Chapter 9 - Moving on in Snow Valley

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February 24 1989

Jane was happy school was out for the week. The last 2 months were hard for her. First she lost Mike, then her friends except for Max who stayed by her side through all of this. The worst part of it all was watching Mike date Heather Forst. Heather gleefully started dating Mike at the end of January and made sure Jane knew it. Jane dropped out of her activities and layed low socially in school.

It hurt her to know how much Joyce was hurt. She loved Joyce with every fiber of her being. Jane could tell how much she missed Will. Jane knows she wants to move closer to Will to another town and state. Jane told Hop and Joyce she would move with them if they chose because Hawkins had nothing for her except Max. Max was broken up by Lucas and Max said she would like to leave Hawkins also if Jane leaves.

Hopper found another potential job as 3rd in command in a sheriff's outfit in Snow Valley, Washington (made up town for story) for the same pay as his Chief of Police job. He was told he could be 2nd in command in a few months when the Chief deputy retires. Joyce and Hop went there today to check out the area and the job, and to look for a house. Jane was kind of excited to leave Hawkins. She knows it couldn't be worse than her alternative memories of Lenora Hills. Max said if she leaves she can talk her Mom into following them so that is 2 good things. If things work out they will leave on Spring break week in March.

Jane stopped at the mailbox and picked up the mail. She brought it into the house and sorted the items. She saw an envelope addressed to her from Will Byers in Vancouver, Canada. She ripped open the letter and a single piece of paper fell out. It was a letter from Will.

Hi Jane

I just thought I should write to you since you are my sister and I kind of miss you even though you tried to vanquish me! Anyway I am doing good. School is going OK and my friend Ayla is teaching me how to play guitar. I learned 3 songs so far. My friends Jack and Ayla play in a band called Eightpenny at a hangout called The Spot once to twice a week. Zoran and I go to watch them play every week. We also dance there so it is a good weekday hangout on these Winter nights. Zoran and I are skateboarding along with Jack so there is always stuff to do. I might join the track team so I am going to a informational meeting about it next week.

Anyway I just want to check in so if you want to write back it would be appreciated. My address and phone # are at the bottom of the page.


Jane was so happy Will wrote to her. She missed him now more than ever. Jane is going to write back tonight since she has no plans. Jane is happy things are starting to go back to normal. She feels the best she felt in months.


March 19, 1989

It is moving day. Hopper took the job in Snow Valley and he bought a house there. Hop actually was living in Snow Valley for the last week and a half doing his new job. The realtor sold their house in Hawkins in 2 days which meant they can pay for their new house and have a couple bucks left over. Hopper flew back and Jonathan came back to help load the truck before he goes back to NYC. Hopper and Joyce already took a load of stuff two weeks ago, so it is just the rest that has to go. It all fits in the truck easily which Hopper will drive while Joyce drives her Pontiac 6000 car with Jane switching off between the two vehicles.

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