Ch 7: Fight, Flight, or Fall?

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In a moment of dread, The blue haired human had realized what this test truly would entail. The sprouting of the other student's wings made it obvious. And without a moment to spare, the young demons sprung forwards, the unintentional force from their wings dragging him towards the edge, where he would teeter over the edge for a bit before regaining balance. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth.

However his false sense of security would soon be... pushed over the edge along with himself by the hands of their grumpy teacher. "Get it going already." Kalego was a demon very little patience towards his students as it was, Iruma of course, in his eyes being no different from his idiot grandpa, was certainly no exception.

Though Kalego would then be stunned by another student, whom he hadn't registered as standing right next to him, doing a dive off the edge.

Strange. He momentarily had even forgotten he had her in this class.


If she were to hit the bottom, she wondered how big of an impact it would have. If her body made contact, would it splat? Would Kalego-sensei be able to hear it from up there?

No matter, she would sooner fall to her supposed death than allow the netherworld to take her vassal.


"Agh!" Iruma gasped as his descent had been broken off. Wait. He wasn't falling anymore. While flailing he had grabbed onto something and was now holding on for dear life. Someone's hand?

"Don't look up." The familiar voice of Erica commanded.

"Huh um..." Iruma obeyed, she sounded... Different. Was she mad at him? Why? Could she have figured out he was a human? Was this the end?

But he had no other choice than to do what she said. For a chance of survival. Looking down definitely made him nervous. He wasn't exactly afraid of heights per say but the landscape below did not look so promising.

"Just close your eyes for a minute and everything will be okay. I promise."

He felt a shift in his elevation. And he was more securely held in what could be a hug from behind. Or maybe... A more nervous part of Iruma's brain thought of this position to be more reminiscent of a bird of prey carrying a helpless mouse to it's doom.

"It's kind of funny, my expectations were already six feet under to begin with. But this is just hilarious." Erica seemed to return to her normal playful tone.

"I'm sorry." Iruma said dolefully.

"No not you, it's just that... I was hoping for something better from our teacher y'know. You clearly had some problem with your wings..."

"I- uh-" The blue haired boy stumbled over his words. He didn't even have wings.

"But I can totally fly us over! No problem!"

"Oh really?!" Iruma was overcome with relief, at least this way he could get past this without becoming a stain on the ground or becoming bird food.

"Of course!" She responded with a notably proud tone. Maybe a bit too happy.

Iruma turned his head up to look at her and smile. And then his heart instantly dropped.


"Erica-san.... how are you... flying without wings?" Iruma asked, sounding slightly flabbergasted.

"Ah....Levitation? Floating " She suggested as though she didn't know full well what she was doing.

"Oh. Like a balloon?" Iruma

"...Yes." Erica replied

She may want to be cautious with using this spell if it is not one utilized by demons.

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