exes and execs

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The entire cafe turned their attention to the commotion.


"Yeosang, what the hell?! Tone it down, will you?" Wooyoung rushes to him and pulls him back to the staff room.

"Why is he here? How do you know him? Are you two dating?" Yeosang bombarded him with questions.

"What the hell happened to you? Sit down first. Breathe." Wooyoung guides him to take a few deep breaths.

"Yeosang...hey, long time." Jongho walks into the staff room and Yeosang jumps at him, pulling him by the collar. "You piece of shit!" Yeosang tightens his hold and Wooyoung sighs at the sight.

"Let go, Yeosang!" Wooyoung says but to no avail. "Let's not resort to violence, Yeo." Jongho smirks before pulling his hands off his collar and twisting him so that Yeosang's back faces him. Jongho tightened his hold on the wrists, trapping him there.

"You always forget I am stronger, Yeo." Jongho laughs as Yeosang tries to wiggle himself free. "That's enough!" Wooyoung pries Jongho's hands off Yeosang, releasing him.

"This is my cafe, stop causing a commotion here. I can kick you out for obstructing business and assaulting my employee." Wooyoung points to the cctv there. "Tch! That will also prove my innocence. It was self-defense." Jongho shrugs.

"I don't care, just get out!" Wooyoung yells at him and Jongho lifts his hands in surrender.

"Okay. Okay."

"Now that he's gone. Explain. What the hell was that? Be glad that there weren't too many customers or you would be fired." Wooyoung folds his arms and waits for an answer.

"I know. I am sorry. I was being a jerk. It's just that..." Yeosang looks down as he twists his fingers with the other hand.

"What? Did he play you or something?" Wooyoung asks, nonchalantly.

"How do you know?!" Yeosang looks up at him. "Really? That was it?" Wooyoung scoffs and takes a seat opposite Yeosang.

"What do you mean by that?"

"He's San's brother. He's known for being a player." Wooyoung continues.

"What?! He told me he comes from a middle-class family."

"It's obvious he lied to you."

"That jerk!" Yeosang puffs out.

"He offered me a lift from home, I took it. End of story. Now get back to work. Seonghwa is struggling there alone." Wooyoung pushes Yeosang to the front.

Yeosang started to work but Jongho was on his mind the whole day.

"...you know he broke up with me over text and this is the first time I am seeing him after that."

"Hmm..." Yeosang had been ranting every chance he got.

"...I mean he lied-- welcome! What would you like to have?"

"....he did lie to me. You can't just run into chaebol sons, right? No wonder I didn't get to see him after that."

"Hello? Yeah. What happened to the order placed? Yes, we need more of the premium beans delivered by tomorrow, right-- he's such a jerk, isn't he? And still, I ended up liking him." He blabbers on the entire day.

"So like he--" "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YEOSANG!" Seonghwa lashes out and this takes the other two by surprise.

"Sorry, jeez. A human can't even rant about their issues here. Got it!"

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