Ch 9: An Already Blossomed Flower

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter seems like a bit of a downer. I was in a mood when writing. I colored my drawings this time at least (I was rushing a bit but oh well) :0. Maybe the next chapter could be like a Sukima collection to lighten up the mood after this chapter, you can expect some cute stuff from there.

What a day... The angel fell back into her little makeshift cot. She was considering maybe making a pillow or something to elevate her head. Though it's not like she uses the cot for sleeping. Mainly just laying down and letting her existential thoughts consume her.

She had gotten her rank today. Alef. That's probably fair considering the fact that Babylus couldn't measure her prowess.

Most of her class has gotten that rank. Still the teachers might keep a close eye on her considering her failure to summon a familiar and the flying test today (Though if she were actually competing for real she would have destroyed the others).

Maybe through studying and improving I could get off their radars... But on the other wing if I stand out in any way I could be taking attention away from Iruma. But my mission may go more smoothly if I don't stand out. Hmm. WHAT THE HECK WAS SULLIVAN THINKING?! SENDING A HUMAN TO A FLYING RACE. HE'S THE HEAD OF THIS SCHOOL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Surely he could have just excluded Iruma from this but nooo.

Erica assumed that IF Iruma were to die it would be because the chair-demon would have gotten bored of having a grandson and eating her poor vassal for brunch or something. Not because of demon idiocy!

Speaking of, Today she had visited the library again. Looking for books on angels. To see what the Netherworld thought of her kind.

Nothing. She searched and searched. The closest thing she could find was something on 'Mythical Creatures' it looked interesting but now that she was flipping through that she wished she had taken 'Rare and Common Flora and Fauna of the Netherworld' or 'Magical items every demon should use for dummies' instead.

She was hoping to learn more about demon superstitions and what they knew. But it mainly listed animals from the Overworld, which makes sense but doesn't make for enriching reading material when as an angel she was expected to know these creatures almost as well biologist in the human realm even as a Juvenile.

Though with any consolation anonymity comes as a perk of being a mythical creature's myth. Unlike with Iruma's case, they can't suspect you of being something if they've never even heard of it.

Although, it may be that only the higher ranking demons had all the actual information.

Erica tossed the book aside and looked to the sky. She sat up and slightly released her wings from their resting position wrapping them around herself in a sort of blanket.

Though perhaps she was a tad spoilt when it came to information. Back in heaven's archives they even had a section of forbidden knowledge they could never share to living humans under any circumstances.

Heck, there was even an entire mini-section dedicated to everything that was in the Library of Alexandria.

The Guardian of Cutthroat Valley and it's child did interest me... I guess. Such a creature in the Netherworld of all places...

She hadn't seen too many instances of parental love in her time perhaps because she was assigned to Iruma in the human realm maybe also because of how the only angels that can reproduce like a living creature could would definitely be the Chalkydri, whom in her time she had only ever seen one of.

There's a difference between seeing and experiencing of course. The closest thing she had to a parent would be

Her progenitor?... No.

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