59. Won Me Over

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If only her mother could see her now. Amelia didnt have her father -who wasnt even her father - to walk her down the aisle. She didnt have her mother and sister to help her with her dress. Didnt have Jaime... her true father to threaten her husband to be nice or he would ride day and night to break him in two. Didnt have joffrey in her ear telling her lies about her looks. Didnt have little tommen shoving his face in the cake.

What Amelia did have was friends that became family. Rickon and Bran their smiling faces. Bran wasnt mad that Amelia was getting married this time. It was like he knew that robb and amelia were not meant to be. Even though at the time Bran did think himself the man of Amelias dreams. She Did have her uncle tyrion there to drink the night away. But most importantly she had sandor, a man she truly loved with her whole heart. A man she knew would never hurt her only love her.

She didnt know how she ever thought she was in love with Robb when what she truly had with sandor was magical. Robb had filled her nights with bad dreams while being with sandor was a day dream walking in clouds.

Rickon walked Amelia down the aisle. He was very proud and honored that Amelia asked him.

"Who comes before the old gods tonight?"

"Amelia Of house..." rickon stopped himself. Amelia gave him a pinched smile.

"Lannister." She finished. It would be the last time she held that name on her tongue.

"Who claims this woman?"

"Sandof of house clegane." He answered smiling back at her. Amelia Clefane had a nicenring to it. Better than Baratheon, lannister or stark ever did.

"Who gives her?" Rickon puffed his chest.

"Best friend and protector. Rickon Stark!" He ddclared. Amelia chuckled. Bran tolled his eyes. "I said it in front of the Gods Bran. Im not lying."

"Amelia, Will you take this man?"

"I take this man." Amelia agreed.

"Sandor. Will you take this woman?"

"Over and over and over again." Sandor agreed the septon stared back at him. "Aye. I take her." Sandor demanded.

Amelia wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burrowing her fingers into his hair, holding him just as tight as he held her. His tongue flicked playfully against her lips, and she parted just enough for a taste.

Applause crept past their content little bubble, and they slowed the kiss, both of them panting like they had run a marathon. Sandor wasnt even a little bit shocked by the intensity that consumed them. This had been a long time coming.

"It is my honor to present to you," bran remarked. "For the very first time." Amelia smiled back at him. "Sandor and Amelia Clegane."

"A name to be proud of," amelia whispered kissing sandor again.

"My wife." Sandor said softly. He kissed again and again until her lips were numb.

"Keep up podrick." Tyrion declared as they started the festivities. It was the first real reason to celebrate.

"Its hard my lord." Podrick countered.

"Its hard being drunk all the time. If it were easy everyone would do it-" tyrion mused as Bran rolled by. "Im kidding of course your grace. Im hardly drunk anymore." He added with a smirk.

Amelias face from how much she was smiling. She looked at Sandor and he kissed her every time she met his gaze.

"Dance with me." Amelia requested.

"Im no good a dancer, gorgeous." Sandor reminded her as she took his hand in hers.

"So you keep saying," amelia agreed. "But you got smooth moves Sandor. Won me over didn't you?"

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