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"Mom, i want to tell her the truth but then-"
"Michael joseph, your building this relationship off lies. Tell her the truth!" My mother stressed through the phone.
" but she's gonna break up with me." I said softly.
" She's gonna find out some how Michael. If she loves you she'll accept you for who you are and what you love. " my mother said.
"Your right mom. I'll tell her mom,okay?. I promise." I said.
" That's my boy. Well ive gotta go honey. I love you." She said
"Love you too mom, bye." I said hanging up.
Mickey wouldn't break up with because I play baseball. That's be Ludacris. If she loves me she'll accept it.
We've been dating like official dating for nearly a month. And i leave to go back home in little over a month. So I basically have to tell her. I'll call her right now actually.
"Hello" she answered.
" Hey baby. " I replied.
"What's up? " She asked.
" um actually do you think you can come over today I need to talk to you about something important ." I said.
" awh babe i can't. I'm sorry but my mom just called and my grandma is really sick. I'm leaving for New York in a couple hours. " She said.
" o-oh, okay." I stuttered.
"Is everything alright Michael? " She asked concerned.
" yeah, I can wait till you get home. I hope your grandma gets better. " I said.
"Thanks baby. Well ive got to get packing baby, I love you." She said.
" I love you too beautiful. " I smiled hanging up.
We texted eachother everyday while she was gone. We talked at night especially if her and her father or brother got into an argument. They seem to be giving her a rough time.
*MICKEY'S POV * * * * *
"Mickey Yankee Berra! Your brother wants your support and presences at his first MLB game because he loves you and your to selfish to? I know i wasn't the best dad to you but don't take it out on him! " my dad shouted.
" you know what, fine I'll go to fucking game! God forbid someone didn't go to his baseball shit but no one shows up to any big event of mine and it's okay because it had nothing to do with baseball!"
"Would you stop with that bullshit! Mickey not everything is about you! Your always turning shit to make you the victim!"
"No I won't stop with the 'bullshit' cause you still don't get the god damn point dad! It's never about me! Never! If it came to my dance or singing performance and Lou's baseball game which one always was the highest priority, even when he was in tball? His games. All i wanted is for just one everyone to come to one of my events, you,Lou and grandpa. Grandma and mom always did but all you guys care about is baseball. So fine to make every one fucking happy I'll go to god damn game! " I yelled then walking out. I ran up to my room slamming the door.
And this is usually when mom steps in and tells dad what he did wrong and I was right not even 5 minutes later they were arguing.
" dale! You shouldve handled that better! You made things worst. Now she's mad. " She stressed.
" god damn forbid she'd get mad! " He hollered.
" I don't get to see her any more because you two can't get along! All i wanted is for you to have a calm talk with her. I want to see my baby girl more often but you two can't seem to put the past behind you! "
"Its Her that can't let go of it! "
"Because your still throwing baseball in her face Dale! We talked about this. "
"I know, " He said defeated.
"I don't know anything about what she does. She sings and dance and plays the guitar.that's all I know. " He said. " then learn more so you can hold a conversation with her! My goodness Dale it isn't hard v too figure out baby. "
"I'm sorry I'll do better. I want her to come home more often to baby. " He said. The hell I wasn't coming back more often. This shit is to much. I like my life with Michael, its calm. I'm so glad Michael isn't some baseball nut. I wouldn't be able to be with him.
I woke up the next morning to the smell of my mom's famous casaroll breakfast! My favorite!
"Hmmm mom it smells amazing!" I smiled hugging her.
" can't you stay another day sweetie? I miss you." She said with a puppy dog face.
" Mom I cant, I've gotta get home. I miss Michael." I said.
"Bring him next time so we can spend more time together." She said.
" I don't know mom. Maybe." I said then sitting at the table that soon my brother and my father joined.
The table was silent for a while. "Are you heading home today sweetie?" My dad asked. "Yep!" I smiled. "I heard you've got a boyfriend." He said.
"Yeah, we've been dating for almost a month." I smiled.
"You guys already act like your in love." Lou said making a puking sound.
"Well we are. I love him." I stated.
" you guys haven't even been dating a month and you love him?!"
"How did you guys even meet?!' Lou asked.
" at the lounge i sing at." I said.
"Wow Mick," Lou said.
"Leave her alone, if he makes her happy that's all that matters. " my mom said.
"Mom theyve been dating not even and month -"
"Why do you even fucking care?!" I shouted.
"Your my sister that's why!" He shouted.
"Why don't you just keep worrying your pretty little head about baseball and stop worrying about me." I said waving him off.
"Whatever, i can't wait for you to fucking leave. All you do is cause trouble." He snapped.
" fine! I'll leave then!" I shouted standing up.
"God damn it Lou!" My mother shouted.
I went up to my room and grab my bags bringing down stairs.
" honey don't leave so soon!" My mom begged.
" obviously I'm not wanted here. " I said
"Look who finally caught on. " Lou mumbled.
" oh I caught on when I was 5 Lou trust me, I haven't been wanted around a long time. But I'm going home to someone who does want me around."
"Your loser boyfriend. " He commented
"At least his life doesn't revolve around a leather ball an piece of aluminum or wood whatever ever the hell you people use now. " I snapped.
"Stop it now! " my mother shouted.
" I am sick and tired of this arguing and yelling! You two are my babies and you need to love eachother! I stand up for you a lot Mick but your behavior is unacceptable! YOU ARE grown! And the same for you Lou! You two need to grow up so we can get along and spend time with eachother not chase eachother out!" She cried.
" Mom don't cry. " i begged.
" Mom were sorry. " Lou said.
"Mom I really have to go now. " I said hugging her. " I thought v your flight didn't leave till 3pm." She asked.
" Well i changed it last night. I leave at 11am now. I'm sorry mom but I've really got to go. I love you. " I said then leaving.
I was still livid about this whole week. As soon as i got home I laid on my couch and watched TV. I texted Michael saying i was home. Soon enough there was a knock on my door.
He opened the door, "hey beautiful. " He smiled. I sat up.
" jetlag? " he asked. I shrugged " long week. " I replied.
"Expand?" "Can you just hold me? " I asked. He nodded crawling under my blankets with me. He wrapped me in his arms, kissing my cheek. I turned so I could kiss his lips. I grabbed his chin bringing his lips to mine. I kissed them tenderly as he then slid his tounge into my mouth. I moaned lightly as the kiss got intense. Next thing i knew we are stripping eachother clothes off. I was down to my panties and Bra and he was in his briefs.
I don't know how this happened but all I know is I'm hot and ready for him.
"Baby. " He groaned.
" Michael please make love to me. " I begged.
He looked at me surprised and looked for any doubt in my eyes. He didn't find any cause there is none.
" are you sure baby? " I asked. I nodded kissing him.
He unclasped my bra, revealing my breast. " you're so perfect." He mumbled asked my chest as he kissed and sucked all over my breast.
His hand then glided down my stomach into my panties. I moaned out loud as he pushed a finger into my wetness.
"M-michael " I moaned.
" keep moaning my name." He demanded.
I did as told as he fingered and Ate me till I came.
He took my panties completely off, then removing his boxers. " you have a condom, right? " He nodded pulling a condom from his pants. He put it on as he placed himself between my legs. He pressed his tip to my entrance as he kissed me roughly.
" I'm a rough lover." He moaned.
" be easy this one time, is all I ask. " I moaned.
" I'll do my best. You ready? " he asked. I nodded opening my legs widely for him. He sucked on my neck as he began to push in me.
" Oh Fuck!" I groaned.
" It'll get better. " He said kissing me tenderly as he slowly moved in and out.
" M-michael! Oh god! Uhhh" I moaned
He did slow long strokes as i grabbed on to the couch groaning.
Though the pain was still there i wanted more, "harder baby! " I moaned.
" now we're talking" He smirked ramming into me. Screams were escaping my mouth as he hit my G spot.
Soon enough my Cum covered his erection. He came shortly after collapsing in me.
We held eachother as we caught our breath. "I love you so much Mickey.' He said holding my face.
" I'm glad you were my first. " I smiled then kissing him.
" I'm honored to be your first. And hopefully your last. " He smiled. I giggled as he rolled me on top of him. I leaned down and kissed him.
" um babe..." Michael said pointing in between my legs where blood was trickling from me. "Oh my god!" I said embarrassed. I attempted to get off Michael but he kept me in place. " if you stand up , your gonna get it every where. Let me carry you to the shower." He said standing up. Tears filled my eyes as I got so embarassed for bleeding on him. He set me down in the bathroom handing me a towel as he turned on the shower water.
" I-im sorry. .." I said. " Babe it's fine. This is what happens when you first have sex. Don't be embarrassed." He said holding my face.
" but I bleed on you. " I said softly.
" your suppose to, usually v you bleed during sex. You just bleed after. Now get your cute butt in the shower." He said smack My ass.
He got in the shower with me, by the time we got done cleaning eachother we were fucking against the shower wall. I was sore but it felt so good.
We laid in my bed holding eachother, "you wanna tell me what happened when you went to your parents?" He asked.
" we just kept fighting and my mom started crying and it was just a mess. " I said.
" I'm sorry baby." He said.
" Don't be, things have always been like this but now Lou is becoming a cocky little shit , acting like my dad." I said.
" I don't get along with my dad either." He said.
" really? You never told me that?" I said.
" yeah,well I don't like talking about it. My dad was abusive." He opened up.
" Aw babe. I'm you wanna talk about it?" I asked looking up at him.
He shook his head, "nah its in the past." He smiled. "I have you now. " He smiled.

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