Prologue: A Heavenly Demonic Disdain

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The Netherworld, an unforgiving place with danger lurking around in every crevice. One does not have to look hard to find a multitude of bloodthirsty creatures even and carnivorous plants especially evolved to kill.

The terrain itself cannot be overlooked with its terrible earthquakes and hellish storms. It would seem as if the Netherworld itself would've liked its demonic residents dead.

To live here you need to be selfish, you need to be evil. In this world there was no room for purity or even generosity.

This was the unfortunate origin for every demon.

To some this would be worth it. After all, doesn't the pressure of hell build strength? And strength allows you to be several steps above the rest, right?

The only ones seemingly above this were the deities, the race that preceded demons and who were connected to this world in ways most can never understand. Who's temper the netherworld's state would pivot on. Whom all of demon-kind had to grovel under in order to not be wiped out by that particular force.

And yet the Netherworld would be known as 'The Realm of Demons'. Pathetic.

Until knowledge of another realm came to be.

'A far more defenseless and less hostile one' was the immediate observation.

Briefly entering and then leaving was one thing, but what happened to the demons who outlived their welcome...

Be they cursed or killed, The ancient records never truly specified any exact details. All that can be gathered is that even in this new world they would not be welcomed. Demon kind could only be the undeniable apex predator at best here, but whatever force had ended the demons' expedition, was something else entirely.

Whether an entire coordinated race was responsible or just one powerful being was unclear. As that force was never seen but always felt.

No matter any magic they used, be it bloodline or forbidden spells, they were never able to win.

And once more their species had to struggle.

It could have been something pondered for generations to come, if only the connection to the Netherworld and Human Realm had not been severed and all physical evidence of the odd, seemingly docile creatures found residing there fell under the guise of fantasy overtime.

At least until now.

A/N: The upcoming chapters will be longer and with characters and dialogue (and hopefully better writing lmao cause I don't freaking know what I'm doing)

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