Ch 8: A Guardian and A Shadow

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A/N: Sorry this chapter took a minute to get out. I've tried teaching myself to draw abs. Still a work in progress lol

Battered, bruised, and tossed around like a rag doll. Soon enough he might be dead but on the off chance he did win against the Guardian... He would have been a legend. Even if he had his whole life ahead of him. He would still fight. Because right now he had no other choice.

It was either that or he'd fail.

Why he wanted to be the demon king in the first place? Why beat up a teacher on the first day? Why he chose to fly through cutthroat valley in the first place? Why he was in this situation at all.

His father, older brother, and younger sister... A promise, a prophecy.


It wasn't because of some sappy sentimental crap! It wasn't because of his family or some prophecy. Screw all that! It was because becoming the Demon King was what's cool!

He would defeat the guardian and be the coolest!

"Hey, is that who I think it is?" Erica felt Iruma's shoulders stiffen under her hands as he spoke.

The loud annoying demon from earlier, Sabnock Sabro. But they wouldn't be so concerned if it was just him there. There was also the colossal winged beast the buff demon was engaging in battle with. Sabnock had somehow managed to survive against the thing but maybe not for long if they waited another moment.

The oddest thing was, that she didn't pin it's aggression to be to fear or much irritation towards Sabnock himself. It seemed more defensive than anything.

I think have a hunch as to what's going on here.

As the Guardian struck it's claw swiftly out towards Sabro, A quick yet painful death imminent; still, one of the last things he expected from that moment would have been the honors student to slide on in front of him.

"Please hang on!"

"Iruma what art thou doing?!" He yelled out pushing Iruma to the side with a backhand.

The creature paused. It's claw mere inches from their faces. A much smaller bird demon was cawing directly in the guardian's face, seemingly distracting it.

"I said what art thou doing?!" He probed Iruma once more and the blue haired human, seemingly oblivious to the danger he had just involved himself in

"Hey look they're communicating!" A new voice popped up besides him and Sabro nearly jumped in surprise before spotting the girl sitting to his side. He believed her name was Erica Cassiel, he remembered her as the student who had outsped weapon trap the other misfits had set up. Right now she had this big dopey smile, it almost caught him off guard.


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"Why... You're here too?" He asked a bit shaken but doing his best to hide it. The girl smiled gently before pointing up at the the two beasts making low rumbling and squawking sounds towards one another respectively.

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