Chapter 1

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As Wei Wuxian kneels in the ancestral hall waiting anxiously for Madame Yu to deal out the appropriate punishment.  His mind wandered back at what had happened. He remembered after the latern festival how Jin Zixuan insulted his shijie. He saw red and bunch him. Soon, the sect Leaders came, and the engagement was broken off. That same day, he left with the sect leader leaving behind his shijie and Jiang Cheng. When they arrived back home, the Madame was furious and ordered him to go kneel in the ancestral hall. He knows what's to come, so he is just waiting patiently it's not that he wasn't through all this his whole life since the sect Leader brought him back to Lotus Pier and the YungmiangJiang sect. With his robes laying on his hips, leaving his back bare, he waited.

He did not have to wait long when he heard the rustling of fabric behind him. He did not have to turn around to know who it was. Zidian crackling beside him, and he closed his eyes. The first hit knocked the wind out of his lungs, and a soft gasp escaped his mouth. After that, the hits came down more severely, knocking him down more. She did not give him to come up to sit straight. Laying down the hits did not stop while she spat curses at him. He did not know how for how long it went on. All he knew was that at some point, black spot started to swim before his eyes. He started to feel nauseas, and bile crept up his throat. What happened after that, he did not know because he fell unconscious. If he stayed awake, he would have heard her say.
"Get rid of him.I don't want to see him in my sect anymore. Take care of the clarity bell it does not belong to him".
"Yes, Madame, the two women said".
"My lady, you can't. He is still the head disciple of the sect. You have punished him already. Why must he be thrown out as well". Sect Leader Jiang said with a sigh.
"He had always brought trouble, and now because of him the betrothal between A-Ling and the Jin heir are off. A betrothal that was arranged between me and Madame Jin even before they were born. A potential alliance now gone. So tell me Fengmian does someone like him still have the right to be part of our sect". She ranted.
Fengmian shakes his head and walked away not even looking at the boy laying unconscious and in his own blood. His back flacked from the hits of zidian.
"Where should you take him Madame Yu". Jinzhu and Yinzhu asked her.

She looked down at the boys battered body without feeling and ince of remorse and said before she swept out the room.
"Throw him in the burial mounds. There in know he won't be able to escape from. A perfect place for him as a son of servant to be thrown in and took his sword as well. I do not want anything of him in my sect anymore". With those words she was gone.
They dressed him as soft moans of pain escape his mouth. Once done they picked him and suibian up and left the ancestral hall. Making their way towards the gates of the sect. The disciples that were training and some of the staff looked on none could say anything even though they felt sad and heartbroken. Jinzhu and Yinzhu made their way towards the burial mounds after mounting their swords. They flew over Yiling and made their way towards the highest point of the mounds. The whole flight Wei Ying did not stir once. They just for a minute wavered before they dropped him and suibian looking down for a long while before sending a silent prayer for him. They turned and flew back.

Wei Ying's body hit the ground and all that's was heard were bones broken. He laid there as the day turn into night. The ghosts flew around him. Howling and screeching. For three days, he laid there surrounded by resentful energy. But also in this place of horror and darkness someone else awaits the awaking of the stranger a boy who had been thrown in their mist. A boy who are hovering near deaths door as each day passes. Even in his state of unconsciousness he could sense the boys will to live, to survive. And so he waits just as the ghosts and the resentful energy. Then the boy started to move and groan. His eyes still closed. He moves his fingers his legs lays in a strange and awkward angel. It's broken that much is clear.

He slowly starts to open first his one eye than the other. Laying on his back he only saw darkness. Thinking that it is night he closes his eyes again. But something did not feel right. The energy felt weird and yet to some extent familiar to him. He opened his eyes again and turned his head slowly to his right side and his eyes instantly grew wide. He jerk up but it was too fast and the nausea hits him with full force as the pain hits his whole body. He fell back down turns his head to the side and threw up. He threw up until there was nothing left and in the end he was dry heaving. Gasping for breath he carefully turned his head and closes his eyes again. That's when the man stepped forward and kneel beside Wei Wuxian. Sensing someone beside him Wei Wuxian opened his eyes and saw a man kneeling beside.
"Who are you?". He asked.
The man looked at him and said.
"My name is Hua Cheng young man and what is your name".
"Wei Wuxian. Do you know where i am?". Wei Wuxian asked. His whole body in pain.
"In the burial mounds ". Hua Cheng answers him honestly.
Wei Wuxian's eyes grew wide in his sockets.
"The burial mounds? But how and why?". He asked as tears forms in his eyes. Why would she do this? Does she really hate him so much that she is willing to throw him into this place. Does she wants him dead so badly.
Hua Cheng watch him closely and saw the different emotions on his face and he could not help to feel sorry for him.
"I do not have answers to your questions Wei Wuxian but you are badly hurt. I think your legs are broken and probably some of your ribs. I am going to pick you up and move you to a safer place". He told Wei Wuxian who nods his head.
His eye fell on something laying a few feet away from him.
He got up and walked over and picked it up. Seeing it is a sword he turns around and walked back to where Wei Wuxian was laying and kneeled once again.
"Is this yours?". And he showed him the sword.
Wei Wuxian nods his head and said.
"Yes it is my swords suibian".
Hua Cheng laughs at the name and Wei Wuxian explained on how his sword got its name. His situation and pain forgotten for a moment.

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