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"It's your turn." Mickey mumbled.
" you have the boobs." I replied wrapping my arms around her.
" Im just going to bring her to bed with us. " Mickey said getting up.
Mickey went and got Melody. She walked in as Melody was screaming.
"Dirty diaper?" I asked.
" yep.  I've never seen a child scared of their own poop." She giggled changing her.
She brought her to bed with us,  breast feeding her.  I cuddled up to her leg.
"Will you burp her?" She asked.
I nodded sitting up.
Once she was done eating, I took her burping her. She threw up a bit.  I wipped her mouth then laying down with her on my chest.
" I can't believe she's a month old." I said as Mickey rested her head on my arm.
"  I know. Felt like just yesterday I gave birth to her." Mickey said kissing my cheek.
I turn my face to her, looking down at her. She reached up kissing my lips. I kissed her back, brushing her hair out of her face.

Life was so peaceful for us, besides a screaming baby, we are all so happy and in love. "I love being a dad more than anything." I said admiring my daughter. "I love that." She smiled at me. " When does spring training start?" She asked  "next month sadly. I don't wanna leave you guys." I huffed
"I know but my mom will be here to help." She said. "I really don't wanna leave. You'll come visit right?" I asked. "Of course baby." She said.

MICKEY'S POV ~ ~ ~ ~

Michael left for spring training and I can't stop crying. I miss him so much! Melody is 2 months old and I'm still so new at this! "Mickey stop crying sweet heart, you'll see him soon." My mom said rubbing my back.
"I miss him." I said wipping my face picking melody up. God she's so dang cute. "Look at my cute grandbaby!" My mom smiled. "How long are you gonna be down here with me?" I asked feeding melody. "2 months or if you don't need me or if you do need me longer." She said.

I swear I've never felt more stressed in my life. I feel so alone. My mom helps a lot. But I get up at night will melody and I hate not having michael here laying next to me. I really just need to hear his voice. I picked up my phone and called him. "Hello?" He answered tired. " hey baby." I replied. "Babe, is everything alright?" He asked worried. "Yeah....i-i" I started crying "I miss you." I cried. "Awh babe. Every thing is gonna be okay."
"I know I just hate not sleeping next to you. I'm so lonely and I'm stressed....ugh I'm sorry babe. I know your probably more stressed and everything then me." I said. "Yeah, I've been trying to find a way to get you guys down here. I miss you guys so much." He said sad.

"Can we fly down there to see you?" I asked still cry
"In 2 weeks you can baby. Then after that, I'll have a month then I'm home." He said smoothly. "Yeah then you're off traveling for baseball!" I paniced. "And you'll be with me." He said.
"Im sorry." I apologize sniffling.
"Your fine baby. I know being a new mommy and then getting back into this baseball stuff for you is messing with your emotions."
"Why are you so understanding?" I giggled. "Because I love you." He replied sweetly. "I can't wait to see you. I'm such a mess." I said. "Same. Is Melody sleeping?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "You need to sleep baby." He said softly. "Stay on the phone with me till I fall asleep. Please." I begged. "Okay baby." He said. I laid down and cuddled up in my blankets. Within 10 minutes I was asleep. But was woken up 2 hours later to a screaming baby. I feed her then she went back to sleep. This whole getting up every 2 hours is what is hard.

"Sweetheart go sleep. I got her. You look exhausted." My mom said rubbing my back. I nodded then went to bed.

These 2 weeks couldn't go by fast enough. I was ready to be with Michael. I packed mine and melodys  bags and caught our plan to see Michael.
A driver picked us up and took us to Michaels condo he's staying in. We were down in Florida and I did miss it down here. The driver helped me carry my bags up to michaels condo. I knocked on the door and he answered tiredly. "Babe?! I thought you were coming tomorrow!" He said surprised hugging me. "I couldn't wait." I said taking in his presence. He grabbed my face kissing me. "Now Where's daddy's little girl." He said turning her stroller to him. She smiled immediately seeing him. He attacked her with kisses making her squeal. Soon Michaels baseball friends came out of thier condos to see Melody. "Look at this little stinker. Uncle Jon can't wait to teach you a whole lot of crazy things." Jon said. Michael took her out of the stroller. "Shes probably hungry." I commented. "Still can't believe you have a kid man." His friend Kris commented. "Yep, well believe it." He said. Melody started fussing. "We better feed her. We'll see yah all later."Michael said as we pulled our luggage in.

I fed our little monster, then laid in bed with michael as she napped. My head laid on his chest as he had his arm wrapped around me. I kissed his jaw, making him smile then kissing me back. "I know this is hard baby but we'll make it." He said. I nodded trusting him.
I fell asleep on his chest. I may of only slept for a couple hours but it was the best sleep I've gotten in a month.


Michael is done with spring training and I'm so happy.
I woke up and michael was not next to me.
"Look at daddies little girl." He cooed, with a giggle coming from Melody.
I got up and put on my robe. I went into the kitchen, seeing michael feeding our little girl. He stared at her with so much love. "Morning baby." I greeted michael with a kiss. "Morning." He smiled. "Did you sleep good?" He asked. I nodded. He finished feeding her, and handed her off to me. "I got to show you something." He said. He went into the closest and pulled out a shopping bag. "You don't have to wear this but I thought I could get you it anyways." He said. 
I held melody as she was just all smiles looking at michael. "So baseball season will be here before we know it so I got you some clothes." He said. He pulled out a white Cardinals jersey with Jackson on the back and his number. I smiled lightly. "I love it."  "And I got all of these made for Melody so as she grows she'll have one that fits." He said showing me all the little jerseys that he got for melody that look just like mine. "And I got these hats." He said putting a hat on my head. I giggled as he put one on melody making her laugh. "So, what do you think?" He asked. "I can't wait to wear it." I said kissing him.
"Bababa." Melody hollered. "Daddys little girl is excited too." I cooed tickling her stomach. "Haaa." She smiled.

"I can't believe she's almost 5 months." He said. "I know. She's getting so big." I said kissing her head.
"Is your family still coming down this weekend?" He asked eating a banana. "Yeah. Lou wants to see Melody so bad." I giggled. 

"There's Uncle Lou's favorite niece." Lou gushed when he saw Melody. She started crying and was reaching for Michael. "Awh Melody, it's just uncle Lou." Michael said taking her.  "She crabby today." I commented. "All she wants is michael when she's crabby." I yawned. "Well grandma wants to get her kisses in." My mom said attacking her with kisses. "Ahhhh." Melody squealed then smiled. "So Mike, ready to get your ass kicked this season?" Lou said jokingly making michael laugh. "How about we let the score from last year speak." Michael replied. "Oh burnnn." I giggled. "Oh shut it Mick." Lou laughed. "So Mickey, when you go to the game me and Michael play against eachother, what jersey are you gonna wear?" Lou asked. I bit my lip trying to not smile knowing it was Michaels. "Um who's hungry?" I asked. "You know you'll pissed dad off if you don't wear a Yankees jerseys." He said knowing I plan on wearing Michaels. "Well dad's gonna be pissed no matter what because Melody and I are traveling with Michael and going to every game." I said. "Oh shit.... he's gonna lose it. Well thanks for the warning." Lou said throwing a grape in his mouth. "Why is he gonna be pissed?" Michael asked. "I refused to go to his games and Lou's. And it was like pulling teeth to get me to wear a Yankees jerseys last year." I said. "Ohhh."
"He'll get over it. I'm just happy that you're so happy." My mom said. "Thanks mom. I'm very happy." I smiled looking at Michael and our beautiful babygirl.

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