17. Grey Wind

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'You are sir Alton Lannister correct?'

'I am your Grace.' He answered looking around nervously between Robb and his men.

'I offer your family peace if they meet my terms.' Robb said sitting down at his council table, he looked very official.

'First your family must release my sisters, second my father's bones must be returned to us so he may rest beside his brother and sister in the crypt beneath Winterfell,' Robb told Alton. 'And the remains of all those who died in his service may be returned to their families so they may be given proper funerals.'

'That is an honorable request your grace.' Alton admitted "What of the princess Amelia?"

'And third,' robb went on 'Joffrey and the Queen regent must renounce all claims to the throne and give it to the king of the north from this time to the end of time we are free and independent kingdom.'

'To the king in the north.' Theon said happily.

'To the king of the north!' his council echoed

'If any of Joffrey's men step foot in our lands again, if he disregards this command then he shall suffer the same fate as my father.' Robb warned 'and I don't need a servant to do the beheading for me.' Robb added he would love to chop Joffreys head off.

'Your Grace.' Alton said slightly defensive robb stood up. "The princess?" Robb smirked, they didnt know Amelia had escaped, he could use that to his advantage. 

'These are my terms if the queen regent and her son make them I will give them peace and Amelia back in one piece if not... I will litter the south with Lannisters soldiers until they are all dead.' Robb told him.

'Joffrey is a Baratheon your grace.' Alton told him

'Is he?' Robb questioned. 'You ride at daybreak Ser Alton,' Robb nodded to his men and they dragged Alton away, to be kept in a pen for the night. 'That will be all for tonight.' his counselor cleared out leaving him alone.

'A word your grace.' Theon said coming up to Robb.

'You don't have to call me your grace when no one's around.' Robb told theon

'It's not so bad, but once you get used to it.' Theon shrugged.

'I don't know that I'm ever going to get used to it.' Robb remarked

'They are never going to agree to your terms you know that?' Theon told him.

'Of course they are.' Robb corrected

'We can fight them in the field as long as you like but we won't beat them until we take Kings Landing. And we can't take Kings Landing without ships.' Theon told him. 'My father has ships and men that know how to sail.'

'Men who fought my father.' Robb corrected

'Men who fought to free themselves from the yolk of the South.' Theon corrected. 'just as we are doing now... I am his only living son he will listen to me I know he will. I'm not a stark I know that but your father raised me to be an honorable man.' Theon told him 'we can avenge him together.'

"Almost home." Sandor remarked laying beside Amelia, the stars twinkled above them, a cloudless night. Amelia yawned out rolling into Sandor's arms. 

"You are mine." Amelia whispered. Sandor chuckled softly. "When we get back, Joffrey can have whatever guard they gave him, I'm not sharing you." Amelia informed him. 

"I could get used to that." Sandor assured. 

"I mean it, you are mine, Sandor Clegane." Amelia decided. 

"Yours." Sandor agreed. 

'The king of the north.' Jaime remarked 'I keep expecting you to bring me to one castle or another for safekeeping... you keep dragging me camp to camp.' Jamie noted he was chained up to a post when Robb approached him. 'have you grown fond of me stark? Is that it?" Jamie teased

'If I left you with one of my Bannerman your father would know within a fortnight and my Bannerman would receive a raven with a message release my son and be rich beyond your dreams refusing your house will be destroyed root and stem.' Robb remarked through a clenched jaw

'You don't trust the loyalty of the men following you to battle?' Jamie asked

'I trust them with my life.' Robb clarified 'just not with yours.'

'Smart boy.' Jamie admitted 'what's wrong? Don't like being called boy you're a big man now...' The growling was heard and Jamie turned his head peeing around the post he was stuck on

'You said it yourself king slayer. You have been defeated by a boy you have been held captive by a boy. Perhaps you will be killed by a boy.' Robb said walking around him 'Stannis Baratheon sent ravens to all the high lords,' his wolf grey came in staring threateningly at Jamie 'in the West they declared that King Joffrey Baratheon is neither true king nor true Baratheon... he is your bastard son.' Robb told him confidently. "Amelia as well..." Jaime chuckled.

'''If that is true.'' Jamie said slowly, ''then Stannis is the rightful King how convenient for him.''

''My Father learned the truth. That is why you had him executed.'' Robb said sternly

''I was your prisoner when daddy lost his head.' Jaime told him. Grey stepped forward and snapped at Jaime, Jaime jerked his head back hitting it on the post he was connected to. Jaime felt his heart race as the wolf stepped back to Robb's side.

''Your son killed him. Your son Joffrey killed my father!'' Robb told Jamie

"If so then you married my daughter. Is that right?" Jaime retorted. "where is Amelia?"

'you fathered him and you pushed my brother from a window because he saw you with the queen.'' Robb told him confidently

''Do you have proof?'' Jamie asked ''or do you want to trade gossip like a couple of wives?''

''I sent a cousin of yours down to Kings Landing with my peace terms.''

''Do you think my father is going to negotiate with you?'' Jamie asked incredulously. 'You don't know him very well.''

''Yes but he is starting to know me.' Robb countered.

''Three victories do not make you a conqueror.' Jaime told him

''It's better than three defeats.' Robb nudged Grey forward and he snarled in Jamie's face before turning away Jamie lean back into the post trying to get further away from the beast as Grey, and Robb walked off.

"Where is Amelia?" Jaime shouted after him. "She is innocent in all this boy!" Jaime demanded. 

"Did you see my uncle Jaime at my grandfathers camp?" Amelia questioned. "I didnt see him, maybe he was busy or something..." she rationalized. 

"He wasnt there gorgeous." Sandor countered, she glanced back at him as they rode. AMelia had opted out of a second horse, she had grown used to sandor's arms wrapped around her, she had soon found out the thing jabbing her wasnt a hilt of a blade but sandors cock and that made her smile knowing that he wanted her. Liked his arms around knowing she was safe. 

"Oh, you think hes home?" 

"I heard your husband has him." Sandor admitted. Amelia blinked back at him. "Captured." 

"Tyrion escaped, he's back at the capital just in time for my uncle Jaime to get captured?" Amelia declared through an exasperated breath. "Does everyone in my family have to be held prisoner?" 

"You had your turn, I'm not letting you get taken again." Sandor assured. 

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