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We spent the whole day in bed just holding each other and talking about our baby. We showered then got dinner then my mother called...
"Honey when are you coming home?" She asked desperately. I took a deep breath "mom I'm not coming home. I'm going to live with Michael." I said.
"Mickey are you sure about this? He didn't talk you into this did he?" She asked calmly. " No mom. I really want to do this with him. I don't want to toss her between homes, we're gonna be a family." I smiled. "I'm proud of you baby. Well since baseball is over for both our boys, we'll pack your's and Melodys things and bring it down there."
"Thanks mom, I really appreciate that."
" Just as long as your happy" she said.
"Im very happy." I smiled. "Good, well we'll see you sometime next week. Bye love." "Bye momma."
He wrapped his arms around my belly, "so I guess we need to get started on my nursery tomorrow." He giggled. I nodded. "My parents are coming over to meet you tomorrow though." He said. "Okay...should I be warned of anything before they come." I asked. "Yeah my dad's an asshole so ignore anything he says about us not being married-"
"And having a bastard child. Yeah I keep hearing that from my family."
" you want to get married before we have Melody?" He asked softly. I shook my head, "I want you to marry me cause you want to, not just cause of a baby." I replied "do you want to get married now?"
"No baby, not now. I want to ask you though cause I know this is hard on you. " I nodded as he then kissed me.
"I like being able to kiss you." He smiled against my lips. "Me too." I replied kissing him again.
We relaxed on the couch and ate our dinner watching cartoons. "So Wednesday I have an interview with sports Magazine.....can I make us public." "US as in 2 of is or all 3 of us?" "All 3 of us. I want the world to know you guys are mine." He smiled. "You know Mr.Jackson, you haven't actually asked me to be yours yet..."
"I know but I will. It'll be special." He said. "Soooo?" "Go ahead." I said. "Let the nosey world know cause everyone's been wondering who is Yogi Berras granddaughters baby daddy." I giggled. "I hate that phrase." He cringed."me too."
We laid down but I kept tossing and turning. Melody was moving alot like always. " just relax baby." He said rubbing my back. "You have no idea how uncomfortable this is." I said on the verge of tears. He rolled me over on to my back. He lifted my shirt. He caressed my belly. "Melody you need to let mommy sleep. So settle down in there." He cooed then kissed my belly. "I think I'm pregnant with David Beckham child's. All she does is kick." I groaned. "Better not be. We are a baseball singing family." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Sadly." "Whats that suppose to mean? " He asked offended. "Well if you haven't noticed I Hate baseball." I said with an attitude. "But why? I do not understand what could make v you hate baseball so much!" He said. "Don't worry about it." "I am going to worry about it! You hold it against me like I'm commiting a sin!" I turnedI away from him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Talk to me." He kissed my shoulder. "This relationship is gonna turn toxic again if we don't figure this out." He said. Tears were already rolling down my face. "I use to love baseball so much." I confessed. "Its all I wanted to do. Watch and play baseball. It's what made dad happy."
"What made you hate it baby." He asked rubbing my belly. "I tried so hard to play baseball to make him like me. But no matter what I was girl and girls can't play baseball. I was fucking 5 years old, of course I'm going to be terrible. He gave me three tries. I missed the first two then the 3rd one he threw right at my head so I ducked. He started yelling at me telling me I'll never be able to play baseball that he wished I was a boy. He always told my mom it was my fault cause I'm a girl." I cried. "All i wanted to do is play the game. The second I was born and had a vagina I was a disappointment to him. So I blame baseball for that." I said. "He never missed one of Lou's practices or games. Not even in Tball! But he never went to one single dance,band or choir concert of mine because no matter what baseball came first. No matter how good I was or anything, it never mattered to anyone but my mom and grandma. Sure Yogi would tell me god job and he did go to a couple things but not my dad. Didnt even go to single practice of mine." I said. " I'm so sorry baby. You deserved better than that." "You ever, even come close to treating Melody like -"
"I would never treat her like that. She's my baby girl, my blood. She's our prized possession. If she wants to play though you have to let her and if she's doesn't fine. That's okay. You have to understand though playing ball is my job and like any other job sometimes it has to come first." I nodded. "I don't think you hate baseball though." He said. I turned around and faced him. "I told you I did." I said. "I think you blame baseball for your dad being a bad dad but baby its not that way. Jon has a toddler and he's so good with him, there's tons of good dad's in the league. You just got a bad one and I'm truly sorry you had to be treated that way." I wipped the tears off my face. "I don't know what you v want me to say. " I said pouting. "That you'll give baseball a chance. I know you understand the game like the back of your hand and you do watch them when someone makes you. I'm not asking you to become obsessed with it. I just want you to see why I love it." He said. " I'll think about it. " I pouted. " thank you." He said then kissing my pouting lips. "I promise I'll be the best dad to our kids." "Kids? Let's just focus on one for a while."I laughed. He giggled. "I love you baby." Kissing my neck. "I love you too. "

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