Music Class

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This morning was the same as the last morning but this time i was more prepared. I had quickly ate and got to school. My classes went by slow and boring until the last 2 hours. Finally I basically ran to class excited to the 7 men again, more like just one, the mint green and brown eyes stuck in my head all the and I could wait to quench the need to see him again.

The door was open already so I stepped in and took my seat. I looked around but I didn't see any one but my music professor and Like normal I was the first one to class everyday. The professor, Mr. Stan, was sitting down at his desk biting the end of his pencil and tapping his foot like he was in deep concentration. The commotion of the flood of students coming in filled my ears and roll my eyes as they were 3 mins late. I hate stupid people. Mr. Stan cleared his throat and calmed the students down.

"Okay. Okay! sit down" he said loudly before continuing, waiting on the class to quiet down.

"We have some important guests coming in today but I need everyone on their best behaviors. As you might know every year the dean hosts some one to come and helps us with our performances and the fall festival being the biggest one yet. So, further adoo, BTS." Mr stan said while he opened the office door behind him.

Out of the door came 7 men all with different shades of hair colors. My hearts stopped and I couldn't breath as I saw the familiar pair of eyes, min yoongi. He looked at me and smiled now stopping right in front of the class while Kim Namjoon(RM) started talking but it was like my brain wasn't registering what he was saying because I was so entranced in his gaze. I could look away.

Min yoongi's pov

There she was again, her blue eyes never drifting from my gaze, just like last time

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There she was again, her blue eyes never drifting from my gaze, just like last time. She was beautiful, and I was trapped. Something about her was different. I smiled uncontrollably, and I had to talk to her. I had spaced and didn't know what was going on, I finally fell back into reality when J-Hope was elbowing my side.

"So would you like to introduce yourself and how to come to be a famous singer?" Mr. Stan said

"I- um i- well um-" I was cut off by j-hope.

"His story is complicated." j-hope said, saving me from embarrassment but making more questions arise.

The conversation kept going and then we got to work, starting with matching notes on the piano with to the voices but I couldn't focus all I could do was stare at her.

...To be continued...

Sorry, this chapter is so short haven't been feeling well, and I've been so stressed and busy today. I do plan on writing at least 1 chapter a day. Don't forget you are amazing and always be kind. P.s. 💜 you know who you are.

♡♡♡A Min Yoongi love story♡♡♡ Where stories live. Discover now