Ch 2: An Angel in Demon School

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With a bit of magic forging paperwork is easy enough, Breaking into a school after and during school hours could have be more interesting, but blending in with demons in said school you've broken into? The plan was to protect Iruma, and also "attend" this school to gather information until she could find the time to rescue him. She knew what had to be done if he died, but she would make sure that never happened. Now she at least had a physical body to better exist in this realm. Human looking, at least. Though some of the demons here didn't quite fit that description.

A physical form is the reflection of the soul for Angels. Erica hadn't been in this form since she was six? It seemed like only yesterday she had first utilized it. So she was somewhat surprised at the growth it had.

She did need a safe place to stay, if only she spent some time arranging that, perhaps it would have been a better idea to find a safe spot before employing her body but oh well. While some demonic creatures may succeed in destroying her physical form, they couldn't even put a dent in her existence. Though reforming her body may be troublesome. 

So apparently she was supposed to be going to an orientation for the first day of this school. So she returned to the scene of her crime, this time as a student. Though she had missed orientation, she could at least check up on Iruma to see how he's doing. A mob of students ran past her. Clearly excited for something. She grabbed the shoulder of one of the students running by and stopped her.

"What's happening? Why are you all running!?"

"The Top Scorer Asmodeus and the Honer Student Iruma are going to fight! You can't miss it! Come on!" The blonde demon girl continued and grabbed Erica's hand as well causing her to follow behind. Erica would have been a bit more angry if not for the fact that this particular demon looked relatively friendly and nonthreatening, She might even go as far as to say kind of cute. BUT STILL-

Her line of thought was cut off as they were at a little courtyard, front row observers to where Iruma and a tall pink haired boy in an aristocrat's uniform, presumably Asmodeus, were facing off ... And by facing off it looked more like Iruma looking like he was about to faint as he shakily muttered out something.

"Uh, excuse me but... are you gonna eat me?"

"I was supposed to deliver the school greeting. The punishment for thieving that spotlight from me, is most assuredly death!" 

Asmodeus summoned a large flame in his palm 

"And since you so rudely stole my thunder, I reserve the right to test your mettle and see if you're truly worthy of it. Agreed?"

What funny things are fireballs. Just the reddest of flags for danger. And how obvious the pink haired demon was being. Iruma's crisis evasion had been activated before for way less and was basically undefeated for the entirety of the boy's life. If not for how it had to be developed, Erica may have been proud. 

Due to that skill She had her own dark inside joke, whether Iruma really needed her as Guardian Angel because he was doing a good enough on his own. In all honesty, she had saved him plenty of times before, and she was long past the point of being upset with her job being done by him. After about twenty or so minutes both boys were exhausted, panting on the ground.

"What the hell! I haven't hit you once!" Asmodeus exclaimed 

"I know sorry about that!" Iruma responded.

The situation may have been resolved due to Iruma's people pleaser personality if not for the watching students' commenting  

"Iruma's a beast!"

"He hasn't even tried to attack him!"

"Wait! Is he saying he's not worth his time? WOAH!"

"Are they right?"  Asmodeus asked "Am I so not worth attacking you won't even bother?"

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