseball on display in our house. Michael knows how to separate baseball & family it seems but your father doesn't. I love your father but Michael, you got lucky. He's a good man, he's excited to father that baby no matter what."
I smiled then became confused
"mom what I don't understand though is how the hell did this happen , I mean I know how but the person I thought I'd fall in love with would of been the complete opposite of Michael. I mean I'm in love with a baseball player, you and I both would have never imagined that." I said.
" I think he was put in your life for a reason. You hate baseball because of your dad and it's tore you apart. I think michael will fix that. You'll find your old love for the game one day and let go of all the stuff between you and your dad." Tears swelled up in my eyes. "I hope so because I want to love dad but it's so hard. I look at him and all I see is how I was disappointment to him without even doing anything. I can still see that little girl who loved baseball then how sour she turned. I don't want that for Melody." I sniffed. "Michael is not your dad, stop holding that against him." I wipped the tears off my face nodding.

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