49. Don't Wake Up

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"They are coming today." Bran remarked when Amelia woke up the next morning.


"Jon. Daenarys. Your uncle Tyrion."

"Thats what you saw?" Amelia realized.

"Yeah." He agreed softly.

"Are they coming soon?" Amelia offered innocently.

"After midday by the looks of it." Bran remarked. "When they get here," Bran began but Arya was stomping out of the room as Amelia came in. Amelia glanced back at Arya as her shoulder slammed into Amelia's.

"It's fine, shes pissy she lost." Amelia remarked calmly. "I feel great." Amelia assured.

"I feel like I caught a cold." Rickon countered blowing his nose before leaning into Amelia.

"Oh yes, just want a I wanted Rickon boggers." Amelia mused hugging him to her.

Bran could see it now, he could see the future and he could see the end. He could see all the good days, good nights, he could see Amelia's smile, waking up next to her for the next 70 years. He could also see death, soon and sudden and losing her. He could see them being lit aflame. He didnt want to think about that though. There was to much to be worried about the pain of all the possibilities. But looking into Amelia's eyes that love she had for him it was clear was the same as when they were all at winterfell the first time. She didnt see him as a man, maybe she never would. She had told the truth about her feelings about not being ready, but Bran was a patient man. He could wait. 

Daenerys and Jon Snow were riding side by side Jon wearing all black and Daenerys was an all white everyone stood tall and proudly for the king of the north and the queen to be.

'I warned you northerners don't trust outsiders' Jon told Dany, as the rode everyone gave her skeptical looks but the moment her dragons roared overhead terrifying the people Daenerys smirked those were her babies. She was their queen. They would fear her first, then they would respect her, or just fear her.

Bran sat front and center in front of Winterfell when Jon got there he hugged and kissed his head. He long thought Bran was dead, then while at Dragonstone he got a raven saying Bran and Arya were alive. His family was coming back together. Everything was looking up for the north, all they had to do was win this battle... and the next.

'Look at you he said you're a man' jon said looking at his brother. Sitting in a wheel chair. Immobilized from the fall yet a small smile on his face.

"Not yet." Bran countered. Jon's eyes drifted to Amelia standing off to the side she gave him a smile but then she saw Tyrion and she ran to him.

'Where is arya?' Jon asked.

'Lurking somewhere' Sansa told him, hugging Jon as well

'Sansa, this is Queen Daenerys Targaryen.' Jon introduced.

'you are just as beautiful as your brother said lady sansa.' Dany told her. Jon gave his sister a nudge.

'the north is yours... your grace.' Sansa said through clenched teeth.

"Uncle Tyrion!" Amelia declared dropping before him.

"Oh my sweet girl." Tyrion hugged her tight. "Look at you, so grown you are." He touched her cheek. "When Snow said you were here, Amelia I'm so glad you are alright."

"Bran told me you were coming, I'm so glad you are alright." Amelia countered.

"Podrick told me that you had some... problems with the Starks girls." Tyrion remarked gently.

"Mostly handled." Amelia mused. "I'm so happy you are here." Amelia exclaimed.

"You are going to be even happier." Tyrion remarked. "Clegane is alive."

"What?" Amelia didnt understand, she saw him die. "What? Here?"

"Yes," Tyrion turned around. "Should be coming up any moment." Tyrion remarked and Amelia got up running through the horses looking for him.

'We do not have time for this' bran told them 'the night king has your dragon he's one of them now the wall has fallen dead march south.'

"SANDOR?" Amelia shouted. "SANDOR!"  she searched the riders getting discouraged with every passing horse. "SANDOR!" Amelia begged.

"There's my gorgeous girl." Amelia turned around as Sandor jumped off his horse.

"SANDOR!" Amelia was practically in tears as she hugged him tight. "How are you here? How are you alive?" she whimpered tears clouding her vision with every heartbeat.

"Big bitch didnt kill me after all." Sandor remarked. "Oh, it's good to see you gorgeous." Sandor whispered hugging her tight, her feet lifted off the ground as she refused to let him go.

"Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming." Amelia whispered kissing him. He savored every touch, every kiss, every pulsing feeling running through him as her body collided with his.

"If im dreaming I dont want to wake up," sandor countered.

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