Chapter 13- The Rise of Elmax

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January 1990

Max was thinking back on the last 3 weeks. Lucas dumped her and moved away so he wasn't at school anymore. Nobody at school knew what was happening with Lucas and Rochelle wasn't attending school either so she didn't know anything.

A couple weeks ago Joyce found out at her job in Jackson of all places what happened with Lucas.  Rochelle's cousin works at the tire shop and told them at dinner break that Lucas knocked up Rochelle in October during football season when Max was long distance dating Lucas.  Rochelle found out she was pregnant before Christmas and the Joneses made Lucas and her get married in a shotgun wedding just after new years.  Rochelle and Lucas are finishing high school in Indianapolis at a special circumstances school because the Jones and Sinclair families wanted to keep this quiet. 

Max was furious Lucas was cheating on her, especially since he told her he dumped Rochelle last summer.  Mike held back on her but honestly he knew next to nothing about Lucas's ongoing relationship.  Mike only suspected what was happening on Homecoming because Lucas kept it a secret from everyone.  Mike only said something because Lucas completely abandoned him and everyone else he was friends with, and Jane put tremendous pressure on him.  Mike was a good friend to Lucas but Lucas ruined that friendship. 

Max looked around her shared room with Jane and in less than 2 weeks the Hoppers will be moving into their new home in Jackson.  The house is nice and Jane and her will each get their own bedroom.  Max thought about going back to Snow Valley after the breakup but she had nobody but her Mom there and Jane and the Hoppers here.  Honestly she felt more at home with the Hoppers and Jane was her best friend so she decided to stay.  She'll drive Jane to school and back since Jane doesn't have a license.  Max knows she isn't college material and neither is Jane (according to Jane's comments) so she wants to plan some kind of future together after High school so they can help each other.  Jane is a wonderful person and friend but Max feels she needs a guiding hand to help her navigate being on her own.  Max is happy to be that hand.

March 1990

Mike is sitting in his basement alone playing on the Atari.  Mike's life went through a lot of changes since Christmas.  First of all his best friend of 13 years up and leaves him with no explanation.  Mike was concerned  that Lucas never came back to Hawkins High after the new year.  Mike didn't know what happened and when he went to the Sinclair's house on Maple Street he found an empty house with a for sale sign in the front yard.  Mike was clueless until Jane and Max told him about getting Rochelle pregnant and marrying her.  Mike found out through them he was in Indianapolis.  Mike found out he was attending a high school for people with special needs with Rochelle and after doing his research in the library he found the most likely school. 

In February, Mike had to spend one weekend with his dad Ted in his house on the north side of Indianapolis in the suburbs.  Because of his Mom and Dad's schedules, Mike had to go to Ted's house Thursday night.  This allowed Mike to go to the school in the afternoon and wait for Lucas to leave.  This gave Mike an opportunity to confront Lucas and get some closure.  Mike got ahold of his dad's work car and he drove to the school at 1pm.  At 2:30 Lucas and Rochelle came walking out of the school.  Mike parked his dad's car next to Lucas's green Fairmont to catch Lucas.  When Lucas got within 15 feet, Mike came out of his car and confronted him.  Lucas's face twisted from surprise, to a little fear, to almost annoyance.  "Mike, what are you doing here?"  Mike needed answers "we need to talk Lucas."  Lucas turned to Rochelle and gave her his car keys.  He put his backpack in the backseat and told her he would be back in 1 hour.  "Are you in a hurry Mike?"  Mike shook his head no.  "Ok, give me your keys.  We are going to get Milkshakes."  Mike handed off his keys and Lucas drove to a diner he likes.  Lucas had a mint milkshake while Mike had a chocolate one.  Sitting down in the booth, Lucas answered his questions.

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