life lessons

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"You told me to get you a lunchbox, not make you one!" Wooyoung complains as they drive back home.

"Sorry that I wanted us to look like an actual engaged couple." San rolls his eyes at him.

"Yes, you're so good that you remember lunchboxes and not the fucking rings!" Wooyoung recalled when one of them asked him about the ring during lunch.

"Be glad that you picked a smart one to play your fiancé--" "Or a pathological liar." Wooyoung wanted to choke him.

"Fine then, I will stop lying. Let's see how well this marriage that was built on a web of lies goes..." Wooyoung sat back and closed his eyes.

"Is that a threat, Wooyoung?" "Maybe." He shrugs.

"Okay, fine. You did a great job coming up with the "It's at the store for resizing" lie." San admits and Wooyoung immediately lightens up.

"See that's all I asked for. Credit where it's due."

"Or a praise kink--" San coughs before he spilled the rest of his thoughts.

Wooyoung looked at him, "You're so...I don't even wanna say it. It might make me back out of this marriage."

"Oh, you won't. You love me!" San laughed and Wooyoung rolled his eyes for the nth time.

"You love to bicker with me. Admit it, love." Wooyoung fake barfs. "I'd rather stick pins in my eyes."

"Whatever you say, babe. Whatever you say."

"I promised Mirae ahjumma that we would get groceries on our way back so do stop for it." Wooyoung says while checking the list she had sent.

"Who...?" San looked confused.

"Uh, one of your kitchen staff, San." Wooyoung leans against the window.

"Oh. But why would we shop? I have someone to do that for me!" San opens the glove compartment and takes out a chewing gum strip.

"Here." He gives it to Wooyoung.
Wooyoung took one of the chewing gum tablets out and popped it into San's mouth.

Times like this are when he feels-- married.

"Yes, Wonbin. Mirae's brother who's sick and can't go!" Wooyoung was running out of patience. He couldn't understand why San couldn't just accept it.

"Okay fine! But I have never been to one."


"Oh, you better thank me, Choi, 'cause I am giving you life lessons here."

"Why are we at a premium mart?" Wooyoung looks at the prices and almost experiences a mini heart attack.

"What do you mean? You get good quality products here. Almost everything in here is organic!" San defends himself and Wooyoung begins to argue but he's cut off.

"Even my staff are asked to get groceries from here! I ain't changing that!" San grabs a few things and dumps it into the cart.

"Okay, fine! But can I know why we need so many of each product?" Wooyoung looks at the cart and finds multiple units of the same item.

"Isn't it best to keep it stocked?" San questions and Wooyoung picks out three out of the five tomato bags from the cart and puts them away.

"No, it depends on the expiry or shelf values. You can't just get so many tomatoes, it rots." Wooyoung gives him a science class.

"Okay! Okay! Take care of it then. I will be at the billing counter." He tries to walk away but Wooyoung grabs him by the collar and pulls him back.

"No, you don't. You are helping."

"Can you stop grumbling, already?" San snatches the bill out of Wooyoung's hands.

"No, like I don't get it. Why do you rich people spend so much?" "Because we have the money?"

"Nice! But all these "organic" items aren't what they claim to be." Wooyoung once again starts grumbling about how stupid rich people are.

"Fine! Let's go return it all!"

"What? No!" "Then shut up, what's done is done. Stop nitpicking!"

"Look who's talking about nitpicking, Mr. I only drink premium coffee. And you know what, it tastes like shit!" Wooyoung huffs out.

"And who is the one trying to build "premium cafes"?" "HEY! THAT'S BUSINESS!"


"YEAH, THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS TO STUPID PEOPLE! THEY GET TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF! NOW LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" San almost hits someone with how riled up they got inside the car.

"God! Will I even come out alive when this marriage is done?!"

"Depends on how you act!" "Okay, shut the fuck up or I will kiss you!" San threatens and Wooyoung shuts up for the rest of the drive.

They get to the driveway and the staff runs out, to assist them. "Yes. Everything is in here." Wooyoung smiles and helps them with the bags but San had disappeared at that point.

"I will be going inside now." Wooyoung excuses himself and comes face to face with San's mom in the living room. San was already with her, arguing.

"Ah. Here comes the fake husband!" San's mom mocks when she sees Wooyoung. Jongho was standing behind her mouthing it wasn't him who told her.

"Didn't I tell you, Son? I have eyes and ears everywhere. You can't fool me long." Wooyoung goes to stand beside San.

"Believe whatever you want, Ma. Just remember that we pushed the wedding only because you haven't permitted us but if this is how you would like to proceed then...we can register it and you won't be there." San grips Wooyoung's wrist.

"Heh! Like I would believe that? Look at him, he looks so uncomfortable." She points out and San looks at him before pulling Wooyoung towards him.

"Anyone would be when their future mother-in-law is accusing them of fraud" San soothes him, drawing little circles on his back.

"I will not believe this. Remember San, if you can think enough to pull shit like this, I am your mother. Imagine how many tricks will I have up my sleeve?"

San abruptly turns towards Wooyoung. His eyes scan him. No his eyes were talking to him. That's right! The "permission" look. Wooyoung nods his head knowing how important this will be.

That was enough for him, San moved forward and crashed his lips onto his. Wooyoung's eyes widen for a split second but he immediately sticks to the role and kisses him back.

They could hear Jongho wolf whistling but they couldn't care less. Lost in the sensation, unable to deny the obvious pull they had for each other...

They kissed.

To be continued...

A/N- running out of ideas.

Should I even continue this?

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