The Exciting News

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It was early August and my best friend and I were walking down the the side walk of the school I have only dreamt of going. The air out side felt peaceful and cool, it was 7:00 and the sun start to fall making the tall, tan wall of the university bright with warm colors.

"So are you excited to finally be going to your dream university?" My best friend, Kai, asks.

"I'm thrilled but I feel so nervous. This is so important to me I just don't want to disappoint anyone." I say, in full confidence that I can confide in her.

"Hey don't think like that! You'll be great and trust me you don't need to be worried, you wouldn't be able to disappoint even if you tried." She says, her face angry and yet her word are so soft and reassuring.

"Okay! Okay!" I said, Smiling.

We continued walking until we got to my cousin Mina's apartment where she was cooking a meal for us while she waited on our arrival. I appreciated her, she was the only family that actually followed me to Connecticut just to make sure I was safe and had a place to stay whenever I wanted.
She had reddish brown hair and honey colored eyes, the complete opposite of myself.

When we got inside Kai immediately threw her bag on the couch and kicked her feet up on the mohogany coffee table, I on the other hand went to the kitchen which was diagonal from the living room. I hung my coat on the rack she had by the door outside the kitchens arch way and got a drink.

"How are you and how was your day?" Mina asked while she was stirring the sauce for the paste.

I didn't want to tell her how I was doing because I didn't want her to worry about me but if I didn't she would read my mind and pry it out of me so I decided to dance around the question.

"Kai and I went for coffee at thi-" I said but was shortly cut off by Kai running in the kitchen yelling

"BTS IS COMMIMG TO CONNECTICUT!" She had her phone in her hands while she waved them in the air and started jumping.

"Ow! Kai you almost busted my ear drums out!" I yelled back.

Mina just stood there giggling at the fangirl infront of me knowing all to well that Kai and I were both obsessed. Kai ran over to me as I started propping myself to sit up on the counter. She handed me the phone and I let my eyes adjust to the brightness so I could see the words clearly. What I saw almost sent my soul out of my body and my heart out of my chest. My breath quickend as I read the words.

"They coming to sing 2 miles from the college! And 2 months after college starts!" I said excited. I had started to read the bottom of the page when my heart dropped. The cost of the tickets per person was almost 900 dollars and I was barely scrapping by on my own and I was having trouble finding a job.

"Forget it's too expensive kai." I got off the ledge to sit opposite from her.

I leaned next to Mina who had already turned the stove off since the pasta was done. I looked at Kai's face knowing I disappointed her but I didn't mean to sound so harsh.

"Look Kai we are barely scrapping by and it's 900 per person you know we can't afford that and right now with you being the only one with a job I don't see how feasible it is." I said softer as to show her I wasn't mad.

I glanced at Mina who was smiling mischievously at me.

"Don't worry about it. It's covered" Mina said smile still on her lips.

"No Mina I'm not going to be a burden for you and I'm not going to let you pay. I don't even know what you do for a living." I said sternly.

Mina's smile had dropped, her eyes furrowed and looked at me and then Kai and then returning back to my now worried gaze.

♡♡♡A Min Yoongi love story♡♡♡ Where stories live. Discover now