The Whisper

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Pipers pov

I snapped back into reality when he started to stutter. His tongue was tied and I started to realize he was stuttering because of me. I laughed silently at his stuttering, breaking eye just for a second before returning it back to him, his smile filled my heart with joy when I returned my gaze.

All the while class was going on neither of us could focus just standing there sharing stares and smiles with a laugh escaping here or there. Finally class was being dismissed and all I could do was sit there and wait for band class. I still had 20 mins before the next class. Mr. Stan had to go and make a call in the deans office, leaving just the bts members and myself.

"Uh hi.. your piper right?" He says shyly.

"Yes I am." I said.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked, gestureing to the seat next to me.

"No its not but you can take it if you like." I said almost blurring it out at how nervous I was and then cursing myself for it.

He giggled at my response and sat down. We sat in silence for a little bit while we watch the other members dance and sing and goof around until j-hope sat on the other side of me and then the other members started to sit around me and have tiny conversations within themselves. I turned my face to min yoongi to try and break the ice but when I turned he was so close to my face that if I moved any closer our lips would touch. He just sat there arm around and his face dangerously close, not moving or surrendering. I looked away quickly as to not catch the attention of the group but was met with prying eyes amd hidden giggles.

"So blonde why do you have music and band right next to each other?" Min yoongi asked trying to break the ice, still looking at you and still in the same position but this time smirking

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"So blonde why do you have music and band right next to each other?" Min yoongi asked trying to break the ice, still looking at you and still in the same position but this time smirking.

"Well I signed up for band but they made a mistake with my schedule and I was just to shy to change it but now I kinda don't want to change it." I said blushing.

Min yoongi and I talked until the next music class came in chattering loudly. The bts members got up and started to walk to the front next to Mr. Stans desk where there were metal chairs for them but before they got up min yoongi whispered
"Meet me two blocks from the university, by the library." My heart skipped and started to race and I couldn't wait for class to end.

Mr. Stan came into class late and his outfit messy and his hand running through his hair. He started to talk about what we will do today. We just ran over what people are assigned to which instrument and I got pick for piano which means that I will be working with suga aka min yoongi more often.

The class ended and I started to walk out of the doors to the university when I remembered what about kai and russ and cousin Mina, they will be waiting for me and how could I escape them without raising suspicion. I had an Idea, I got my phone out and texted kai to go with out me and that I had to hang back to speak with the music teacher. After I put my phone away I went around the side of the university and headed to the library. Once I go to the library I saw a beautiful blue car with suga leaning against it.

"Hey beautiful, are you ready?" Suga asked holding his hand out.

"Ready for what?" I asked blushing and confused.

"I wanna get to know you more and I wanna go somewhere that we can be alone that way no one can disturb us. If that's okay with you?" Suga said this time not waiting for me to take his hand but instead opening the door for me to get in.

"Ya it's okay" I said getting into his car.

To be continued...

For now on I'm going to be using min yoongi's nickname suga instead mainly cuz it's faster. It's going to be a little weird while I try to get a schedule to write that works for me so just hang on there.

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