lost and found

898 55 40

"Ma, did you see my ring?"

"No, I didn't. Did you take it off at some point?"

"No. You know I never do that."

"Why don't you check at the grocery store? It might have slipped off, also check your car."

It's been ten minutes since Wooyoung started to search for his ring. No, his wedding ring. It was very precious to him and that's exactly why he felt like ripping his hair off at this moment.

"Ugh, Ma I am going back to the grocery store." He announces before heading towards his car. He rode down the beautiful streets of Stockholm, Sweden.

He reaches his local grocery store and parks the car. "So cold!" He comments before running into the grocery store.

"Dada, look!"

"Yes, it's beautiful."

"You promised ice cream!" San sighed at how short her attention span was.

"You promised!!!" She stomped her feet before the grocery store.

"Fine." He sighs again and opens the door to the grocery store.

"Leggo leggo!" She pulls San with her and the two go straight to where the ice creams are kept.

"Get what you want, love."

"This. And this. And this." She sing-songs.

"No. Choose one." San pulls some of them from her hands which were trying hard to keep them all from falling.

"I wanna--" She makes a face but chooses one. "You too." She urges San to choose one as well and he does.

They walk around the grocery store for a bit before going to the billing counter. "Hi." San greets the person behind the counter and he just nods.

His eyes wander before settling on Ari who seemed to be meddling with something again.

"Ari, what are you--"

"Dada, look!" She holds up something. "Ring!" She continues and San sighs again.

"Keep it back, Ari. It's not ours."

"But it looks--" "Ari..." He uses his warning tone and she immediately puts it back into a bowl which read "lost and found".

Ari runs back to San as they bill up the ice cream, "Hey, I am here looking for a ring..." Someone comes running into the store. The worker there points to the "lost and found" bowl.

"Let's go, Ari." San heads towards the doors but he soon realised she wasn't following him. She was just staring at something. "Ari..."

"Dada...look it's-- it's dad."

"Huh?" San looks at where she was pointing and he spots someone rummaging through the bowl.

"Ah. Found it." The person pulls out the ring and sighs, unaware of the two pairs of eyes watching him. San didn't know what to do. He had been waiting for this moment but his legs stood there, unable to make a move.

"Dad!" Ari shouts instead. Wooyoung looks up after slipping the ring onto his finger. He smiles when he sees the little kid running to him. "Dad!!!" She hugs his legs, throwing him off a bit.

"Hi cutie, Where's your dad? Did you lose him?" He tries to pry the clinging kid off his legs. She simply nods her head before moving away.

"I found you." She says, her eyes watering. Wooyoung was starting to get nervous. He wasn't sure as to what the kid meant. "We can find your dad together." He says and holds onto her hand. "No, Dada is there." She points and Wooyoung's world stops.

His throat closes up when he sees San standing there. Maybe this is a dream. He tried to convince himself. He looks back at the kid, reality hitting him.

He got married again and now he has a kid.

Wooyoung wasn't sure as to why his heart broke. He didn't have the right to be feeling that way when it was he who left San behind. Running away, being a coward who wasn't able to face his emotions.

Before he could think more, the kid pulled him with her and soon they were standing in front of him. Wooyoung has always dreamed of such a day but now that it's here, he wasn't sure what to do.

"Hi, San." He waved, trying to sound normal like this wasn't affecting him at all. San just glared at him for a while before clearing his throat. "Hi. How have you been?"

"Oh, I have been...not fine fine." And San just nods. "What brings you to Sweden?" Wooyoung questions. Was it to see me? Did you know I was here and that's-- "Here for work. I always bring my daughter with me."

"Ah, of course. Work. I forgot how big of a personality you are." Wooyoung fakes a laugh. "Also your daughter. She's really cute."

Our daughter. "I know. She is."

"What's her name?"


Ari. Why is it familiar?

"That's a pretty name. Her mom?"

"She doesn't have one."

"Oh?" Wooyoung was taken aback. He looked at San's finger and there it was. The ring. It looked way too similar to their wedding ring.

Maybe he really liked this style.

"I am sorry...I shouldn't have asked."

"That's okay. I am used to these questions" San searches for something in his eyes.

Wooyoung looked at Ari who was sitting a few feet away while eating her ice cream.

"I didn't know you got married again. There were no such reports--" Wooyoung bites his lips, he just gave away the fact that he kept tabs on him.

"There were no such reports because I never did." San moved closer to Wooyoung and he moved backwards

"Huh?" He stumbles a bit but San grabs him by the waist, steadying him. "You think I got married? Again?" He tilts his head, his breath hitting Wooyoung's lips.

Wooyoung's head was playing tricks with him. Right?

"If you really think I married someone else other than you then you have failed to understand me and my love for you, Wooyoung." San pulls Wooyoung closer before holding his hand.

"This." He trails a finger along Wooyoung's ring. "Our wedding ring." He brings it to his lips and kisses it.

"As long as you keep wearing it, you're mine and I am yours."

To be continued...

A/N- hope you liked the chapter coz I am not so sure :)

Not proofread.

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