35. The Worst

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" are we really going to stay?" Amelia pondered.

" just for the night..." sandor corrected.

" but you do with a man Fair wages for fair work." Amelia reminded him. " was that just a lie..."

"Aye. You can't be my bastard daughter Amelia." Sandor reminded her. " I love you. I am not a creepy perv. Like Craster or frey. Fucking their children. Even if we aren't actually related." Sandor reminded her. Amelia smiled laying across him. He held her to him. Hands traveling up and down her curves. She had grown a lot since winterfell. She really was a woman. She kissed along his jaw until he fell asleep.

They all slept in the barn that night, Amelia missed real beds and warm fires and fresh clothes and clean hair. she didn't remember the last time she bathed. She felt disgusting. She had a dream that she was back at winterfell, she dreamt of the one good day, dancing with Bran and rickon and sandor was there and smiling and she was so happy in the dream but when she woke it saddened her to see it was gone. Bran and rickon they were gone. The starks were dwindling in number and yet she was stuck with a stark that hated her most it seemed. 

'what did you do!' arya yelled.

'get your horse saddled.' Sandor said pulling the money from the man on the ground.

'you told me you weren't a thief!' arya yelled at him. ' he took us in and he fed us.'

'yes he took us in and fed us. His daughter makes a nice stew but they will both be dead come winter.' Sandor told her.

'you don't know that!' arya yelled at him.

'I do know it.' Sandor told her. 'hes weak. He cant protect himself. They will both be dead come winter... hes a dead man, dead men don't need silver.' Sandor explained.  'good you're up.' Sandor said looking to Amelia 'Lets go.'  She wasn't pleased with sandor either at the moment but knew that without his help the man wouldn't survive the winter. And winter was coming. Arya should know this better than anyone it was the starks house words. Winter is coming.

'youre the worst shit in the seven kingdoms!' arya yelled. Sandor turned to face her.

'plenty worse than me I just see the world the way it is. How many starks are they gonna behead before you figure it out.'

They rode in silence and amelia was glad of it. After such a lovely dream she woke up exhausted and do the constant shouting bickering of her, traveling companions.

Sandor kissed along Amelia's shoulder before he jumped off claiming her could walk. He needed to stretch his legs. He needed to fuck his girl, his cock couldnt handle another moment on that horse with her ass snuggly against him. He grumbled to himself tugging at his belt. Amelia chuckled smiling down at him. Sandor's gaze shifted up to her and her smile widened as she licked her lips. 

"Woman." Sandor murmured. Amelia laughed out. Arya rolled her eyes. 

"Would both of you shut up?" Arya sneered. Amelia dragged her tongue over her teeth before biting down her lip, Sandor almost ran into a tree as he stared up at her. 

"SANDOR!" Amelia declared. 

"Sevens." Sandor muttered swatted at the branches as if it was their fault he walked into them. 


'joffery, cersei, walder frey, meryn trant, tywin Lannister, the red woman, beric Dondarrion, thoros of myr,-"

"I liked Thoros." Amelia admitted. Sandor rolled his eyes. "He was interesting." Amelia offered. "Not like, like him." She clarified. 

"That helps." Sandor countered. 

"- llyn payne, the mountain-''

''would you shut up?" sandor questioned.

"You are just going to piss her off more." Aemlia grumbled leaning into Sandor.

''I have to say their names.' Arya told them.

'the names of every fucking person in westeros?'

'only the names of the ones I'm going to kill' arya corrected.

'Am I on your list?" Amelia questioned and Arya nodded. "Good to know little shit." Amelia sighed but Sandor kept an arm tighter around her.

'hates a good a thing as any to keep a person going. Better than most.' Sandor told her. 'we come across my brother maybe we can both cross a name off our list.' Sandor looked down to Amelia. "But you anit hurting my Amelia." 

'if he were here right now what would you do?' arya questioned.

'I would tell him to shut the fuck up so could get some sleep... go on get it over with. Your list of doomed men' Sandor spat and Amelia chuckled.

'I'm almost done. Only two names left.'

'go on.' Sandor grumbled.

"Amelia Lannister."

"Fuck you too sunshine." Amelia hissed.

The last name arya spoke each night was the first name she had put on her list actually. The first name of the first man she ever wanted dead.  Arya got comfortable, laying down her back to them.

'the hound.'  She spoke her words crisp and clear.

Sandor wasn't tired anymore, he lay staring at the sky. This little cunt. After everything he was trying to do for her... he was on her fucking list. Amelia was her list. Amelia hadn't done anything besides being born to a bunch of cunts.

"Get some sleep Gorgeous." Sandor instructed. "I got you."

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