The First Day

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"Ugh" I say groggy, Waking up to banging on the door by a yelling kai.

I look over at the clock by the clock on the white nightstand and it read 5:30. I rolled off the bed and sluggishly walked to the door to unlock it only for it to bust open with an angry kai and a surrendering Mina who was holding a set of keys to the room.

"I THOUGHT YOU HAD DIED! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Kai yelled with an angry face , running to the closet pulling everything out to find a suitable outfit.

"Don't blame me! She threatened me with my own kitchen knife." Mina said in defeat and a slight smirk on her face

The smell of bacon and eggs filled the room and I felt my stomach grumble in hunger. I decided not to go and eat first because excitement filled my brain of the fist day of my dream school. I quickly ran to the bathroom not saying anything and looked in the mirror and was horrified, my hair was messy, my breath smelled, and the worst of all, their was bags under my eyes. I started getting all of my things gathered in a rush to take a shower, brush my teeth, do my hair, and still have time to put makeup on.

At this point Kai had already picked an outfit out that was business casual and Mina had left the room to tend to the gravy for the biscuits which was an additional breakfast item she made.

Pipers outfit

I finally got ready and sat down to eat

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I finally got ready and sat down to eat. I was starving, so I had ate my whole plate. Mina was sitting, drinking coffee and talking to kai who was eating what was rest on her plate. Kai was wearing a green button up top and off-white pants. She had always complained that there wasn't enough emerald green business casual clothes, which was her favorite color, and that she just had to stick with green but we all knew she could rock anything.

 She had always complained that there wasn't enough emerald green business casual clothes, which was her favorite color, and that she just had to stick with green but we all knew she could rock anything

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"Hey do you think you could take piper and I to school today?" Kai asked.

"Unfortunately I have some business I have to attend to but I have a car waiting for you outside." Mina said with a small smile hoping she didn't disappoint us.

"Oooh the secret job I presume." I said as a light joke to make sure she knows we were not mad.

"That's awesome! It like we have our own personal driver hahaha." Kai said while picking her plate up to put it in the sink.

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