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I looked at Kia with teary eyes not wanting to be apart from her but knowing it was in her best interest to go.

"A-are you sure?" my voice cracked.

"As much as I would love to stay and finish the semester with you, it would only get worse. I'll be okay sis, please don't worry about me." Kai said as she reached for me to hug her. I welcomed her tight embrace only to find I was soaking her shirt with my tears.

I didn't want to leave her but I had to let her get better without me. My heart ached for my best friend to be by my side experiencing the first years of our college semesters together. Walking out of that hospital alone, without my ride or die, was the most frightening feeling I ever felt but knowing that the next time I saw her she would be the best version of herself was enlightening.


The next few days I made myself busy with assignments and a small business I started for suga to sell merchandise, although their agent advised us that it probably wasn't a good idea but we did it anyway.

I was sitting at home with Mina finishing up dinner and talking about life like we usually do when I got a flood of notifications and then text messages. Mina and I both just stared at my phone wondering what the hell was going on. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened it up to see photos of me and suga outside his studio with his arm over my shoulders. My eyes got wide and I realized that these were taken from afar behind a vehicle no doubt. I scrolled down only to see a mixture of comments, bad and good.

"Oh my god," I said out loud.

Mina grabbed my phone noticing my distressed facial expression. "You need to get a hold of suga to figure out what your plans are going to be from now on," she said.

Confused I ask "Why? What do you mean?"

"Piper, whether you like it or not you're famous now, You're going to have people following you and trying to find out details about you and suga. His agent will probably fill you in and give you guidelines to follow," she explained and handed the phone back.

"I should cal-" Before I could finish my phone started to ring and it lit up with the caller ID saying it was from suga.

"speak of the devil." Mina quietly said while exiting the room to give us privacy.

I pressed the green button and put the phone up to my ear. "hello?" I asked.

"Hello my sweet haebaragi, I know about what's going on in Instagram and we need to talk about it so I was hoping I could come and pick you up?" suga said.

My heart beat faster as soon as I heard his sweet deep voice. "Ya, what time?" I asked.

"in about an hour my lo- haebaragi," he said.

Oh.. My.. God! He was about to use the L word. My heart was beating so loud and so fast that I was sure he could hear it through the phone and I know he was nervous too because I heard his breathing pick up through the phone. "o-ok I'll be ready for you when you get here." I replied stuttering with nerves.

God I wish Kai was here so I could tell her, I thought right after hanging up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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