30. Hard Man

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'stop your sulking girl.' Sandor said to arya. The three of them rode uncomfortably on a horse. Amelia on sandors lap and arya smashed up against strangers silks black man. 'truth is you're lucky.' He told arya, she had the most grumpy face on... 'you don't want to be along out here girl... someone worse than me would find you.''

''there is no one worse than you.' Arya spat.

''you never knew my brother.' Sandor said with a chuckle. 

"Gregor scared me." Amelia admitted. 

"He scared me." Sandor agreed. ''he once killed a man for snoring. Plenty worse than me... plenty of men worse than me. there are men that like to beat little girls... men that like to rape them...'

'it that the black water?' arya asked

'the black water? Where do you think I'm taking you?' sandor questioned pulling his horse to a stop.

'back to kings landing, to joffery and the queen.' Arya said confused.

'fuck joffrey and fuck the queen.' Sandor told her. Sandor looked to Amelia. "Sorry gorgeous." She shrugged, she had been awfully quiet and sandor wondered what was wrong. Amelia leaned back into him trying to forget where they were headed as they closer and closer. 

''That's the fork... I'm taking you to the twins.'' Sandor informed her. 

''but why? where are we going?' arya asked.

'to your brother and mother, because they will pay me for you.' sandor said.

''my brother? Why would they be at the twins?' arya asked.

'those outlaws you love so much didn't tell you... the whole country side is yapping about it... your uncle is marrying once of the frey girls...'

' so quit trying to bash his skull in arya.' Amelia demanded. 

'we just might make it in time for the wedding.' Sandor said and arya nodded. She was going to be with her family....


Tywin sat at the head of the table as the other masters followed in taking their seats. Tyrion, and Cersei took the seats as well but Cersei moved her chair to sit at her father's right side. Tyrion took his chair and moved it as well, it scraped along the floor to the opposite end head of the table.

'Intimate. Lovely. The table And chairs are better than the old small council chamber conveniently closer to your own quarters. I like it.' Tyrion noted getting comfortable.

'What news of Jaime?' Tywin said looking around the table '20,000 unwashed northerners have known about the escape for weeks, collectively you control more spies and informants than the rest of the world combined.' Tywin reminded them getting more and more aggravated by the moment. 'do you mean to tell me that none of you have any motion of where he is?"'

''We are trying my Lord' Varys said 'there's the-'

'Try harder.' he demanded. "What news of Amelia?" 

"None my lord." 

"Why do we have you if you are useless?" Tywin questioned. 

''remember what I said about children that run. I am your father. I do the talking.' He told arya. "you stay quiet too.' He pulled Amelia closer, she had been too quiet and he didnt have a free moment without Arya snapping at him to ask Amelia what was wrong.  Amelia nodded trying to remain invisible. 

'roads have gone right to hell,' the man said as he tried and failed to fix his wheel. Sandor came up. 'cracked three spokes this morning.' The man went on.

'you need a hand?'' Sandor offered. 

''I need about 8 hands.' but sandor easily lifted the wagon. 'gotta get this load to the twins in time for the wedding' the man said as he fixed the wheel. Once finished sandor let go and stood up. 'many thanks.' Sandor punched him in the face, knocking him down, unconscious. AMelia stood there confused while arya marched, charged at sandor as he pulled out his sword.

''don't!' she demanded pushing him back, well trying to push him back. 'don't kill him."

''dead rats don't squeak.' Sandor said.

''you're so scary aren't you. Saying scary things to little girls and killing little boys and old people. A real hard man you are.'' 

"What are you talking about? What did Beric and THoros tell you?" Amelia countered. "Sandor didnt kill any little boys." 

"Real hard man." Arya sassed. 

''more than anyone you know.' Sandor replied. He couldn't wait to rid himself from this little brat, him and Amelia could start over, be free. Amelia looked to the unconscious man and back to sandor. He knew best, she trusted him. 

"Rather a hard man than a soft one." Amelia offered. 

''you're wrong. I know a killer. A real killer.' Arya told sandor, they were at a stand off and Arya was fearless.

''is that so?'' Sandor scoffed. 

''you would be like a kitten to him.' Arya said looking over sandor, he was so tall and muscled and she was small but quick. AMelia almost felt bad that she wanted arya to die. Wanted her to drop dead. Almost. Arya had been trying to kill sandor from the first moment they found her and now that they were getting closer arya's attitude spiked. 

''he would kill you with his little finger!' she declared.

'is that him?' sandor questioned pointing to the man he knocked out.

'no.'' Arya answered confused. 

''good.' Sandor moved to strike the man dead but arya stood her ground.

''Don't kill him. Please.' She begged for the stranger's life. 'please don't.' sandor looked to Amelia but she didn't move, stood silently watching them. She didn't know what was the right thing. They both were right. If the man talked they were in trouble but then again maybe he wouldn't come across any guards, it could go either way. Sandor looked back to a defiant Arya and he put his sword away.

'you are very kind. Some day it will get you killed.' Sandor told her. the man started to stir and arya took a wooden plant and smacked him over the head. They took the mans wagon and continued on their way to the twins, to Robb and Catelyn.

"Alright gorgeous, the little punks asleep." Sandor remarked. "Whats going on?" AMelia got up moving to his lap and he wrapped his arms around her. 

"Nothing." She whispered. 

"Liar." Sandor breathed back kissing her cheek slowly. 

"You can't let Robb take me." Amelia remarked. "I won't be their leverage." 

"Oh gorgeous." Sandor rasped, he hadnt even thought that Amelia might think this was dangerous for herself. "I won't let them touch you." Sandor assured. "You drop the punk off, you dont even have to come in. THey get her, we get some coin-"

"You stole me away, their leverage, dont you think they will be mad at you too?" Amelia countered. 

"Aye, they might. But now I have something they want." Sandor countered. "And they will pay to get back they can't afford not to." 

"You really arent worried?" Amelia questioned. 

"Have I ever led you astray?" 

"No." Amelia admitted. 

"My girl." Sandor held her face in his large calloused hands. "We are almost free. Don't worry gorgeous, we are almost home free.''

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