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"What do you want me to do, mom?"
I said to her over the phone.
"Come home!"
"I cant, traveling would be bad for the baby! I want to come home but I have to stay put."
"I'm coming down there! "
"Mom just wait till we get the DNA test done."
"He's making you do a DNA test?! What an asshole!"
"Mom calm down okay? I agreed to it and I was okay with it."
"Mickey you deserve better! I can't believe him! "
"Mom I'm fine. He's just watching v over me for now. Alright, at least he's trying mom."
"Your right honey. I'm sorry. You just have Me worked. Is he being nice? "
"Actually yes, he even gave me a foot rub last night." I giggled "good. Please stay relaxed though. Melody needs to be healthy. " "Yes mom. Well I'm gonna try to sleep. Love you." I said.
I tossed and turned all night. At 3am I was wide awake cause Melody kept ninja kicking me in the ribs. I got up and went into his kitchen. I opened the fridge and got some ice cream with brownies in it. I sat on the couch and started watching the movie Ray. I heard Michael get up. " Why are you awake?" He asked in a sleepy tone. "She decide to start practicing her ninja moves so there was no point in trying and i got hungry." I said shoving a spoon full of ice cream in my mouth. "At least she's active." He yawned sitting on the couch. "True." I replied. I flinched as she kicked my ribs. " Can I feel?" He asked. "You don't really have to ask everytime." I giggled. He shrugged. He held my stomach as she kicked right where his hand is. "Holy fuck. Was that her?" He asked. I nodded laughing. "Little soccer player or something. Damn." He said rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Don't you have a game tomorrow?" I asked eating. He nodded. "I'll be back friday. My sister will be watching you." I nearly choked on my ice cream. "Why? " "because someone needs to be with you at all times. "
"But what does she think is going on here?" Pointing to us. "I told the truth. Everything kind of up in the air till we get the DNA test back which should be friday." He said. I nodded. "She's so cool and funny. She sings to. You'll like her."
"Okay .. " I said softly.
I woke up on the couch but some how my head ended up on Michael's lap. His hand rested on my head and his head thrown back snoring. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I nudged Michael waking him up. " stop." He whined. "get up, it's noon." "Shit i gotta leave in an hour!" He popped up. He ran to his room packing his shit. I giggled as he was throwing things into his bag. "Knock knock!" Janet hollered walking in. " Good your here! Mickey janet, Janet mickey. Goodbye!" He said rushing out the door. "Well someone's in a rush...." She said. "He just woke up 20 minutes before you got here. " I giggled. " He's always running late." "You ain't lyin'." I replied standing up. "So your Mickey." She smiled. I nodded. "I'm sure everything you heard about me is wonderful." I giggled sarcasticly. "I did at first." She giggled "but hey stuff happens. How far along are you?" "Almost 7months....I think. I always lose track." "Dang, " She replied. "So what happens if he loses tonight's game?" I asked looking through the fridge. "The seasons over. Your watching it tonight right?" She asked. "No thank you. " "Why wouldn't you watch it?"
"I hate baseball." I told her. "You wont even watch your baby daddy Play?" She giggled. "Nope, and according to him he doesn't know of he's the baby daddy yet. Friday he will."
It was silent.
"He knows she's his." I looked at her confused. "Then why did he make me do the test." She took a deep breath. "He just wants to make sure. He doesn't want to wonder and not be sure. He even told me he remembers not using a condom." She laughed. I giggled along.
We got along very well and had a good time. She did make me watch Michaels game and he lost. The seasons over. I was happy it was so now we can focus on our baby.
He called me at midnight. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked. "I'm feel fine. What time will you be back tomorrow?" "Early morning." "Oh okay." "Yeah, I'm kind of glad the seasons over now. I just want to worry about you guys." I smiled to myself as he said. "Well i gotta go. I'll see you early in the morning." "Bye." I said then hung up. I was up again all night cause Melody had the hiccups and kept bouncing on my blander.
"You can't sleep?" Janet asked. "No she's using my blander as a trampoline." I giggled rubbing my belly. She sat on the couch. She kept staring at me but didn't say any thing. "Does your whole family do that?" I asked. "Do what?" "Stare at someone when they wanna say something." She started laughing. "I guess. " "So what is it?" I asked. "You guys still love eachother." "Janet there's nothing between us but damage. Damage that can't be fix." I said. "It can be fix and you both got a little helper. God gifted you with her to bring you two back to eachother." "I don't know Janet. I can't go through what my mother went through with my father." I said. "Is Michael like you dad?" "They're nothing alike." I said shrugging. "The only thing they have in common is the game. Michael may love the game but family has always been his number 1." She said. I nodded acknowledging what she said. Eventually we both went to bed. I woke up to michaels and Janet's laughter. I put on some yoga pants and a tight neck. "Its awake." Michael laughed. I flipped him off. "There's breakfast on the counter. You need to feed my little niece." She said nudging Michael. I looked on the counter to also seen the DNA test opened. I looked at it and of course it came back 100% his. "Told you." I said then making myself a plate. I sat down with them. "What now? How are you guys gonna do this?" Janet asked. "She's moving down here with me." He said like it was simple. "Who ever said I was moving down here or in with you? We haven't even talked about this." I said with an attitude. He rolled his eyes. "Well in order to be in my daughter's life you have to. I'm under contract. I legally cannot leave. And if you want to get up by yourself every night with a screaming baby then fine get a house and do it yourself. I'm just trying to be a good dad." He said then leaving the table. I held my stomach as Janet stared at me. "Go talk to him. I've gotta get home." She said bye to me and melody. I walked into his room and sat next to him, as he was laying down with a pissed look. I took a deep breath. "I wish you'd talk to me before you go telling people." I said. " we already talked about it Mickey!" "Don't fucking yell at me! We discussed me moving down here, not in with you." He took a deep breath, not looking at me. "Whatever." "if your gonna talk to me, look at me." He looked at me "what-ever" He said again looking at me. I grabbed a pillow hitting him with it. "What the fuck?" "Your being difficult!b I said hitting him again with a pillow. " stop!" He hollered. "No, stop being a butthead." I said hitting him again. He tried to grab my pillow but I wouldnt let go. He took it from me. I climbed up on his lap trying to get it back. "Give it back!" I whined. "Stop hitting me with it." "Fine I'll just start hitting you with my hands." I said then start to tap him in the head. He threw the pillow then grabbed my hands. "Really?" He asked. I shrugged. My belly was touching his. He let go of my hands then started to caress my belly. It was silent for a while. "Melody Katherine Elizabeth jackson." He said then looking at me. I nodded "okay." She started moving. I grabbed his hand and placed them where she was moving. He smiled as she felt her move. "I cant wait for you to be here baby girl." He said to her. He lifted my shirt then kissed my belly. " does your family know?" I asked softly. He leaned back and looked at me. "No, but I'll tell them soon." He sighed. I nodded. " Well you have 2 months." I giggled. " My parents are just old fashion." "So is mine. My dad even tried to give me money to get an abortion." "Are you fucking serious?" He asked with an an angery expression. I nodded. "Did you think about it? We're you gonna get one?" "God no michael! I couldn't live with myself if I did. I mean I thought about adoption...." I said softly. "What?! Are you serious? You'd give her up.for adoption?" I shook my head. " It was just a thought that crossed my mind when I first found out. I was scared okay?" I said. "Why didn't you tell when you first found out." I took a deep breath. "Because she wasn't healthy. Her heart beat wasn't very strong. Stress was hurting her and I didn't want to cause more stress trying to tell you and fighting with you." He still held my stomach. "Our little girl is an fighter." He said. "That she is." I smiled. He looked up at me. We both leaned in till our lips touched. His hand rest on my back as his other held my face. I held his face kissing him back. I slid my tounge into his mouth. His hand slid down to my butt, squeezing it. I let out a light moan. His hips jerked as i did. He pulled away, "don't stop." I said out of breath. "What?" He giggled. "You got me all hot. Don't stop." I said all hot. He decided it would be funny to tease me. He thrusted his hips upward making me moan. "You asshole." I said. He slid my shirt off and laid me on my back. Within seconds we were naked. "Will I hurt the baby?" He asked. I shook my head. "It's okay." I said. He made love to me nice and slow then fast and rough. He drove me fucking crazy. He finally came in me and I came with him. I was out of breath. "3 times." He said rolling onto his back. "3 what?" "You came 3 times." He smirked. "I needed that. It's been to long." I said. He wrapped his arms around me. Then kissed my shoulder. "Have i really been the only guys you've been with?" He asked. I nodded. "I swear on my life you are."
"No more lying." He said. "No more lying." I repeated

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