The Library

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Sorry, it's been a while. I had some haters that discouraged me, and I took a break from this story, but to reward you guys for waiting, I decided to give you all a long chapter. I hope you enjoy it and expect more to come.

It was a normal day at school, and I was strolling down the hallways like I normally do. It was time for music class when suddenly strong hands grabbed my arm, pulled me into a dark closet, and pushed me into the door they just closed. The dim light above us was turned on by none other than Min Yoongi himself. The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and his body against me. His hands slowly caressing every inch of my body going down further and further until...

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

I was thrown out of bed, startled by my alarm clock. "What the hell?" I said to myself out loud. It's just a dream that's the harm. It's not like I won't be thinking about that every second of every day, I thought, wiping my hand over my face. I got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom, and got ready for the day, picking out something cute, casual, and still comfortable. I got dressed in a black cropped long-sleeve shirt with yellow plaid pants with a cute belt I've had in the back of my closet since Mina stocked it for me. Mins stocked this closet months ago for me, but we have different styles of clothes, I can say for a fact that she has great taste, bit I have more of a dark taste in style.

 Mins stocked this closet months ago for me, but we have different styles of clothes, I can say for a fact that she has great taste, bit I have more of a dark taste in style

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I wake up around 5:30 every morning so I can have time to get ready without rushing and a little extra time to eat. I could already smell coffee brewing in the other room, followed by the smell of bacon, eggs, and waffles. I walked into the kitchen, ready for the day, and greeted a very happy-looking Mina.

"ooohh, someone must have made you very happy if you are breaking out the waffles." I stated knowing that Mina only gets her homemade waffles out anytime she has a new love interest, which is very rare, in my opinion, considering she doesn't get out much.

"Haha, it's a secret, and I don't want to put a label on and get too attached," she said.

"Well, temporary or not, I want to know all about it." I said, grinning.

"ok, but not right now. You have to eat and go to school, not to mention, are we telling Kai about last night or what is going on with that?" Mina asked.

"Not yet. If I tell her, she would freak out." I replied.

"Who would freak out?" Kai asked, coming into the kitchen and grabbing a drink before heading to the table to sit down and eat.

"Oh, uh... My teacher Mr. Stan." I stated quickly.

She just shrugged and started to eat and play on her phone, making Mina and I both sigh out of relief. We looked at each other knowingly and just decided to continue the conversation another time.

We ate and relaxed until it was 6:40 and headed out the door and into Russ's car. As we were driving to the school, I popped one of my earbuds in and put on my playlist and looked out the window at the trees passing by while the song "Sleep Alone" by Max Styler was playing. I noticed that some of the trees were starting to change color and thought that maybe we would have an early fall and the thought made me happy. I prefer cooler weather than I do scorching hot.

♡♡♡A Min Yoongi love story♡♡♡ Where stories live. Discover now