Ch 3: Unfamiliar Summonings

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School was out for the day and Erica did not have a home in the Netherworld to go back to, but she at least had a little camp she had set up thanks to the knowledge she had gained from being around Iruma for years.

Food wouldn't be an issue. She didn't need it to survive after all, just magic to preserve her form.

She laid down on her little cot and just stayed there. She wasn't worried at all about and demons or demonic creatures nearing her encampment because of the angelic runes she had set up around the area. Erica wasn't really upset having to live this way. This technically was her first home. Her upbringing in heaven before taking up guardianship mainly just consisted of nonstop training.

But that was just a consequence of being created this way.

The other students at Babylus may have houses and cozy beds to go to or something. Heck that Sullivan is probably letting Iruma live in a castle or something.

She couldn't be mad, she sort of wanted this. Not the Iruma getting kidnapped by a monster, but him having a happy home with a loving family who would cherish him. Would she really be okay with that family being demons?

Why in God's name did she even make a bed for herself in the first place? She didn't even need to sleep, besides she was so restless lazing around doing nothing.

So she spent the entire night planning out possible actions for potential disasters she may expect to deal with the next day.

And after that she felt incredibly uneasy in such an enclosed space for so long. So she got out from her little tent and was about to spread her wings before a thought occurred to her.

My wings are clearly that of an angel's. Could that raise suspicions or would the demons simply not care? Might be better to play it safe and walk.

As expected, it was a walk long enough for her to see the twinkling stars like how she was familiar with in the human realm in the night sky fade to a blue a with an odd greenish tint.

Still she was there relatively early. Erica did see a few students landing and walking into the creepy school building singing Babylus's school song as they landed.

She may have been more upset if she didn't remember what angels sing about in their choirs relating to demons. But still, at least angels could be subtle in their lyrics.

Though if she was unhappy with the school song song, she could only imagine how Iruma felt every time he hears it.

She also saw the bubblegum haired demon that attached itself to Iruma merrily standing near the entrance. Waiting for Iruma to arrive perhaps?

She was not going on by without getting any answers out of Asmodeus.

"Hey Asmodeus-san!" She ran up to him. He looked annoyed upon seeing Erica but she didn't care.

"You're Iruma-kun's friend right?" She felt sick even entertaining the idea of Iruma being acquainted with a demon.

Asmodeus's face brightened at the mention of Iruma then contorting somewhat when she finished her sentence.

"Friend?" He asked tilting his head slightly

"Oh, I just figured you guys were close."

A stern look came over his uncannily feminine features but then Iruma walked through the entrance meekly.

Asmodeus immediately noticed, sprinted over to the blue haired boy, unintentionally or intentionally shoving Erica in the process.

She fell backwards. At this moment she thought of the first time she had fallen over while visiting the Overworld a while back: Pain was a funny feeling. It was like disappointing your body.

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