Ch 1: The Tuna Fishing Boat Accident

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Angels, beings with no desires of their own. A pure race made of entirely selfless entities, made with the purpose to look over humanity and to maintain order. That's the message inlaid in all angels from the moment they were created. Erica Cassiel was certainly one of the most intent listeners, not just because she had to, but because she had pride in being a part of something important. She had been given the role of Guardianship with the promise that once a certain number of years would be up she could either decide if she wanted to stay a guardian or move to another role.

Erica fancied the role of being a fighter or general in an army, She was one of the faster angels and at least a little battle smart. However heaven had little in terms of conflict at the moment, neither internal nor external. She would be assigned to one person who she'd have a sort of link to; meaning she could sense their emotions and only save that one person. Interfering in human affairs was not her role after all. And in case she failed, she would be the one escorting them to the gates of heaven lest she faces even worse consequences.

But right now she was standing on the other side of the pearly gates. Ready for descent. Scroll in possession, written on it: 'Iruma Suzuki'


When she first was notified of her protectee's "track record" and how she may "have her hands full with this one" she had first imagined a war hero, or maybe an outlaw. She had not expected this kind boy around her age. Though in terms of danger, so far this endeavor had been rather tame compared to the other 'gigs' Iruma had to pick up this year. That being said Erica could easily pick out several dozen working violations just in that shelf she was sitting in front of, though no one and nothing would be able to sense that she was there. At least there was some form of housing this time: Shared bunks that smelt like fish and mildew on this crummy boat in the middle of the ocean but still technically housing.

Iruma, the human she was meant to be guarding was shoving some smelly tuna into some cages lining the wall. Erica watched him, though the boat was rowing back and forth on account of the especially fierce waves, She was unbothered by this. This boy was an enigma, How does one go through as much as he does and still come out of it as a seemingly regular person?

So regular in fact his classmates never so much as bothered to remember his name during the brief time his useless parents allowed him in school. Perhaps his classmates wouldn't have forgotten him so easily if they had only known a fraction of what Iruma had gone through

"Iruma! You're going to take over from here don't screw it up!" The man behind him yelled.

"Yes Sir!" Iruma yelled back

"And if you can't handle it, I'm docking half your pay!" The man yelled back as he ran away.

Iruma struggled to shove the large fish into it's spot "I can't afford to lose half a paycheck!"

Without so much of a second to spare, frozen tuna began falling out from their slots crashing against the floor, Iruma tried running and dodging. But he ended up falling with an iced fish corpse falling straight for his head.

Now I get to do something! She sped in to intervene.

Then the fish suddenly froze mid-air causing her to stop in her tracks, The pangs of danger, before something absolutely terrible happens, perhaps worse than she had ever felt before. the atmosphere suddenly changed and Iruma was tied up. Erica looked to her left to see a very tall and slender old bald man with a distinct mustache and a purple suit... Along with a pair of wings and horns.

A.... demon. What's it doing here?!

During Erica's shock the demon waved it's hand and a paper attached itself to the boy.

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