Chapter 2 - Why am I in the woods?

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2:45 PM

Mike arrived at Jane's house after school to check on her.  He was worried because she wasn't feeling well and needed to check on her.  He barged into her room and she beamed seeing her boyfriend, it proves that the girl always gets her guy like in the movies.  Mike went to her bed and sat down and held her hand.  "How are you feeling sweetie?  I was so worried about you feeling bad today I couldn't concentrate on anything else.  I had to skip today to check on you." 

"I feel so much better than this morning.  You being here makes me feel better.  I think you should stay for dinner."  After dinner Jane was going to have dessert consisting of kissing Mike.

"Ok Jane, I would love to stay.  Today in school....."  Mike excitedly told Jane about everything that went on.


10:25AM - Earlier in the day

The sun was shining down through the trees as Will groggily woke up.  He looked around wondering why he was laying in the woods.  After looking around these weren't just any woods, but the spot near Castle Byers, but there isn't any sign of his childhood fort at all.  Will noticed he was wearing his clothes he wore to school but had no backpack or Hoodie on.  He wore his blue flannel shirt and blue jeans.  His wallet and other things are on him so it wasn't a theft.  He wasn't hurting and is alone so he wasn't taken either.  Will was confused why he was laying where he was at this time.  Maybe Mike can help shed some light on this situation.  Will was sitting up and about to stand up when a voice got his attention.

"Will, Will Byers, can you let me know you can hear me Will."  Will felt goosebumps on the back of his neck.  He looked around looking for the person the voice belonged to.  "Will, I'm using your true sight to communicate with you.  I am not from the Upside Down, I am a friend."  Will was confused since the gates were closed for good.  "Who are you?  What happened to me?"  Will was curious how someone other than the creatures from the Upside Down could contact him with true sight.

"You deserve to know who I am.  My name is Ethan Ellis and I work for the C.I.S.S.  Anyway you are probably confused on what happened to you.  I need you not to freak out when I tell you this information, can you do that for me?"  "Yes I can Mr. Ellis."   "Good, I need you to listen to my instructions because the fate of the world relies on you listening to my instructions, any deviation will destroy this timeline."  Will's head spun on this information.  He couldn't believe he was told this.  "Wait. What do you mean the fate of the world rests on my shoulders?" 

"I didn't say those exact words Will, but your actions can shatter what's left of this timeline.  The reason you are in a wooded area instead of school is because someone tried to erase you from the timeline.  They would of succeeded if your weren't so vitally important that you couldn't be erased from memory.  Your bond is strong to this timeline and to a particular person."

"How do you know all this Mr. Ellis?  The Upside Down is classified and how'd you monitor a timeline.  Did you work for Dr. Brenner at one time?"

"Let's just say I am privy to classified knowledge and that I have the benefit of traveling in time.  As for Dr. Brenner he was a putrid piece of crap that needed to go away.  I won't harm you like he would, in fact I want to help you by restoring this timeline."

Will was not believing what he was told but if this guy could contact him he should listen.  "Ok, let's say you are right, what should I do to keep damage to a minimum?"

Impossible to Reassemble. Will Byers - Byler and MilevenWhere stories live. Discover now