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⚠️ self-harm⚠️pills⚠️read at your own risk⚠️skip this chapter if you don't want to read it.⚠️

I woke up at 11 a.m. feeling absolutely energized and ready to conquer the day! I enthusiastically checked off all the tasks on my wake-up list, from brushing my hair and teeth to applying some light makeup. I even put together a cute outfit to complete my look. To add to my excitement, I joyfully marked an X on the calendar, counting down the days until I got to attend the concert. After I marked my calendar, I turned to my body mirror and gave my outfit a final check to ensure everything looked great.

 After I marked my calendar, I turned to my body mirror and gave my outfit a final check to ensure everything looked great

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I walked out of my door and started to pass Kai's door when I heard someone crying quietly. I stopped and decided to knock on the door.

"Kai?" I asked, but there was no answer, only quiet sobs. "Kai, it's me, Piper. Can I come in?"

I had a gut-wrenching feeling that something was wrong, and I started to panic. "Kai! Open the door!" I yelled, hoping she would listen, but nothing happened. In a split second, silence fell over the room - no sobbing, no shuffling, just utter silence.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Kai wasn't the type of person to lock herself in a room; she didn't like being confined to a room because she said it felt suffocating. I stepped back, with adrenaline rushing through me, and tried to kick the door down. But it barely budged. I kicked it again and again and again, until finally the handle broke off the door and I could get in.

I walked in to see a messy empty room and headed for the bathroom where I thought Kai might be. I opened the door only to find her lying in front of the bathtub, with pills scattered around her body and water everywhere. I got down on my knees and tried to shake her, hoping she would wake up. But she didn't. I then checked her pulse to see if she was still alive. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... Heartbeat... Good, she was still alive, but her heartbeat was slow. "MINA!! PLEASE! I NEED YOUR HELP! CALL 911!" I screamed, the panic evident in my voice. Finally, I heard shuffling and running. I stuck my fingers in Kai's mouth, hoping she would vomit the pills up. I tried my hardest to get her to show any sign of consciousness, but to no avail. Nothing seemed to work, and her body temperature was dropping rapidly.

Soon, the sound of hurried footsteps filled the room as Mina rushed in, phone in hand, already speaking to the emergency operator. My mind raced with confusion and fear, each thought drowning out the next. I was in complete shock, unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation.


Mina and I were sat in the hospital waiting room. It had already been 3 hours since the ambulance brought us here and we haven't heard anything yet. My mind was still reeling from the sight of her eerily still body lying on the cold and wet bathroom floor. I decided I needed to distract myself before I stormed into the room where Kai was being operated on just to see if she was okay.

"I need some air," I said to Mina as I got up and walked to the balcony just around the corner from the waiting room. Mina had already asked nurses if they had any news about Kai but to no surprise, they said not yet.

I got out my phone and texted suga not knowing why I texted him but knowing that he gave me comfort and thats all I needed right now.

Text messages between Suga and Piper

Hey, are you busy?

Suga: No, what's up Haebaragi?

I'm at the hospital right now 

Suga: Are you okay? What happened?

No, I'm not okay my best friend tried to hurt herself and I don't know what to do, I don't want to cry but I feel like I'm on the edge of a breakdown.

Suga: Do you want me to go over there to be with you?

Please if you don't mind.

Suga: Anything for you Haebaragi, I'm on my way now.

End of text messages

As I made my way back to the waiting room, I glanced at my watch and realized that 15 minutes had ticked by since I last left

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As I made my way back to the waiting room, I glanced at my watch and realized that 15 minutes had ticked by since I last left. A flicker of hope ignited within me when I spotted Suga strolling towards the waiting room, coming up from the elevator. A surge of excitement overcame me, and I eagerly made my way towards him, my heart pounding in anticipation. Suga's kind eyes met mine as I approached him, and without a moment's hesitation, he enveloped me in a warm, comforting embrace.

"How are you doing, Haebaragi?" Suga inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern as he continued holding me.

Feeling a mix of emotions, I mustered the words to convey my worries. "I'm worried. We haven't received any updates yet," I expressed, my voice tinged with a hint of anxiety.

We sat down in the waiting room and we waited another hour without any updates until a nurse by the name of Andrews said that they pumped her stomach and hooked her up to some IV's and made sure she was hydrated but she wasn't awake yet. She told us we could visit her but to be careful because she is in a fragile state right now.

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