Ch 5: Playtime with Clara!

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Clara, Iruma and Asmodeus had been tossed out onto the schoolyard by a teacher for 'making a ruckus in the halls' was his words verbatim. Clara didn't know what those words meant but it sounded like such a fun game!

She could play it with Iruma and Asmodeus! They both seemed like so much fun! Clara knew she had to do her very very best to keep them from being bored! She had to bring out her very best toys and games for them.

"Wanna play with this spiky ball? This Nom-nom book? Oooh let's play with this Murder Family House set!"

"Hold on just a minute! One at a time please!" Iruma exclaimed.

He may not have looked super interested in her games. But he didn't go away yet so that was a good sign! Maybe they could play pretend for now.

"Iruma-chi please be the dog and Azz Azz you can be my cheating husband's mistress!"

Asmodeus puffed up angrily at this

"Excuse me?! there's no way Iruma-sama would ever allow-"

The pink haired demon's jaw dropped as he looked over to Iruma to see him on all fours and acting like a dog "Good boy! Now be a tree!" Clara commanded and Iruma obliged.

The green haired demon clapped at Iruma's performance. "Oooh wow good tree. Now be a dog again!"

"" One could see Asmodeus's soul leaving his body. It's never a good experience seeing your incredible master, ever so merciful and outstanding, following the whims of what he could deem to be an animal that had just imprinted on the both of them.

"C'mon Azz, we can play for just a little bit." Iruma called to him while still being pet.



If not for the stressful missions at hand and the location. Erica may have actually believed she had the possibility of enjoying school life here. It may just be because her incubation and education periods were... Taken very seriously would be the right word for it.

Focusing on your own emotions was not so much a concern to Angels, after all they already were immortal beings with their very own place in the function of the universe. Worrying so much about your own well-being would be greedy after all.

'We are not beings like the creatures that roam below us' She had been told 'We are messengers, nature, salvation, destruction, virtue, guardians. And why we can never be anything else? Because this is our reason for being.'

Back then, in her younger years she couldn't understand and by extension it would slip to the back of her mind while she was carrying out her duties but for some reason it echoed in her head now.

She felt her eyes were slightly watering over. She stopped herself before anything actually embarrassing happened. Erica sure as heaven wasn't going to get so upset over something so trivial.

Right. I need to find the library.

Her conference with the chairdemon a little while prior had gone without a hitch as far as she could tell. Still she didn't know weather or not to be worried. It could never be that easy. The moment she relaxed would be the moment something bad could happen. Like that time when Iruma was eight years old and he had to fend off a bear only to immediately have a crocodile lunge at him directly afterwards.

All Erica knew was that she knew next to nothing about the Netherworld and she needed to look less suspicious, and also to report info back to Heaven.

And that starts with learning the culture of the Netherworld!

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