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Two days have passed since the incident and Kai still isn't awake. I haven't left Kai's side this entire time until today, and that was only to go to a nearby coffee shop that is a block away from the hospital. As I was walking back, I heard my phone ring Retrieving it from my pocket, the caller ID revealed Mina's name, prompting me to answer with a tentative "Hello?"

"Piper, she's awake!" Mina's voice erupted with unmitigated excitement, her words spilling forth in an eager torrent. "Get to the hospital as fast as you can," she implored before abruptly ending the call.

My heart filled with excitement as I felt a surge of anticipation inside me. Without wasting any time, I quickly left my unfinished coffee behind and hurriedly made my way back to the hospital. In my mind, I couldn't help but imagine Kai waking up again.


As I entered the dark room, I saw Kai sitting up and talking to Mina, who was comforting her. On the other side of Kai, there was a tall bald man in a doctor's uniform, and right beside him was Kai's therapist.

"kai! Im so happy your awake!" i said excitedly hugging her.

"hey sis." she said returning the hug.

After we hugged each other for a little while, the doctor cleared his throat, indicating that he wanted to continue with the discussion they were having before I entered the room.

"As I was saying, I think it would be best if she stayed at our facility and continued with the medication we have prescribed for her," the bald man said.

"As long as it's okay with Kai, I think that would be in her best interest," Mina agreed.

"What!" I intervened angrily. "You can't send her away!" I stated. But before I could continue with my reasons why she couldn't go, Kai put her hand in mine and then turned to the doctor and her therapist and said, "I would like to go. I want to get better, not just for me but also for my family."

Hey there! I apologize for the shortness of this chapter. The holiday season has been quite hectic for me, leaving me with very little time to write. To make matters worse, I've been struggling with writer's block. If you have any tips or advice to overcome this, let me know.

♡♡♡A Min Yoongi love story♡♡♡ Where stories live. Discover now