1st Date

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"Sierra, did you see how goregous he was?!" I asked.
" who?" She giggled.
" the guy at the bar with the black curly hair. " I said.
" That's the guy you're talking about?!" She freaked. I nodded "hot damn Mick!" She laughed.
" like he would not take no for an answer which means either....."
"He's actually interested or really wants to fuck you. " Sierra finished. I nodded "hopefully both cause he's pretty damn fine." I giggled. "Just don't let him have the cookies to soon." She replied wipping off a table.
"I dont-"
"Oh look who it is." Sierra said pointing to the door as Michael came in.
"Go talk to him!He's here for you! " Sierra said pushing me. "No stop" "No go!" "Sierra-"
"Ladies." Michael said approaching us.
" I'm pretty sure we're closed." I smirked, then sierra pinched my arm "ouch!" I squealed.
" I'm aware of that. I'm hear to take you out to lunch." He smiled
"Aren't you suppose to call me?" I asked.
"I rather see you and hear your voice. Not just hear your voice." He smiled. I started blushing.
"Sooo can I take you to lunch?" He asked again.
"Yes!" Sierra shouted "I mean she means yes." Sierra giggled.
Michael raised his eyebrow. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"That's a surprise."
"Sounds like a murder scam." I said.
"I guess we'll have to find out, now won't we?" He said.
"Okay, let's go." I laughed.
"Tell carlos I'll be back for my pay check." I said walking out with michael.
" so are we going for poisoned food or straight to the ally?" I asked jokingly.
" I was thinking some poisoned coffee and brunch." He smiled.
"I don't drink coffee but poisoned mango lemonade and brunch sounds perfect." I laughed.
" okay okay, I got you.... so tell me about yourself, where are you from, what's your favorite food etc. .." He smiled as we walked down the strip.
"Are we walking there?" I asked avoiding his questions.
"A little walking won't hurt us. Now, stop avoiding my questions." He giggled. I tucked my head laughing as he saw right through me.
"Fine. You got me. I from New York and i love Italian food." I replied.
"So your a yankee?" He smiled i cringed as he said that.
"Oh sorry, i forgot you hate baseball." He said.
"Its fine." I smiled.
"Well here we are." He said as he held the cafe door opened for me.
"Oh, we have ourselves a gentleman here." I chuckled.
We ate and talked the whole afternoon, and things were perfect !
"So where am I taking you?" He asked.
I shrugged, " you already can't stand to be away from me." He giggled cockily.
I laughed shoving him.
"Fine if you wanna be cocky, take me home." I giggled.
"My house right?" He smirked.
"Your not getting in between my legs still." I said.
He threw his hands up in defense , "I'm just asking for a movie and maybe a home made dinner." He said.
" ummm fine." I smiled. I really did not wanna be away from him, there's just something about him. I mean he's sexy, gorgeous hair, muscles and funny.
He took me up to his apartment.
"So this is where you live?" I asked walking in his home. It was beautiful.
"Not the typical brachlor pad huh?" He said.
I shook my head, " so these are the movies I have disney movies, and comedy and a couple others."
"Disney " I smiled.
"Lion king, p-"
"Lion king!" i squealed. He looked at me shocked.
"Sorry, it's my favorite" I giggled.
He just laughed. He put in the movie as i sat on the couch. " popcorn?" He asked.
" would it be a movie without it?" I asked.
" you've got a point, I'll be right back." He said. As he walked away i couldn't help but admire his butt...I'm sorry I'm a women and i love a guy with a nice butt. He then stopped walking.
"Are you staring ms.Blare?" He asked.
My face was red as a lobster,
"I guess it's only fair since I stare at yours." He said then walking into his kitchen. I died laughing. He came back with popcorn.
We sat down as the movie started. He pulled my legs over his lap and set the popcorn in my lap.
The movie was over and i set the popcorn bowl on the coffee table.
"Your such a cry baby." He joked.
" Hey it was sad when his dad died." I said punching his arm.
He laughed as he held his arm.
"Hey I didn't hit you!" He laughed.
"Your such a cry baby. " I mocked.
"That's it." He said. He started tickling as he pinned me under him. I laughed as his fingers attacked my stomach.
"okay okay!I'm sorry!" i laughed.
"Say Youre a cry baby." He said.
"Ahahahha! I'm a cry baby." He stopped tickling me. He hovered above me.
"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" He mumbled.
I bit my lip, my hand placed itself softly on his cheek.
He leaned down placing his lips gently on mine. I kissed him back, deepening the kiss. God his lips were like heaven!
" I'm sorry." He said pulling away.
"No no no. It's fine. Your fine." I said pulling his head back down to mine. He kissed me passionately while holding my leg to his hip.
The whole time we made out, he did not try to go any further.
We started to make dinner.
"Yuumm! Where did you learn to cook?" I asked after I swollowed the chicken.
" my mother." He smiled.
"Ohh so your a mommas boy." I said.
" since the day I was born." He chuckled.
"Whats she like?" I asked.
" most lovely, passionate, delightful women you'll ever meet." He smiled.
" What about you, are you a daddy's girl?" He smiled. My smile disappeared.
"I was till I hit a certain age and realize he didn't care about me. Him and i don't get along. "
"What do you mean? " he asked curious yet concerned.
" can we talk about something else, please? " I asked. "Of course. Okay, siblings. How many? " he asked.
" one, I'm the oldest. My little brothers name is Lou. You? " I replied.
"8. 5 brothers and 3 sisters."
"Holy shit! " I exclaimed
"Yeah I know, it's alot. " He chuckled
"I wish I had more siblings. Me and my brother as close but he never is able to spend time with me. " I said.
" Yeah I mean there was always someone to play with." He shrugged.
"Okay dinner is ready " He smiled handing me my plate. We ate and talked some more.
" so, I forgot to ask you. What is your job or career and whatever? " I asked.
He froze a bit.
" I-im - uh? I work for sport management companies." He said. I froze. Good i hope he won't recognize who I am!
"Oh. "
"Is that a problem? " he asked.
" oh no! Not at all." I said.
"So How'd the date go? "Sierra asked.
" Sierra, he's perfect! He's funny, good looking, a gentleman and an amazing kisser!" I said in a dreamy voice.
" sounds like someones in love." She teased.
" to early sierra! We're just now going on our second date tonight, wait which dress? Black or sun dress? " I asked.
"Ehhh save the black one for when you decide you wanna get freaky. Sun dress this time. "
"Good point. "
"Where's is he taking you? "
"I have no clue. "
** * *
"So where are you taking me? "
" You said you like Italian right? " He asked. I nodded.
" you look really beautiful Mickey." He smiled.
I shoved him lightly.
" oh someone hates to blush huh?" He teased wrapping his arms around me.
We went to the Italian restaurant then went to his place. We cuddled on the couch watching a movie but I guess I fell asleep. ...
"Where the hell am I ?" I yawned.
" you feel asleep, I didnt want to wake you. " Michael said from the kitchen.
"Something smells delicious. " I stretched.
" Well breakfast is done." He said. I was in the clothes he gave to me to change into.
I walked into the kitchen, he sets our plates on the table. I kissed his cheek, "thank you." I said sweetly. " anything for you goregous." He replied kissing my lips.
We ate then he took me home.
" Do you think him making me breakfast staying at his house is to fast?" I asked sierra.
" well you didn't sleep at his house on purpose and he was just making sure you didn't leave hungry. It was nothing intentional, it just happened. Your fine."She said setting tables.
"Do you think he'll come tonight?"
"You know, I've never seen you this worked up over a guy." She said raising her eyebrow.
I twiddle my thumbs, "he's just different. I don't want to mess things up like I usually do. " I said
"Just let the wind blow you whatever direction, you keep worrying you ate gonna mess it up. Now go set up you stuff." She giggled.
I set up my guitar and warmed up.
After I got done warming up, i sat at the bar until it was my time. Suddenly hands covered my eyes.
"Oh shit." I said shocked.
" guess who. " He said.
"Hmm these seem to be the hands of a murderer." I giggled.
" correct!" He said removing his hands.
I laughed as he turned my stool to face him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
" Jon's wife flew in last night and this is where they met, so I'm here with them and had to make sure no guys are gonna try anything on you. " He smirk.
" oh really? " I giggled.
" I don't want other men touching what's mine." He chuckled.
" but I don't remember ever being asked out properly." I stated.
" in due time i will, but I still claim you as mine. " He smiled. I throw my head back laughing. "Okay Michael." I said.
I performed and an hour or two, then gave my closing song.
Everyone clapped, i walked off the stage and was met there by michael. "You did great." He smiled. "Thank you!" I smiled.
"Mickey, i want to introduce you to Jon and his Wife Lizzy. Guys this is Mickey." He smiled.
"Its nice to finally meet you, mikes told us great things about you." Lizzy smiled.
" it nice to meet you guys too." I smiled shaking their hands.
"Were gonna get some drinks, are you staying or going home?" Michael asked.
"I don't really drink, but I'll stay for a little bit" I said putting my guitar away.
I cleaned my stuff up then went and sat with Michael. He put his arm around me, i felt a little uncomfortable being around his drunk friends.... His friend kept staring me down... as everyone was talking his friend interrupted the conversation.
"Mickey, why do you look so familiar? " he said.
I shrugged. " I swear I've seen you on TV before." He said eyeing me. " no. I don't think so. ive never been on TV." I said softly trying to avoid eye contact! God i hope he doesn't recognize me.
"I think you're lying ." He said staring me down. I scooted into Michael, feeling uncomfortable.

"Matt, what's your problem? Leave her alone, man!" He defended.
" Mike you barley know this trick, and your defending her?" Matt said.
"Excuse you! I don't know who you think your calling a trick! " I shouted, walking off.
"What the fuck matt!"Jon and Michael said. I soon heard feet trailing behind me.
" Mickey! Mickey wait up!" He hollered grabbing my arm as we reached outside the club.
"Is that what I am to all you guys? A trick? Some whore?" I shouted.
"What! No mickey! Why would you say that?" He asked offended.
" who would he call me that?! Obviously you're known for messing around with women!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face.
" mickey, calm down. Please. Okay, yes I've had my far share of women. But all those-"
"But all those women don't mean anything, yeah I've heard that one before Michael!" I said.
" that wasn't what I was gonna say! Every women I've been with I've straight up told them it was only for sex. That that's all I wanted and nothing more. You are not a trick to me." He said
I wipped my face, sniffling. "We've only been on 3 dates and we're already arguing. I knew I'd mess this up." I said.
" mickey, people argue. I still wanna get to know you. "He said stepping close to me. His thumbs wipped my tears, he closed the gap between us, kissing me lightly.
" please don't end this because Matts a drunken idiot." He begged.
"Okay." I said lightly, he hugged me tight and i hugged him back. My head rested on his chest as we hugged eachother and paused like that. My lips lightly kissed it arm as he kissed my head.
" Its getting let Mickey. I'll take you home." He said

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