Chapter 3 - Jane loves Mike

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Mike was at Jane's house talking to her. Mike looked at the time and saw it was after 3PM. "Crap, I have to go Jane. We have a football game tonight and I have to be at practice or else I will be kicked off.  I forgot about this so I can't stay for dinner." "Can't you just skip today since you don't play anyway." Jane looked at Mike with her sad eyes routine.

"I can't skip, the team is counting on me. Bye my love." Mike gave Jane a peck on the lips. Mike ran out to his car and drove to the school. Jane noticed Mike drove in this timeline, in the other timeline none of them had licenses since 001 had the gates opened in town. 001 and the Upside Down didn't exist in this timeline and that made Jane happy. She noticed it was harder to remember things from before and hoped that this reality would solidify so she didn't have to feel guilty about Will. Jane went downstairs to watch a little television and when she sat down she wanted a pop. She tried using her powers to get a Coke from the fridge but her powers didn't work at all. She tried everything she could think of but they were gone. When she looked back at her new memories she wasn't in the Lab for near as long as she was the other timeline and she barely had powers then. She was adopted by Hopper at 9 y/o and quit using them altogether causing her to atrophy. El was scared that her big advantage was gone and now had to live as Jane. She hated Lenora because she was just Jane and now it is reality. El started to panic but Max showed up before she could process what happened.


Max was pretty much the same person she was before the coma in the other timeline El thought. She was Jane's best friend and it was good to see her happy and conscious again El thought. "Lucas and I are attendants for homecoming this year. I can't wait for that night after the football game. He is going to rock my world that night he told me. I am ready to take the next step. Are you and Mike active." Max wiggled her eyebrows in a mischievous way with her trademark smirk.

Jane remembered back to when Lucas and her had a drunken one night stand in the other timeline. It was the first time for Jane but it wasn't as good as she thought it would be. Her memories of that night are getting hazier with each passing hour so she forgot some details. Mike in this timeline never went all the way with her but was holding back until they were older. Jane was ok with that but now wants to go farther now. She wants Mike to want her and only her. She needs to give him what he needs. "Gross Max. Mike is a gentleman and when he is ready we will be active."

"Ok Jane." Max held out ne sound for a bit. "If you had a real man he would be making you feel good right now." Jane was seething at Max's jab at Mike.

"Mike is all man and he makes me feel safe and loved. It will only get better from here and your making fun of him won't change that fact." Jane came off a little stronger than intended.

"Calm down Jungle Jane. I meant no disrespect. Did you know I had a small crush on him when we first met." Jane nodded and smirked because Mike was hers and Max confirmed Mike was special. "That was before I grew a brain though." Jane hit Max on the arm in a playful manner. The two bantered and talked back and forth until Joyce came home at 5:30 PM.

When Joyce came home she was her lovely self but Jane noticed something different about her.  She seemed sadder like there was something missing in her life.  She didn't get as enthusiastic as she used to, her eyes told the story the more Jane studied her.  Her new memories showed Joyce was still kind and loving but seemed off somehow.  Did she remember Will somehow?  If memories are like hers are right now she will forget soon. 

"Are you feeling better sweetie?"  Joyce asked Jane.  "Yes Mom, feeling good.  Since Mike has football can Max eat here tonight before we go to the game in a little bit?"

"Yes Jane, it is fine.  How do you feel about corndogs and nachos?"  Jane smiled.

After eating Max and Jane went to the football game.  Lucas played in the game while Mike mostly sat on the bench.  Mike was more concerned about the party at Chance's house afterwards and he wanted to take Jane to it.  The Tigers lost by 3 points so the party became a place to let frustration out at.  The players nursed their wounds talking about missed opportunities while Mike set up the music and snack table.  "Hey Wheeler you bitch.  Go get me a Jack and Coke."  Andy yelled at Mike while Mike wanted to slap him.  "Coming right up."  Mike had a part to play in the hierarchy and in a year or so he will be making someone else fix his drinks.

After getting Jane a drink and himself one, they went up to a bedroom to talk.  Mike grabbed the sides of Jane's face "tell me how lucky I am getting you."  Mike started making out with Jane.  "Mike, you know I love you right?"  Jane whispered into his ear.  "Um, ah right."  Mike mumbled as he went in for another round of lip locking. 

Mike felt different tonight, he didn't get the butterflies he usually got kissing Jane.  He felt like something was missing, like it was wrong.  He felt nothing unlike any other time he did this.  After a couple minutes he came up for air.  "Why are you stopping Mike?  Did I do something wrong?"  Jane had a worried look on her face.  Mike seen a hazy memory in his mind of him kissing someone and feeling intense, powerful emotions.  This person was blured out but wore a yellow/tan flannel and they weren't Jane.  Mike doesn't know who this person was as Jane was his only romantic partner.  He was confused.

"No Janey, I don't feel right.  I think it was the burger I ate earlier.  I think I am going home to lie down.  Can you ride back with Max?"  Jane nodded yes and Mike left the party. 

Mike only had one drink so he wasn't drunk.  He went home to his room and fell on the bed.  It helped his parents were gone tonight so he was alone.  He was worried he got together with a stranger when he was drunk but he doesn't remember when that could of happened.  He didn't want Jane to leave him and he was loyal to her.  He didn't feel right with Jane either.  What was going on?  Mike finally drifted off to sleep.


Will was in Chicago waiting for the Omaha bus to arrive at the terminal.  That bus was a midnight express so he had a couple hours to waste.  This trip was broken up into legs so he had 3 more busses to ride to get to Seattle not counting stops along the way.  It was over 2 days long so he needed some entertainment along the way.  After being in the gift shop he picked up 2 cassette tapes, 2 paperback books, batteries for the Walkman and flashlight he bought to read with.  He went and bought a sandwich from a machine and a bottle of water.  He bought candy and water for the trip also. 

He thought about being with Mike tonight and what they would be up to.  He imagined Mike holding him and making him feel wanted and loved.  Who would want to destroy his love for Mike by killing the timeline?  All Will can think of is 001 could do it and El could theoretically could but why would she.  What is to gain for either of them.  Actually 001 and the Upside Down don't seem to exist at all in this timeline so it isn't in 001's intetest to do this.  Will couldn't feel him like he did before all this happened.  If El did this, was it to destroy the Upside Down or something else?  Will decided not to think about it right now.  He decided to look at the 1987 phone book from the Hoosier Telephone Cooperative Will grabbed from the telephone booth at the Hawkins bus depot.  He found his Mom's phone number and address and Mike's also.  He needed this book in case he wanted to get ahold of someone from Hawkins.  He passed by the area code map again and wondered what was in B.C. waiting for him.  Will put the book away and got out a sci-fi book of Mike's instead and read some of it.  Time moves slow when waiting Will thought.


Jane was at home after partying at Chance's house.  She was getting ready for bed and she couldn't stop thinking about Mike ditching her tonight.  It seems like ever since she got rid of Will people seem strange around her.  Do they have lingering memories of before or are things OK?  She thinks this over as sleep overtakes her.  Tomorrow will figure it out.

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