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My mom's been taking care of me since that night. I broke my own heart....
As soon as i woke up i threw up. I cleaned myself up then showered. I went down to breakfast and ate with my family. "So when are you leaving Mick?" Lou asked. I shrugged "I just really need to figure what i wanna do. I'm just confused." I said. "You can stay as long as you want honey." My mom reassured. I smiled.
I went back to my room and started watching tv. My mom came in and sat next to me. She had a bag in her hand.
" Whats up? " I asked. "Did you throw up today? " I nodded.
" Honey are you keeping track of your periods? " She asked. " mom You know my periods are always irregular. So no." She reached in the bag and pulled out a box. "What is this? " "I want you to take these. " they were pregnancy test. "No mom, come on now. I'm not pregnant." I said. "Then take a test if your so sure. " She challenged. "Fine!" I snapped. I went into my bathroom and sat on the toilet. I took the test out and did the process. I took 3 of them then waited 4 minutes. "Can I come in? " My mom asked. I let her in as i waited. "They're gonna be negative." I said. Time went by and the timer went off. I looked down, and they were postive. "Mom they're wrong." I said In horror. "Mickey, they're not wrong.honey you're pregnant okay? Thats why you're throwing up and I'm sure that's why you let Michael take you in the bathroom cause your horny from your crazy hormones. You're gonna be a mommy. " She smiled. Tears filled my eyes, "it's not suppose to happen like this. " I cried. " Honey is happening." I cried in her arms. A baby isn't a bad thing but it just wasn't suppose to happen. "What's going on in here? " Lou asked.
As i cried my mom directed his eyes to the pregnancy test. "I'm telling dad!" He ohed running away. "Are you guys gonna kick me out? " I asked. "No were gonna help you & this baby. "
"What is this i hear she's pregnant!" My dad hissed. "Dale, dont! Not right now!"
" were you not using protection Mickey?!" He yelled. "I don't remember!" I cried. "Mickey how could you be so stupid! " He yelled. I cried harder. I didn't need this right now. "Dale get out!" My mother yelled. " we are not taking care of her mistake!" He spat then left. "My baby isn't a mistake." I said wipping my face. "Just a surprise." She replied. "Are you gonna tell him? It is Michaels right?" I nodded. "I don't know. He hates me now."
"But honey this is his baby too. The baby needs a daddy." "Can we talk about b this later." "Sure honey. Let's just Lay down. I'm going to give your father an ear full."
"Don't worry about it. He doesn't care, never did never will. He just likes to put on a show for everyone."
"That's not true baby." "Mom. Let's be real. From the day I was born and i had a vagina and not a penis he lost all feeling for me."
She walked out and went to find him. Soon enough it turned into screaming.
"She needs us Dale! This is your perfect opportunity to show that you do love her and care about her!"
"What do you want me to offer her abortion money or something? " her & i both gasped. "Dale how could you say something like that! "
"I'm not taking care of her bastard child." He stated. "Fine then I'll help her! I don't need you! She needs me and I'm going to help my baby girl!" She yelled. "Good job dad." I heard lou.
My mom came back up to my room and cuddled with me.
"I don't know what I would do with out you." I said. "Love you too." She smiled.
"What if he doesn't want it?" I whispered holding my belly.
"Then good thing you dump him cause then he's a piece of shit."
" I wanna wait till I have my ultrasound to tell him. "
"Sounds good."
"Mickey, get ready! We leave for your ultrasound in an hour." My mom hollered. I got up shower quickly then dressed. We got into the car headed to the doctor. "I cant believe I'm gonna be a grandma finally! " She squealed. My mom was honestly the only holding me together right now. We went into the office checked in then went to our room. "What if it's not healthy. " I asked. "Its gonna be healthy." She assured. The doctor came in and asked me questions and all that stuff. I lifted up my shirt and she squirted the cold jell on my tummy. "Alright let's look at this baby." She moved the thing around and they found a faint heart beat that wasn't mine. "There's your little peanut. " "is it healthy? " "'s healthy but you really need to be careful. The heart beat isn't as strong as we'd like. If your stressed out or worried or anything you need to find a way to escape that cause it's gonna hurt your baby. So I'm gonna schedule you in 5 weeks to come back. I'm going to print off your pictures and I'll be right back. " She smiled. " the babies gonna be fine Mick." She said rubbing my arm. "I hope so. I'm really starting to fall in love with my little peanut." I replied caressing my stomach. She gave us the pictures, "just keep rested and worry free. Have a good day. " She smiled. I stared at the pictures the whole way home. "I think imma wait till the baby is completely healthy to tell michael." " I think that's a good idea baby." My mom replied. When I got home Lou was excited to see the pictures. "So that little peanut looking thing is a baby? " "Yep and I'm 5 weeks along. " " The doctor also said for her to take it easy cause the heart beat isn't as strong as they'd like, so don't stress her out." "Wow....this is so cool." He said walking off with the pic still staring at it. We just laughed. My dad walked past Lou ," dad look! This little peanut thing is a baby!" He said amazed. My dad nodded. "Elizabeth can I speak to her alone please. " He asked. My mom nodded walking away. After she left he reached into his pocket and pulled out money and handed it to me. "Whats this for? " I asked. "Look i don't know how to deal with this but I hear a lot of girls your age do it. It's money for an abortion." I felt my heart drop. Tears swelled as i shook my head. Stay calm for the baby. "I'm keeping my baby. I love my little peanut. I need you to stay away from me, stress hurts the baby." I said then walking away. I kept taking deep breaths to calm my self down. I went straight to my room. "What did he want baby ?" my mom asked.
"He wa-was trying to give me money for an abortion." I said. "Oh baby I'm sorry!" " I'm not mad. He's was just told that that's what girls my age do.but it just hurt my feelings." I replied "I'm going to lay down."
I wasn't the same after that night. The girl that I gave my heart to just told me she never loved me. The guys noticed the difference in my attitude. "Mike, you gotta move on bro." Jon said. "I know. Im still trying to heal." I replied. "Maybe going to the club and meeting someone will help?" "Nah not tonight."
(2 weeks later)
I laid on my back catching my breath. God its been to long it's been nearly 2 months since I've been laid. The black hair beauty laying next me was out of breath too. "You baseball guys sure do know how to please a women." She said leaning over, kissing me. Ahh and things were finally going back to normal.
As we traveled I picked up a couple girls to take to my room sometime, fulfill my needs. I did whatever it took to get that witch out of my head. She hurt me, okay? She hurt me beyond repair. She fucking used me!

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