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I hope you all are enjoying this romance story and I just want to give a reminder to those struggling with a mental illness that you are not alone, it will be okay. If you need to talk you always have an ear that will listen and advice if you want it, just DM me or comment " ; " and I will reach out. I love all of you and hope you enjoy the holidays. 😘

"Kai?" I asked softly as I stepped into the dark hospital room, but there was no answer. I stepped further into the room and sat in the chair beside the hospital bed. I've never seen her so pale and still before. It was scary. I sat there wondering why she would do such a thing and if it was my fault or if her parents did something, but I realized I didn't really know. I haven't really been paying attention lately. I hated myself for putting all my attention into Suga instead of the little family I have here in Connecticut.

There I was, standing next to her hospital bed, waiting for her to say some positive sarcastic joke to make me laugh and roll my eyes. But as I waited, she never did. I waited for 30 minutes, just standing there not knowing what to say or what to do. I looked down at her hand and decided to hold it to show her that I'm still here and I still care.

"hey." I heard a soft and faint voice coming from the door, it was Mina.

"hi," I said weakly trying to smile but I only ended up silently sobbing into her shoulder. I couldn't understand how Mina was so calm and understanding all the time and I was so grateful.

"Has she woken up yet?" Mina asked.

"no, I got in here thinking maybe I could talk to her and tell her she isn't alone but I got in here and all I could do was stand here and hold her hand," I explained feeling helpless.

"sometimes thats all you can do and thats okay," she replied.

After a few more minutes of hugging and sobbing, Mina pulled a chair up for me to sit and then went out of the room to get her and I some coffee. As she was out I continued to hold Kai's hand.

I fell asleep.

Suga's Pov

I entered the lobby, taking a seat while patiently waiting for Piper's visit with Kai to conclude. However, as time passed, I grew increasingly concerned about the lack of updates regarding sunflower. Unable to contain my worry any longer, I rose from my chair and headed towards the hallway adjacent to the lobby, where I noticed Mina standing by the coffee machine.

Greeting her with an awkward tone, I mustered the courage to inquire about the situation. "Hi," I began hesitantly. "Have you had a chance to speak with Piper yet?" The worry in my voice was hard to mask.

Mina turned towards me with a quizzical expression. "Yes, I did manage to talk to her earlier. She actually fell asleep in the room, so I decided to grab some coffee. Why do you ask?" she inquired curiously.

Feeling a sense of relief wash over me, I explained my state of apprehension. "I'm sorry for bothering you. I was just getting really concerned. Do you have any information on how Kai is doing?" I hastily clarified, my concern still palpable in my voice.

"We're still waiting on updates. She's stable for now, but they performed a stomach pumping procedure, so we're not entirely sure how she'll progress from here." Mina explained.

My heart sank at her words, the weight of the situation becoming even heavier. All I could do was hope for the best, silently praying for Kai's recovery.

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