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The staff helped them unload all the goodies. Then it was divided among sections of buildings. The kids ran out to meet San. They seemed to know him quite well.

Wooyoung looked at the scene, not knowing what to feel. He knew most rich people do some kind of charity work all the time but most of them don't genuinely care for the cause.

It's mostly just PR and sometimes it's their guilt consuming them-- we all know rich people don't have the cleanest pair of hands.

Wooyoung tried to assess the situation but the more he looked, the more genuine it felt. Kids and teens of all size and age seemed to surround him and play around with him. He knew their names and interests.

He looked like an absolute soft boy among them. A small smile crept to Wooyoung's face, unknowingly. A fuzzy, warm feeling-- almost like a bumble bee that was flying around in his stomach.

"Wooyoung!" San called out and Wooyoung approached the bunch who looked at him in curiosity. "Stay here for a bit." He mentioned and left somewhere. Wooyoung looked at the kids, not knowing what to do.

A small girl, who looked like she was four or five approached him and tugged on his sleeve, "You're rwelly pwetty." She said, her hand clutching onto a teddy bear.

"Thank you so much, cutie. You're really pretty too." Wooyoung smiles back before squatting to match her eye level. She hid behind her teddy bear and giggled at the compliment directed at her.

A bell chimed, Wooyoung and the kids turned to see an ice cream truck coming their way. San sat on the seat beside the driver. The kids screamed and ran towards the truck.

San got down and walked towards Wooyoung, "You're so..." Wooyoung starts. San looks at him, his eyes sparkling, "I am so...?" He mimics but Wooyoung shakes his head, "Nothing."

After walking around for a bit, just the two of them, San speaks up, "I want you to meet someone." Wooyoung looked at him, annoyed. "Really San?! I told you I am in my work clo--" "This person doesn't care about all that." San drags Wooyoung with him.

They go to another end of the campus, where a nursery was tucked away. San enters the place and allows Wooyoung in. A baby not older than a few months old lay there, sleeping.

"She was left in front of the home a few months ago...I named her Ari." San says, Wooyoung nodded as he went closer. She was the cutest baby girl he had ever seen. "I want to adopt her at some point." San says and Wooyoung looks at him, shocked.

"I-- I don't know what to say..." Wooyoung stutters, not expecting San to have a side so pure. For some reason, he couldn't see San being a softie, until today. The nurses working there came to greet San. "She's doing well. Nothing to worry about." They talked about Ari for some time.

Wooyoung moved away from the conversation and out of the nursery. A staff member who was passing that way stopped in front of him. "You must be someone really special to him..." He starts and Wooyoung doesn't understand, "I am sorry...?"

"San never brings anyone with him. He started this place, four years ago when he turned twenty." The older man continues. "San owns this...?" Wooyoung asks and the man nods. "He didn't tell you that, did he? He's like that." The man laughs before walking away.

San walks out and finds Wooyoung in the garden. "Let's head back." San smiles at him and Wooyoung almost melts.

The sun had set as they travelled back to Seoul. San insisted on dropping Wooyoung at his house, so he had to give away his address.

"It's this building." Wooyoung says and shows his resident ID to the security guard who opens the barrier gate.

Wooyoung gets out, saying his goodbye to San. He stops and hesitates for a bit before walking back to San's side of the window, "Eh...wanna come in?" He asks. San stares at him like he had just grown two horns.

"I-- sure!" San exclaims before parking his car. Wooyoung curses, regretting his decision all of a sudden.

They get into the elevator together, an awkward silence that seemed to have taken over. Wooyoung selects the 'PH' button surprising San. "Oh, you live in the penthouse." He says and Wooyoung just glares.

"Yes, money from all the hard work I put in. Not daddy's money." He mocks and San clutches his chest, dramatically. "Personal attacks..." He smiles.

Wooyoung was getting annoyed, why wasn't this guy acting like a rich bitch?! He was sure about rejecting his offer-- "You sure smile a lot, Choi." Wooyoung remarks, looking annoyed.

"That's a one's ever said that. Do I really?" San cracks a smile again. "Maybe I do..." He looks at Wooyoung in the eyes, "...with you." He finishes the sentence and Wooyoung scoffs.

"Your stupid plan to get me to sign that contract--" "Is working?" "Ugh! You're so frustrating!" Wooyoung hits his shoulders repeatedly. San grabs his wrists and pulls Wooyoung into him. "Stop--" Wooyoung looks up at San, their body pressed against each other.

He couldn't breathe with how close they were. "You were saying...?" San breathes into his ears, goosebumps littering his skin. He felt San's muscles flex underneath the shirt, where his hands were pressed at.

The elevator dings and the door opens at the penthouse. Wooyoung pushes himself off of San and gets out of the elevator. San follows behind, a cheeky smile still plastered to his face.

Wooyoung enters his home immediately feeling self-conscious. "'s a bit messy..." Wooyoung runs to hide his washed underwear he had left on the couch after drying it.

"It's okay." San shakes his head. "Hate to do this for you but I gotta be nice anything to drink?" Wooyoung asks, his glare piercing through San's skull.


"Sure..." Wooyoung walked over to his kitchen before grabbing six soju bottles and two glasses. He had been wanting to drink the whole day.

The two drank the whole night. Wooyoung was the first one to fall asleep on the couch. San looked at the time that read 4 AM. He tucked Wooyoung in before calling the chauffeur to come and fetch him.

He rubbed his eyes before wobbling around and collecting his things. Soon, his driver called him saying he had reached the place. He went down, tripping and falling a few times.

The sun peeked through Wooyoung's curtains, stirring him from his sleep. " head." He clutches his head from the pounding headache, "Fuck!" He curses and sits up on the couch.

"What the fuck happened yesterday night?" He looked around, the room was a mess. Soju bottles everywhere...Snacks, Ramen packets, cards...

"San!" Wooyoung remembers, "Did he leave?" He looks down, the blanket covering him was actually a blazer. San's blazer to be exact.

Wooyoung groaned and reached for his phone, the headache skyrocketing the minute his eyes were exposed to the screen. "Fuck" He cussed again as his eyes adjusted to the screen.

There were a few messages and calls.


- boss, good morning!

- are you taking the day off?

- it's okay boss. Me and yeosang will manage the place. Sleep well!


- you piece of shit! Why aren't
you here?

- you know today is usually our
busiest day! And you conveniently
took the day off?!

- fuck you!!!!


- *picture*

- so when are you moving in, hubby?

To be continued...

A/N- heheh San played dirty?

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