9. Remember

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'What I'm about to tell you, you cannot repeat anyone else.' Catelyn said to Robb, and Theon. 'I do not think Brandon fell from that Tower I think he was thrown and I believe a Lannister's are involved.'

"What?" Robb couldn't believe that. Amelia was married to him, why do that with her here. "Amelia saved Bran." Robb reminded her but Catelyn scoffed.

'We already have reason to believe they're not loyal to the crown.' Catelyn went on as Robb's mind raced.

"They married Amelia to me, why do that if they were going to-' RObb went on.

"I don't understand why they do anything why I think they killed the last hand of the king, I think they sent an assassin to kill Bran and I think your father and sister are in danger."

'So they come into our home and try and murder my brother.' Robb said through clenched teeth 'if it's war they want-'

'If it comes to that you know I will stand behind you.' Theon added

'war? Is there going to be a battle in the gods wood?' maester Lewin said 'to easily words of war become acts of war we don't know the truth yet.'

'I will ride to Kings Landing.' Robb said

'no I know there must always be a stark in Winterfell.' Catelyn reminded him, "You are Lord of Winterfell Robb, I will go." Robb nodded in agreement. "Don't let Amelia out of your sight. Best to put a guard on her. If she is up to something best we know about it before anything conspires."

"I will put Rumlow on her."

Amelia was with Rickon when Ser Rumlow came in with Robb. Her small smile faltered as Rumlow stared down at her.

"Robb?" She questioned softly. "Is everything alright?"

"Lord Stark." He corrected her and Amelia looked back down to Rickon, she didn't understand how he could go from kisses and smiles to vicious stares. Sandor stiffened beside her. Amelia put a hand on his knee.

"Is everything alright... Lord Stark?" Amelia whispered as with her opposite hand ran her fingers gently through Rickon's hair.

"Ser Rumlow is your new guard. To go where you go from now on." Robb told her.

"I don't think that is necessary." Amelia told him. "I have sandor," she reminded him.

"There was an attack at winterfell... this is for your protection.'' Robb ensured.

"Of course... how kind." Amelia agreed. She had told Robb how she didn't like Rumlow, why would he pick Rumlow to keep her safe? That didn't seem like a loving husband to her. "But I dont think I need another. Not to offend you or ser rumlow who im sure is very skilled but- sandor is more than capable-"

"We dont need a damn babysitter boy." Sandor agreed.

"Good to know. But Amelia is my wife. This is my decision." Robb remarked before turning away. Amelia looked to Sandor. He felt her tense beside him.

"I can kill him." Sandor remarked that night. Rumlow was posted outside her door so sandor was inside. He lay beside her. She shook into asking questions he didnt know the answer to. He just promised over and over again she was safe with him. They would figure this out and sandornwould keep her safe.

The next few days all of Amelia's freedoms were slowly taken away and she felt like a hostage. She stayed with Sandor, Bran and Rickon. She no longer slept in the same bed as Robb, his kind glances turned to harsh glares. Rumlow seemed to get off on making Amelia feel uncomfortable but he waited at the door or outside in the hallway when she was in Bran or Rickon's room, not thinking her an actual threat to the boys. She didn't understand. She wanted to go home. That was until Bran woke up.

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