5. Easy to Love

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When Amelia and Robb came in to break their fast the next morning Bran felt like his heart was being pulled apart. Amelia clung to Robb, he kissed her over and over again. Sandor was standing like a statue behind joffrey. He hated that he loved her and could never have her.

"Are you alright Lord Brandon?" Tyrion mused.

"No." he answered honestly. "The love of my life married my brother." Bran declared. Sandor knew how he felt. Minus the brother part. He couldnt imagine amelia ever loving Gregor.

"Oh..." Tyrion said with a chuckle. "Yes, I understand that face now." Bran slumped onto the table.

"Amelia!" Cersei coed and Amelia left Robb's side, his eyes followed her.

"Well?" Theon asked. Robb smirked back at him and Jon.

"I think I'm going to like married life." Robb told them smugly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good." Amelia whispered back as she hugged her mother.

"Are you sore?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay.'' Amelia assured.

"I always found that a warm bath helps after the first few times." Cersei told her.

"We did that this morning." Amelia agreed blushing.

"You like him." Jaime remarked and Amelia jumped.

"Uncle Jaime!" she declared. "Private conversations.'' She hissed.

"Oh I'm sorry." Jaime said hugging her pulling her back to him. "He treat you right? Because if he didn't I would kill him." Jaime warned.

"He was perfect." Amelia assured smiling back at him.

"Alright..." Jaime agreed kissing her cheek. Jaime let her go and she ran off, sitting down between Robb and Bran.

"Is it Lady Princess Stark of winterfell now?" Theon questioned. "Is Robb a prince?"

"I suppose he is." Amelia agreed.

"Wow, that's really a step up for you." Jon remarked, Robb swatted a hand at him as he pulled Amelia closer to him.

"Does that make me a princess?" sansa questioned hopefully.

"Well you are to marry my brother right?" Amelia questioned, the poor girl. Joffrey was a shit to his own twin, she couldn't imagine how he would treat Sansa. Sansa nodded happily. "Sansa you wont just be a princess, you will be the queen one day." Sansa beamed happily.

"Good morning Bran." Amelia whispered her fingers trailing along his back. He looked up at her with sad eyes. She ran her fingers through his hair as he leaned into her.

"My sweet niece, married life suits you." Tyrion informed her.

"Thank you uncle Tyrion." Amelia told him softly.

"Bran doesn't seem to think so though." Theon chuckled. But Amelia kept an arm around Bran as he looked up to Theon.

"Shut it!" Bran spat across the table as he hugged tight to Amelia.

"One day married and you are already flirting with my brother." Robb remarked. "I don't think I like that."

"Well get used to it." Amelia teased. Amelia smiled back at sandor and he offered her a partial smile. His heart was breaking.


"You are an excellent climber Bran." Amelia applauded as he jumped down in front of her. Bran smiled happily back at her.

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