Chapter 4 - A new place to be from

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Will arrived in Seattle. When the bus stopped in Boise, Will called Ethan Ellis to meet him at the bus depot in Seattle. When Will arrived a 6' tall man with dark hair and a trim and fit body met him. He seemed nice to Will and trustworthy so he went with him to Ethan's car. "So Will, you probably have questions about this situation. You can ask now while we leave." Ethan started the car and drove away.

"I have many questions Mr. Ellis. Who are you and who do you work for? Why wasn't I erased in this timeline? Did El erase me from this timeline?...." Ethan got the just of the questions.

"Ok Will, let's start at who I am. On paper I work for the Canadian Internal Security Service but actually I work for what you will call a group who monitors the timeline and saves people who died meaningless deaths in both the past and present. We can time travel but we only save people who don't damage the timeline. The family you will live with is from the future which was bleak for them.

You on the other hand are nessasary for this timeline and El, your step sister, did try to erase you from this timeline for reasons unknown to us. She used a power we didn't think she possessed. Anyway the timeline is in flux now so we had to get you away from Hawkins and your loved ones so we can figure out what to do next. I can't reveal too much about your importance to the timeline so don't ask about specific things or I'll just not tell you. For now you will be living in Vancouver while we figure out what to do to fix this. By the way this is the first crisis we faced of this nature so it is new to us on what we should do to fix it." Will looked at Ethan with a questioning look on his face while acknowledging what he said.

"How did you contact me through my true sight?" Ethan cleared his throat "um, remember going to Hawkins Lab in 84'? Well they had your blood samples and they found a new sequence of genes that only you possessed. These genes were mapped and samples were taken from you and inserted into other people and now a few people have your true sight abilities. Full disclosure, I am from the future and was born with these genes you possess. I was trained to use the ability which you aren't yet. This reason is a big part of why you are important to this timeline. I can't disclose anymore to you at this time. People are slowly gaining new abilities and people we save usually have some new genes we can use." Ethan let the implication hang in the air that genetic engineering was going on. Will didn't think he was important enough to get new genes but the Upside Down embedded itself on him.

They sat in the car for almost 2 hours. They stopped in Blaine before they crossed the border. "Ok Will, it will be best if you get in the trunk while we cross the border." Will shook hard due to bad memories of Lonnie locking him in the car trunk. "What's wrong Will? You will only be in there for 20 minutes tops. I will let you out as soon as we cross."

"It's just that my Dad used to lock me in his car trunk when he was mad at me." Tears were falling down Will's eyes. Ethan pulled Will into a hug. "I know it's scary but this is the best option until we get your paperwork in order and enter you into the system. I don't want anyone to know you are here, especially parts of the government since it is very leaky. The wrong people could get ahold of you. Your Dad sounds like a piece of crap for doing that to a child." Will snorted at that. "Ok Ethan as long as you pinky swear to let me out ASAP." Ethan smiled warmly at him "the only promise that can't be broken" as he wrapped his pinky with Will's. Will felt safer because Ethan got it, he trusted him despite barely knowing him. Ethan helped Will climb into the trunk and then the ride to the border commenced. Ethan pulled up to Canadian Customs and a border officer came out. Ethan held up his wallet with his badge and ID. The officer looked at it and waved Ethan through. Ethan drove to the nearest fast food place that wasn't busy and let Will out of the trunk 17 minutes later. They ate their burgers and fries and hit the road to Surrey where Ethan's office was located.

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