Chapter 5 - Who is Will?

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Friday September 23, 1988

Will was awoken by Zoran as he got ready for school. "Will, get up. You're going to be late for school." "No, I start school on Monday." Will groaned out. "No, you start today. There is no point in delaying the inevitable. Get dressed!" Zoran swung a pillow at Will's head. "Ok, geez." Will woke up and got ready. Ethan took both boys shopping yesterday and Will ended up with a whole bunch of clothes, 2 pairs of shoes and even a lower end skateboard because Zoran made sure Will acquired one. Will put on a Ocean Pacific t-shirt and 501 Levi's. Will was growing out his bowl cut so his hair was shaggier which meant he had to comb it to take out any tangles. He went through his normal morning routine before both boys left the apartment.

When Will arrived with Zoran to school, Zoran took him to the front office to register. "Hi, can I help you." An older woman wearing glasses asked Will and Zoran. "Yes Miss. Gasko. Will here is a new student and Mr. Ellis should of set up his registration with his transcripts." The woman looked over her glasses "name." "Oh, William Byers." Will told her. She looked through the papers, "it looks like you are supposed to start Monday. We can get you started today, I'll go get your class schedule." Miss Gasko went to get Will's schedule. When she got back she handed the schedule to Will. "I'll get Vice Principal Lanier to show you around William. Welcome to Docklands Secondary."


After the tour and spending half the day in classes with Zoran, Will was introduced to Zoran's friends at lunch. "Will, this is Jack Olafson and Ayla Rose. Ayla and Jack this is Will Byers, the guy I told you about. He will be living with us for the foreseeable future." Zoran hopes it is for awhile he is thinking. The two shook Will's hand because they didn't really know him yet. "So where are you from Will?" Ayla said as they sat down to eat. "Uhh, I am from a small town in Indiana." Will grabbed the back of his neck and looked down.

"Didn't you hear what he said in class earlier Ayla." Jack saw Will was uncomfortable with the line of questioning because he read between the lines. "I did but I am curious why a small town boy from the States is here in Canada, there is a real story to discover. So Will, you said you like art. Do you have art class this afternoon?" Ayla tried to be more agreeable to lessen the tension.

"Yes I do. I hope to learn some new techniques from the teacher. My previous teachers at the schools I attended either didn't care and thought everything was good or talked about their relationship issues way too much." The three looked at him funny. "You said schools plural, did you live in another town." Jack was curious. "Uhgg, I lived in California for a year but it is a long story." Will didn't want to talk anymore. "Will, you can't ignore us forever, we just want to know you better. We won't judge I swear." Ayla was interested in this Will Byers. He tries to act uninteresting but she senses he is hiding some real interesting facts about himself. She needs to know what makes him tick.

"I was going to say I was nervous to come to school today because in Hawkins some of the students hated me alot and were nasty to me and in California the kids were mean and snotty but at least they ignored me. The students here seem ok so far." Jack smiled "it's because half the kids in this school have some kind of screwed up childhoods, single parents, or are dealing with stuff they shouldn't have to be dealing with. You are just another one of us." Ayla added "we are glad you found your way here. Hopefully this place can be different for you." Will felt himself relax after hearing Jack and Ayla. "So Byers, are you coming with Zoran later to skateboard. I will teach you a few things." "Sure, I tried it once before but I would like to try it again." Will put on a smile. The 4 of them made small talk before going to class.


It was Friday night and Mike was going to a party with Jane. The football team had no game in the schedule so at 8 they were going to Tristan Montgomery's party. Lucas and Max picked up Mike and Jane so they could go eat at the diner before leaving for the party. " So Jane, are you ready to have fun with me tonight while the guys play drinking games?" Max looked back to Jane with arched eyebrows. "Yeah Max, I will enjoy hanging out with you. Let's go have a fun time."

Impossible to Reassemble. Will Byers - Byler and MilevenWhere stories live. Discover now