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The bases are loaded, it's bottom of the 9th and Dale Berra is up to bat. It's full count, 3 balls and 2 strikes. The game is tied and there is already two outs. It's all on Dale Berra to decided if we win or lose.
The pitcher hold the ball back, preparing to pitch. In the blink of an eye the ball is fly toward Dale Berra and smack! The ball is falling pass the out fielder's and into the stands! HOME RUN! Everyone is cheering and screaming. Mom and I jump cheering on dad. Everyone ran out on to the field congratulating him. I lifted my little body over the edge of the wall and ran onto the field. "Daddy!" I hollered running towards him.
I grabbed onto his leg, "daddy! Daddy! You did great!" I smiled.
"Mickey! What in the hell are you doing out here! Where's your mother?!" He said with anger. I pointed over to where she was standing. He picked me up and marched over to my mom.
"Control her Elizabeth! Or you two will NOT be coming to anymore games!" He said angrily towards her, handing me to her.
" yes,dear."She replied quietly.
" good, now head home. The team doesn't need kids and wives hanging around." He said harshly then walking away. Tears swelled up in my eyes and I buried my face into my mom's neck.
"Shhh,youre alright baby." She cooed.
" He's mad at me!" I cried.
"No he's not sweetie. He's just busy." She replied putting me in my car seat. I wipped my tears as my mom laid a soft kiss on my cheek.
The whole ride home was silent. I knew mom's feelings were hurt too.
"Why doesnt he like us mommy?" I asked.
" Mickey what kind of question is that?" She asked. I shrugged. "I try my best to be good." I said softly.
" Its not you Mickey, it's baseball." She said I looked at her shocked, how could she say it was baseball's fault. Baseball was our life? How could she say that.
It's the middle of the night and mom and dad are arguing.
"She tries so hard for your attention and all you care about is baseball! You have a daughter Dale! She needs you!" Mom yelled.
" I'm making money for this family. So dont tell me how to care for my kid! She knew the rules! No kids on the field." He shouted.
"She just wanted to tell you good job Dale. That's all she wanted. "
"She could've waited till we got home!"
"How? You don't get home till the middle of the night, she tries to stay awake till you get home so you can tell her good night but half the time your either drunk or just walk right past her. You need to be a better dad to her! She deserves better!"
"Maybe if you'd give me a son, I could be a better dad! Girls can't play baseball!"
"Why would i give you another kid if you cant even handle one? ! Have you tried playing baseball with her? You bought her a damn glove and ball! Teach her!" She shouted.
" fine, I'll teach her how to play, okay? Happy?" He asked.
"No." She said then walking away.
My face lit up hearing that he was going to teach me how to play ball! I grabbed my ball and glove off my dresser. I slept with them that night, prepared to show my dad i can play baseball.
"Okay, now Mickey, watch the ball and try to get it in your glove." He said.
"Okay daddy, i can do it." I smiled.
He tossed the ball at me, I reach for it but i missed it.
"Sorry, I'll get it next time daddy." I said throwing it the best I could back to him, i mean I'm only 5 years old.
"Alright now watch the ball baby." He said again. I nodded getting prepared for the ball. He tossed it at me again and it laid right at my feet. I knew he was getting impatient with me. "I'll get it next daddy, i promise!" I said. He took a deep breath as i threw the ball back but it only went halfway between us. He picked it up, "last time Mickey." He said I nodded as i stood how dad does when he's on the field. I put my fist in the glove getting ready for it. He tosses, it goes right for my head and I duck, missing the ball...
"Mickey! The hell are you doing! You're suppose to catch it! " He yelled.
"I-im sorry daddy. Just one more time. I know i can do it." I said with hope.
"No you cant. Girls can't play baseball! God, why couldn't have you been a boy and not a girl?!" He shouted going back into the house.
I stood there as tears filled my eyes. Its not my fault im a girl.... But That was it. I finally saw what mom was talking about. It was baseball. Baseball was the problem. Tears poured down my face as i ran into the house. I ran up to my room, "Mickey! Baby what's wrong? What happened?" My mom holler as i ran past her.
I slammed my door shut. I looked around my room as i had posters of babe ruth,yogi Berra (my grandfather) jackie Robinson and other on my wall. I jumped on my bed, grabbing the poster ripping it off my wall. I did the same to the others. I grabbed every item in my room including my bed cover that, had to do with baseball and threw it in the trash can.
"Mickey, what are you doing?" My mom asked shocked. I didn't answer her. I was so hurt and angry! Finally I grabbed my glove and baseball and tossed it in the trash.
"I Hate Baseball!" I shouted.
And that's were it began, my hate for baseball. "Sweetie talk to me." She begged.
"You were right mommy! It's all baseball's fault! Maybe he would like me if I was a boy." I cried.
"Oh no, baby. Your perfect the way you are. Girls can play baseball. It's just called softball." She said. I shook my head. "Never marry a baseball player." She whispered. I nodded.
After that day,i was never the same towards baseball or my father.
I never touched a baseball or a glove again after that day, didn't even step foot on the diamond. Baseball meant nothing to me. When we went to games, i sat there and colored or read a book. Never watched another game of baseball, not even when the Yankees went to the world series.
Eventually my dad got what he wanted. About 4 months after I gave up completely on baseball, my mom found out she was pregnant. 9 months later they welcomed Lou Yogi Berra into the world. Lou was my dad golden child. I didn't hate Lou. I was jealous but he's my brother and it's not his fault my dad doesn't like me.
Of course as soon as Lou could stand my dad was teaching him how to play, while I sat in my room trying to teach myself how to play the guitar and sing.
That was my thing, singing. It made me feel better, especially when my dad ignored me.
I was now 8 years old, i was home schooled because of all the traveling we do.
"Mickey, me and your father want to talk to you." My mom said.
I walked down the stairs of our rental house.
"Yes sir ?" I asked.
"Well some of the guys on the team found a softball team to put their girls on. And we signed you up." My dad said. I gave them the most confused/dirty look i could give.
"Mickey sweetie just try it, maybe you'll like it again." My mom begged.
Girls don't play baseball.
"No." I said.
"Mickey, baby we already signed you up. Your not gonna at least try it?" My dad ask. I shook my head. "I Hate Baseball " I said then leaving the room.
I could hear them still talking, "I told you Dale. You ruined baseball for her." Mom said.
"I ruined it for her? It was one time and she gave up! At least I tried." He shouted.
" you just don't get it." Mom said walking out.
They tried multiple times to get me to play, they even had Yogi my grandfather talk to me. I told him the exact some thing, i hate baseball.
As Lou got older he still played baseball. He was good, grandpa Yogi said he was better then dad. When I turned 15 dad retired from the MLB. There was a huge dinner for his retirement. I didn't go. I went out with my friends.
After his retirement, he was home a lot more, so i wasnt. He tried to bond with me but at that age there was no fixing the damage. The really funny thing is when he would try to actually act like a dad to me, like one time I came home past curfew.
"Mickey, where the hell you been? What the hell is that on your neck! Is that a hickey young lady?!" He freaked.
"Calmed down, it'll go away in away couple days." I chuckled.
" you think this is funny?" He asked getting up from his chair.
"No, i think its funny how, now you're trying to be a dad to me." I chuckled.
" Mickey I've always been your dad, so don't try to pull that crap!" He shouted.
"What is going on down here?! " Mom asked.
" looked at her neck Elizabeth and she came home late! Now she's trying to pull 'I was never a dad to her card'." He shouted.
" How many games or practices have you missed of Lou's?" I asked.
"None, i would never miss his games." He said clueless.
"How many of my dance performances, singing contest,show choir performances or band concerts of mine have you gone to? " I asked sternly.
He didn't answer. "Exactly. NONE.So do me a favor and keep doing what you were doing before and STAY OUT OF MY LIFE! " I shouted running up stairs past my mom.
"Elizabeth I'm trying and nothings working." I over heard him.
"Dale, what do you expect her to do?" My mom replied.
"I'm trying make things right with her, Elizabeth. I really am." He sighed.
"I know, but she's 16. She's knows that since you retired, baseball is out of the picture but she thinks baseball is always going to be more important than her. Show her it isnt." She said kissing his cheek.
As soon as i graduate from home schooling i moved out. I went to a Fine Arts college and sang at a bar to make my own money. I do get money from my parents, particularly my dad. He thinks putting a crap load of money in my account is Going to make things better. It whatever.
I am 23 years old, living in Florida.
I work at a lounge and sing there every week night. I enjoyed it. And the thing was, no one knew who i was. I tell everyone my name is Mickey Blare. No ones questioned it. No one came up and asked me 'what's it like being the granddaughter of Yogi and daughter of Dale Berra? ' so glad I don't have to hear that anymore.
Life was good.

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